One Night Stand


What is love anyway?
Most people believe that love is an especially powerful word.
When you're in love, you always want to be together,
and when you're not, you're thinking about being together
because you need that person and without them
your life is incomplete.
To some, love is an unconditional feeling with no limits or conditions.
Basically, it means that you completely love someone with all the good's and bad's.
It's when you trust the other with your life and you would do anything for each other.
When you love someone, you want nothing more
than for them to be truly happy no matter what it takes
because that's how much you care about them and because their needs come before your own.
You hide nothing of yourself and can tell the other anything because you know
they accept you just the way you are and vice versa.
They believe that love can make you do anything
and sacrifice for what will be better in the end.
And that if you find it,
you should never let it go.



Urban dictionary: love. (n.d.). Urban Dictionary.
Retrieved October 28, 2013, from



I’m Wu Yifan but my friends call me Kris.

I’m 26 years old and believe it or not,
I am the CEO of a very popular company.

I guess luck was just on my side at that time,
always has been anyway.

So I guess you would expect me
to be this extravagant kind of person,
you know, the kind of guy
who’d waste his money on mansions and cars,
falling in love and travelling the world
with that special person...

But nah, I’m just your typical
guy next door living a normal life.
I wake up in my small apartmentand go to work.
I hang out at the bar with my friends
and party just as much as you probably would.
I’m okay, nothing out of the norm.

And I’m more of an introvert, I guess.
I don’t like talking too long
and I like to keep things to myself.
I don’t like talking about my feelings
or anyone else’s feelings for that matter.
In fact, I don’t like feeling at all.
It messes things up, you see.
It influences you to do
you wouldn’t normally do.
And I definitely don’t want that
to happen to me.

Love is something I avoid feeling.
I’m just not a mushy kind of guy.
I have no specific means of showing my
endearment to the people who
I supposedly love.
But it’s not that I have issues
with my family and friends,
they’re all very nice to me
and I’m pretty nice to them too...
It’s just that feeling is
so confusing and tiring. 

And who would want to feel
confused and tired, right?
So why bother?

But this... This person just went into my life
without warning.

And all of a sudden, my life turned upside down.



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MissVincent #1
Chapter 1: I like it... please update soon.