
Empty nest syndrome
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I am not going to lie XD I was so into the Taejin sequel that I actually forgot that I still haven't finish this one...Mianhae >_<

Warning: Baekhyun actually gave birth to Taehyung (no, he wasn't adopted DX), if for any reason you can't accept that, no hard feelings, thank you for reading until here :) . I don't know how is it possible for a man to be pregnant .___. but let's assume it XD


Taehyung was pathing nervously around the living room.

He raised his head and read 7:25 from the clock. 

Seokjin was supposed to come get them at 7:30, and he called saying he might be a little late because of traffic.

He was nervous... very nervous. What if his parents, especially his mom doesn't like him and refuse them to see each other again? 

What he doesn't know though, his biggest fear now, his umma is just as nervous as him. 

What if he is a total punk that brain-washed Taehyungie, and if we told Taehyungie to leave him, he would choose that guy over us?

Baekhyun tried to distract himself from those uncomfortable thoughts by inspecting everyone's clothes to make sure all of them are dressed impeccably.

Taehyung constantly stared out of the window. Suddenly, his eyes lighted up.

"It is Jin hyung's car! I am going down stairs, I'll be right back!" After those words, Taehyung flee away from his house.

"Jin hyung!" Taehyung jumped into his lover's arms. He hasn't seen him for a week now, and that week seemed like hundreds of years. 

"Looks like someone missed me" said Jin while patting the younger's hair. 

"Yes, a lot" Taehyung blushed.

"Come, they are waiting" Th younger one took his lover's hand.

"Wait... there is something I have to tell you ...my Umma can be a little scary..."

"Well, I am here to snatch their precious jewel from them, I didn't hope they would greet me with flowers." Jin smirked.


After being invited inside the house, Seokjin immediately bowed to them on his knees and presented himself after getting up: "Abeonim, Omeonim, Kim Seokjin imida, nice to meet you."

"Nice meeting you too"Baek-umma and Dae-appa answered the same time, but with two complete different expressions. 

"Kim Seokjin-shi, there is a few questions I would like to ask you if you don't mind"

To prevent his wife from bombarding the poor boy with questions, Daehyun suggested:

"Baek, I think we could talk more in the car. We might be late for the dinner reservation. Don't we Jin?"

"Of course abeonim!" answered Jin quickly, greetful of Daehyun's words.

Seokjin opened the door for everyone before taking his place in the driver's seat.

Flawless, his suit is from Hermes, his watch is from Van Cleef... even his car is an Lamborghini! At least if he was poor, I could have behaved like one of those evil mothers in dramas and told him to leave our son, because he is with him only for our money!

Everyone in the car would be speechless if they knew that Baekhyun was simply mad that he couldn't use all the scripts he prepared for all kind of scenario he thought could happened.


When they finally arrived,

It was a high class traditional Korean restaurant,even if Baekhyun would hate to admit it, it suits his taste perfectly.

"I heard that abeonim really likes Gujeolpan which is a speciality of the house. They also make great bulgogi."

Trying to buy us by food won't work!

"How thoughtful of you. You seem to be a trust-worthy man." Daehyun immediately thought positively about his son's boyfriend.

Baekhyun pinched his husband's knee under the table for being so easily brided by food.


After Jin has finish ordering plates enough for ten people, Baekhyun cleared his voice "So, Kim Seokjin-shi, what do you do for a living?"

But in his inner voice, he tells himself:

If he is from a rich family, but he is just using his family's money and don't have any goal in life, I can still argue that he doesn't fit our Taehyungie!

"Please just call me Jin" Asked Jin with a galant smile "I am in my last of studies in medecine, and I will probably work in my family's hospital in the future."

"Jin hyung's family owns the Kim hospitals that is all around Korea"

"Our company had a meeting with that hospital the other day." Daehyun commented "I think I might have met your father there before, Mr. Kim Hyunjin, I am right?"

"You are perfectly right, abeonim. Beside, my father also mentioned you before, saying you are probably the youngest, but most out-standing business owner out there. He also said that..."

Uninterested in their business conversation, Baekhyun turned his head toward his son and stared at him. To his disappointment, Taehyung didn't notice and kept looking at Jin with admiring and loving eyes. 

It is going to be harder to separate them then I thought.

Baekhyun decided to stuff him with all delicious the plates so he can let out his frustration.

After a while, the silence went back to the table again. This time, Jin broke the ice first.

"I may be a little a early but I was wondering" Seokjin started hesitantly. "Will you consider letting me marry Taehyung after he graduates from college, if Taehyung still wants me until then of course?"

Baekhyun chocked on his food. 

Daehyun was quicker than Baekhyun and replied first:

"Well, it is a kind of early but if you still want to be together after Taehyungie graduates, I don't see a problem with that, neh, Baek-umma?"

Trying to fake a smile while grinding a small "Neh" between his teeth.

Jung Daehyun, You will be ONE dead man when we get home..You are only selling the happiness of the rest of Taehyung's life to that stranger for food!!!

Seokjin released a sigh of relief and seeing his lover as nervous as he was, he squeezed his hand lightly and smiled to him

We did it!

"You may have our permission to date Taehyungie for now, but at one condition: we do not accept that Taehyung has only ual activities before marriage, understand? He is too young for that!"

Taehyung blushed madly

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Chapter 2: Omg! Two of my favorite otp in one story. How cool is that!
Baekhyun and taehyung conversation is the most heartwarming. And Jin being the perfect son-in-law. It's the best story ever ><.
I love it a lot.
Chapter 2: oh my god............. this is such an heartwarming story ;)
after reading this, i starting wondering too what if my brother, sister and i going to an important stage in our life
really, this is cool i like this and i like you author nim :')
lin_lin42879 #3
Chapter 2: Love it!!! More daebaek please XD
k0j3t4 #4
Chapter 2: Such a cute happy family! ^^
Baekhyun was really hard to get but luckily there was Daehyun beside him.
Chapter 2: Whoaaa this is sooo beautiful and the conversation about Baek and baby Tae is just asdfghjkl; it's touching
Chapter 2: This is wonderful. A beautiful story even. Too many feels for this story. It was hilarious like how baekhyun is too protective to taehyung. Mad that there's nothing to complain about jin. And then there's Jin who lied they didn't do anything nasty well in fact they already did alot of times. And then Daehyun who seems to agree because of food. Lol. This is really an enjoyable one to read. ♥♥♥♥
NumAyehet #7
Chapter 3: Fighting !! :33 ♥give love to hyun(g) family!
Chapter 1: Please next chpter,'daebaek is very romantic,'
I hope for daebaek stories in the past.'
lin_lin42879 #9
Chapter 1: Lol I just love daebaek stories :) wish there were more
ninjatshadowcat #10
Chapter 1: Nice chapter. XD
Oh dear...Baekhyun the mother hen...XD
The little talk when DaeBaek were in bed was really cute. >.< ...maybe occasional side stories of them in the past would be great too. Anyways, its time we meet Jin in the next chapter...
Continue soon!