Chapter Two

Best friend vs Girl friend

A/N: Annyeong~ I'm glad you guys are liking this fic so far! I hope you will like this second chapter as well ^^ I have a Kai youfic on hold and I'm almost finished with the first chapter of Reincarnation (yes, sorry to keep you waiting *90 degrees bow*). Anyway, yeah. I hope you'll enjoy this second chapter enough to subscribe and comment below!! Hehe, kamsahamnida~

                    You know when couples describe their relationship as something close to a roller coaster ride? Because they've had a lot of "up's and down's"? 

                    Well, for me and Minseok, that wasn't the case. Our relationship was just full of up's and we were happy all the time. I had no complaints.

                    For me and Luhan however, a roller coaster ride was an understatement. It was more like a shuttle roller coaster ride for us, where the ride takes you to the highest point and you just think, "Oh this is pretty nice. I'm way up right now, nothing will bring me down." Until all of a sudden, the ride drags you down faster that it dragged you up and you're left screaming and shaking and scared.

                    I will never understand the way Luhan's mind works and I could never encode his actions. He was just too hard to read. One moment he's nice to me, or at least he was pretending to, and then all of a sudden, he isolates me from the whole group and makes it a point that Xiumin doesn't notice.

                    You're probably thinking, "If you're Minseok's girl friend, why don't you tell him to tell Luhan to stop being a ?"  Well, it's not that easy. Trust me, I've tried. But what power do I have against my boy friend's best friend? And besides, if I were in his position, I wouldn't want him to make me choose between him and my girl friends.

                    So, on that fateful day when Luhan told me that I wasn't enough for Minseok, I knew I had to do something to prove him wrong.

                    I am worthy, okay? And I am enough. If Xiumin had problems with me, he wouldv'e broken up with me on our first date. But he didn't, did he? 

                    So, I made sure that when Luhan was around, I acted and looked my best. I started bragging about my accomplishments, a pretty move I know, but if that's what it took to make Luhan think I was enough for Minseok, then so be it.

                    I also started exercising more so that my appearance was up to par with Minseok's. He was an international idol after all.

                    And if that wasn't enough, I started writing books again. My field of expertise is journalism and writing books used to be just a hobby, but ever since I got this idea of impressing not only Luhan, but Xiumin as well, I got all pumped up to write a book. After months of writing and editing and re-writing and editing, my book was finally published and is on sale in local bookstores near you.

                    I was hoping those were enough to prove Luhan wrong, but yes, as you might have guessed, it wasn't. He still hated my guts. He was still ignoring me. He was still getting in between me and Minseok. And it's driving me crazy. 

                    I seriously do not know what to do anymore, I don't know what I've done wrong to deserve this. And I know I should probably get over this stage and just ignore him back, but my conscience will never be clean until all of Minseok's friends approve of me. And I won't stop proving Luhan wrong whether he likes it or not.

                    Just a week after my book was published, we invited Luhan to my apartment. Minseok invited him this time because I wasn't convinced that he would actually come if I invited him over, given what I did in the past. So he went here, all by himself, and we had dinner. We started talking and Luhan was still ignoring me and yeah, we kept on talking, when all of a sudden, my phone rang.

                    "Oh, wait," I said, opening my purse to get my phone. "I have to take this call."

                    "Sure, babe. We'll just wait for you here." Xiumin replied.

                    So I went to the other room, and:

                    "Hey Lisa, what's up?" I said. My editor-in-chief and friend was talking on the other line.

                    "Oh my god, guess what?" she said.

                    "Yeah, what is it?"

                    "Your books have all run out." She told me, excitement evident in her voice.

                    Oh my god, what?! I can't believe this. "Holy , you mean--"

                    "Yes!! Your first book is a success!! Congratulations!"

                    And I just started screaming inside the apartment and I heard Xiumin (and surprisingly, Luhan's) footsteps, running to where I was.

                    "What the hell happened?" Luhan said, obviously annoyed.

                    But before I could even answer, Xiumin already had me in his arms and whispered, "Congrats." Then I looked up to him and smiled. "You knew?" I asked him.

                    Then he let go and put his arms around my waist, "Yeah, I bumped into Lisa a while ago and she told me the news. I didn't want to spoil you or anything so I didn't tell you. And Lisa wanted to tell you herself, so..." Then we just smiled for a moment and I gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

                    "We should go clean up already... It's getting late." I told him.

                    With that, I let go and went for the door. But instead of me reaching for the door knob, I accidentally touched Luhan's chest instead. And when I looked up, he didn't look pleased. "I'm sorry." Was all I could say, then I proceeded to cleaning up the dining table.

                    While I was washing up in the kitchen, the boys were playing this football game on the xbox in the living room. I have this habit of listening to my iPod whenever I wash the dishes so Xiumin probably didn't care if I heard them talking from the living room or not.

                    "You know I love her, right?" Minseok said.

                    It took a few seconds for Luhan to reply but finally he said, "Yeah man, I do."

                    "Then why are you acting like a to her? Stop it."

                    Then I heard someone throw a pillow and Luhan started laughing, "Who you calling a ?" Then they started laughing. "I'm nice to her, you just don't see it."

                    "Well, that's not what she's telling me." Xiumin replied.

                    "Oh please, she's probably just paranoid. And besides," he paused, then continued. "You guys are perfect for each other."

                    Are you for real, Luhan? Is this really you talking?

                    "I know we are, that's why..." Then they were both silent for a while, then Luhan said. "Hey, you're seriously not going to--" but I didn't get to hear the rest because a plate slipped from my hand, resulting to shards of glass on the floor.

                    I squatted down and started picking up the larger pieces of glass when Luhan and Xiumin came in.

                    "What happened?" This time, it was Minseok who asked me.

                    "Nothing, it just slipped that's all." I replied. And I swear when I said that, I saw Luhan roll his eyes. And I wanted to glare at him in reply but this stupid glass thing cut my ring finger and it started bleeding.

                    "Aish, it hurts." I said, clutching my wounded finger.

                    "Oh no... Um, okay let me get the kit." And Xiumin ran out of the kitchen, his face looking pale. I guess the sight of blood really scares him.

                    As I was waiting for Xiumin to come back, Luhan all of a sudden, knelt down and grabbed my hand.

                    "You're so stupid." He said as he examined my finger.

                    "Oh my god, grow up. Like you've never dropped a plate before." And for a split second, Luhan smiled. I made him smile!! This is progress, oh my god.

                    "Anyway," I said, pulling my hand away from him. "What were you guys talking about back there?"

                    Then Luhan froze for a moment, then replied, "Um, nothing. Eavesdropping is very rude, you know." Then he started picking up the large glass pieces that were left on the ground.

                    "Yeah, I know." Then he asked me to get a lot of tissue paper, and I gave it to him then he wrapped all the glass shards with it.

                    "So... We're perfect, huh?" I smiled at him. He looked at me with wide eyes then just stared down on the floor and didn’t reply. Before I could say anything else, Xiumin finally walked in with the kit in his hand.

                    “Is it... Is it still bleeding?” He asked, covering his eyes as he handed Luhan the kit. I swear to God, Xiumin scared of blood is the cutest thing ever. (Yeah, that probably sounds weird.)

                    I laughed at him, “It’s all right now, babe. You can look at me now.” Then he removed his hand from his eyes and peeked over, making sure I already did stop bleeding. “Oh come on, Minseok come here now.” I giggled. Then he walked towards me and took my hand and tended my wound. After that, he took my hand and kissed it. “I’m hoping this will heal fast.”

                    “Oh... Kay, I gotta go guys.” Luhan said while looking at his watch.

                    “Yeah man, you should probably go.” Xiumin said and then they did this bro-hug-handshake thing. And Luhan went off, not even saying good bye to me.

                    I still find it odd, how Luhan told Minseok that him and I were perfect for each other but he never fails to make me feel I’m not enough for his friend.

                    Word about my book’s sales success spread like wild fire. It was all over the news and of course, before I could even tell my friends and family about it, they already knew. I received a lot of congratualtory text messages from my friends and family and I just really felt happy.

                    It was 7 in the evening and I thought it was about time I went home. So on my way home from the firm I was working in, I bumped into Kris. And my fangirl heart just started beating really fast.

                    “Hey you, we’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Kris said, then I saw Tao running from behind him.

                    “What? Why?” I asked him, obviously surprised (that two of the most attractive people on earth were looking for me. Oh my god, I hope Xiumin never finds out about this).

                    “Oh, nothing. We just wanted to hang out with you,” Tao replied. “And don’t worry, we asked for hyung’s permission.” And they both smiled at me.

They are perfection in human form, someone kill me now oh dear god.

                    “Anyway, come on and follow us.” Kris said, and both of them had their arms on my shoulders.

                    I seriously could not think of anything to talk about while I was in the middle of these guys and my neck was already feeling sore from looking up at them everytime they talked.

                    “Oh, we’re almost there.” Tao said. Then all of a sudden, Kris put a blindfold on me and started dragging me to a place I don’t know.

                    Oh my god, are they actually freaks or rapists or something? Oh my god, I can’t reach for my phone.

                    “And... We’re here!!” Then they removed my blindfold and I saw that we were in front of a bar.

Oh no. Not here.

                    They opened the door and I was greeted with confetti and hugs. And Xiumin, was at the end of the bar, holding out a cake.

Oh dear god, why here of all places?

                    “You were so in to your book lately that you forgot your own birthday.” Minseok told me.

                    I tried to smile but I couldn’t. Minseok noticed and frowned, “Hey, what’s wrong? Don’t you like it?”

                    “I... I’m not supposed to be here.” I told him.

                    “What? I can’t hear you.” So he walked towards me.

                    Then a voice, I thought I’ve finally forgotten, a voice I dreaded to hear again, suddenly said, “It’s about damn time.”

                    I looked for the source of that voice... And there he was, cleaning glasses and still bartending in this stupid club.

                    “Hey, come here little lady. Long time no see.” He smirked.

                    Then the room fell silent

That’s when Xiumin realized that this bar was run by my ex. 

He looked at me and started apologizing...
but it was too late.

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smileymoon #1
i think this fic about you+Luhan isn't it ?? idk
whoah, there, Lu Han's being such a bastard D: even though he's the best friend, that doesn't give him the right to disrespect her like that! huhu poor girlfriend :( I hope they become friends in the future, though! :-)
Looking forward to this fic!