The Truth

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"Yah, wh--who are you two and what are you d--doing here get out"


"You must be park ji soon, but who is your little friend under you?" Woo bin questioned


"Yah, y-y-y---your that shameless flirt who was trying to flirt with me aren't you!!" sora stated pissed off while answering woo bin's question


"Well, well, well what would the press say when they hear that reporter park ji soon hired his gay lover to flirt with Kang Sora on the night before her engagement just so he could get a little publicity?" Woo asked with a amused smirk


"But that’s not even true" park ji soon stated


"Well my fiancée over here wasn't cheating on me with your lover over there but the public still believed it was true, so what’s going to make your story any different" woo bin said


"So your gay, geez no wonder I wasn't interested in you my gay-tor must have automatically when you approached me and I didn’t even know"


"Sora is this really the time and place to thing about those things?" Asked woo bin


"What do you guys want? do you want me to tell Korea it was a set-up in exchange for those pictures you took? WHAT?" Park ji soon questioned


"That would be nice but our parents would like to have a little 'talk' with you two, so get dressed and come along" woo bin stated.





Within fifteen minutes all four headed down to the lobby after park ji soon and his 'lover' got dressed, "wait a minute i need my bags" sora said


"What bags? You didn't come here with any bags" said woo bin


"Not today but remember for the meeting i had a load of shopping bags on me but i left them with the manager" with hearing the word manager woo bin instantly got aggravated "just hurry"


Sora ran towards the front desk as woo bin escorted their 'guest' to the car "Manager song do you still have my bags i left here" 


"Aniayo, Ms. Kang Sora we had them sent to your house earlier this morning"




"Ahm... we sent your shopping bags to your house, well because we didn’t know you wanted us to keep in for you here and we sent it about one hour ago so it should arrive at your house right about now"


"Aish" sora ran back to woo bin to where he parked the car and jumped in " lets hurry up please I really don’t want to die today"


 "What are you talki-"


  “Just step on it now."


It took thirty-seven minutes to get back to the Kang residence with the speed rate woo bin drove and as soon as the car came to a halt sora ran out of the car and into her house at the speed of light and as she made up to her room upon opening her door sora became scared with the sight in front of her, true horror, her mother sitting on her bed legs crossed arms folded  and all the clothes sora bought with her mother’s card sprawled out on the bed and her mother with an unreadable expression plastered on her face but her eyes told sora everything , even though sora was no mind reader looking into her mother's eyes she could mentally hear her mother think expressions like 'Imma kill you', 'you’re so dead', ' you dare to spend my money' and the one she never likes to hear...


"Kang sora you are grounded for two weeks , no credit cards, no car and NO PHONE" sora mother stated firmly " now let’s get downstairs I need to relieve some stress"




"Where are park ji soon and that other guy?" Sora asked woo bin


"Our fathers took them down to the basement"


"We have a basement?"


"Wow, this is your house and you didn’t know"


"So why did they take them there"


"Umm well to put it i a simple way, to beat the crap out of them until they tell them the truth and why they did that to you, they want names and I have a feeling they're going to get it"


Sora's eyes widen taking it all in before asking her questions 


"What are you talking about, why would our parents want to beat them, you talk as if our parents were in the mafia or something...." sora stopped at her sentence as woo bin nodded his head


"Are our parents..... Gangsters?"


"Well they were but what do people say old habits die hard something like that, do you want me to tell you the story"


And sora just nodded.







"Well I found out while I was still in high school"


"How?" Sora asked


"Uhm, how to explain it ........ in high school something emotional happened and during the time I was extremely rebellious, brutally violent and I eventually became the school bully and constantly fought with other guys from different school an-"


"You were a bully?" She asked hesitant, I wondered if she had a problem with bullies growing up but looking at her she doesn't look like the type that were bullied , she looked like the type that could be the school's queenka, smart, beautiful and cute.


"Yea that was a phase I was going through" I continued "as I was saying I fought with other guys from other schools in the area and one of those days the principle of my school caught me fighting a guy from MBY High, the other got away but I was the only one caught and the principle later on called my parents to inform them on 'despicable action', for a while I didn't want to go home knowing my father who always disappointed

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I'm finally updating yay


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Syazella #1
Chapter 29: Please continue this's good story...
Chapter 29: I do hope you update this story because is so damn good and I really want to know the development of their relationship author:")
deamille #3
Chapter 29: Waiting for your update miss kangsorafan,please make some time to update this one,coz its really nice story..
deamille #4
Chapter 29: Waiting for your update miss kangsorafan,please make some time to update this one,coz its really nice story..
deamille #5
Chapter 29: Update please...
deamille #6
Hi authornim!waiting for u to update this story,please continue to update this one,hoping and praying u will update this very soon...thanks...
flan-rabin #7
Please update aoon authornim...
yofhirio #8
Chapter 29: update please :)
adhimaluanu #9
Chapter 29: The story is going nicely
Why u r not updating the story
Expect u will update soon
Thanks for the story
It's nice one