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A day after the announcement about eun hye, the funeral was held,  not much people came because only family and close friends were invited, Eunjung had cried her eyes out and she was comforted by her mother who later on got too weak herself and broke down so Mrs. Kim came to her comfort, Mr. Kang cried and was comforted by Mr. Kim, amber and Minzy were scream and had to be comforted by Taeyang, woo bin was expecting himself to be the one to comfort sora when her walls broke down but that never happen, everyone was expecting sora to lash out or bawl her eyes out and just let the tears pour out, but that never came when her walls were suppose to break down woo bin as if she just added another layer, no one noticed Sora’s behavior because they were either too busy comforting another or they were the ones that needed comfort. 

Only person that took notice was woo bin and that was because all his attention was focused on her at that point of the day, waiting to comfort her but it never came, see her just standing there motionless,  speechless, it looked more like someone had forced sora to go to church when she didn't rather than the funeral for one of the people she loves most in this world, it gave woo bin a bad feeling looking at her emotionless face, and he should have acted on that feeling because now it had been twelve hours since sora left the funeral and woo bin remembers there last conversation clearly. 

"Woo bin-ah I'm going to go home now" sora stated with no emotion in her voice

"Okay I'll drop yo-"

"No it's fine I want to be alone"

"You sure about that, I'm not leaving you alone"

"It's okay; I just need some time alone" and sora showed the fakest smile woo bin had ever seen, it made him worried, but thought that maybe she just needed to be alone. 



But now woo bin regrets ever letting her go by herself, the moment he reached back at the penthouse he looked for sora , but there was no trace of her there anywhere. He waited hours thinking maybe she went out for some air but as time passed woo bin became anxious, what if she had those types of thoughts in her head? So here he is now at her parents’ house, if she wasn't at home where they lived what other home she was talking about. As he pulled up in front of their home he looked at his watch 12:23 was the time it stated, he got out of his car and walked towards the door, the sight of lights shining out of a window caught his attention. Upon arriving in front of the window he began to throw little whatever he found on the ground. 

"Woo bin?" Eunjung stuck her head out the window. Her eyes were red and swollen and woo bin instantly soften seeing that she up until this hour crying. 

"Eunjung, ha-have you s-seen sora?"

"No, she was at the funeral the last time I saw her"

"No she left, do you know here she would be she's not at home and she's not answering my calls"

"Where did she say she was going?"

"She just said she was going home" hearing that sentence Eunjung figured out where she might be. 

"Pabo" she muttered and rushed into her room, when she came back she threw something at woo bin and he caught it. 

"What's this?" Woo bin asked

"It’s a key card for where sora might be, in our hotel room 3"

"Why there"

"This" she gestured to the house "wasn't like home to us growing up, mom and dad were at work when we were left alone but we understood why they couldn't watch us 24/7, staying here it felt different, it wasn't home so eun hye thought of an idea, since our parents where always at the hotel she decided to get a room for us, room 3 because there three of us, that room became our home away from home, it's where most of our childhood memories are, where eun hye will always be.....I thought I was the only one that remembered" she told woo bin. 

"Thank you” woo bin mutter before looking to run off but she stopped "what?"

"The feelings still there you know.......... they say when you lose someone you love part of you leaves with them.......bu-but the p-part where I h-held eun hye in my heart.....it's...it's still there" she broke down" sora needs you right now so go" she shooed him off. 


Woo bin arrived at the hotel at exactly 12:42 and he headed straight towards  room 3, the first thing that caught his attention was that the door had the word home painted on it with three painted hand prints at the bottom. He entered the room and walked in slowly, he walked any and everywhere knowing that he was unfamiliar with the surrounded until she finally saw her, she was sitting on the ground with her back up against the wall knees up to her chest and her head facing down towards her knees while one hand held a picture the other folded around her head. 

"Sora" he muttered

Her head immediately jerked up "unni" she said weakly but placed her head back down when she finally realized it was woo bin, and his heart broke when her realized she was waiting for her sister. Woo bin walked over to her and sat down next to her, he took the pictu

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I'm finally updating yay


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Syazella #1
Chapter 29: Please continue this story..it's good story...
Chapter 29: I do hope you update this story because is so damn good and I really want to know the development of their relationship author:")
deamille #3
Chapter 29: Waiting for your update miss kangsorafan,please make some time to update this one,coz its really nice story..
deamille #4
Chapter 29: Waiting for your update miss kangsorafan,please make some time to update this one,coz its really nice story..
deamille #5
Chapter 29: Update please...
deamille #6
Hi authornim!waiting for u to update this story,please continue to update this one,hoping and praying u will update this very soon...thanks...
flan-rabin #7
Please update aoon authornim...
yofhirio #8
Chapter 29: update please :)
adhimaluanu #9
Chapter 29: The story is going nicely
Why u r not updating the story
Expect u will update soon
Thanks for the story
It's nice one