I Love Your Hair...


One-shot inspired by this lovely Picture XD


Where Lay Love's Xiumin's Hair and Kiss's it without Xiumin noticing.

Only One day, The member's point it out, How will Xiumin react?

And, Is it Only Xiumin's hair Lay Love's?



Lay grin's to himself. No one was looking, So he was in the clear. His target? Stood right in front of him. After checking his surrounding's once more he dive's in. Planting a soft kiss on the Fluffy, Smooth hair in front of him. Misson complete! Grinning like an idiot he goes back to his normal position. What he didn't know was in fact, Someone or rather a group of people saw this little act of his, Just as started his little misson; Of kissing, His Hyung's Hair. What can a Boy do?


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