
Mistake [ON HOLD]
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1 am.

The little girl was wailing her heart out, her cheeks flushed and tears pouring. Her screams literally shook the apartment, and Yuri was getting desperate.

"Jiyoung..." She murmured, bouncing her child on her hip.

Yoona wasn't there, as she had gone to the local pharmacy to grab the medicine. Yuri was left alone with Jiyoung, and the child was clearly uncomfortable.

"Please, Jiyoung!" She cried, her tone desperate and her tears forming. The child ignored her mother's pleas, her tears falling as the screamed.

Jiyoung's screams reminded her of that night, five years ago. She was also wailing, and Yuri was at a loss. Just like how she was now.

You're useless.

"Umma knows you're in pain, please Jiyoung, please stop." She begged. She wasn't coping well; the dark circles beneath her eyes seemed like they were permanently etched on.

You can't even care for your own child.

Jiyoung's forehead was burning, and Yuri grabbed the wet towel and wiped it over her child's hot face. The fever was so high now, and she didn't know if the medicine could lower it.

You're not fit to be a mother.

She doesn't deserve to be with you.

You're harming everyone around you.

"Shut up. Shut up! SHUT THE UP!" She screamed, setting the crying child on the ground and curling into a tight ball. She wrapped her arms around her knees, sobbing along with Jiyoung.

Keys were jiggled, and the door opened. Yuri continued crying, shutting her eyes tightly and doing everything in her power to ignore the voices in her head.

"Jiyoung, umma's got the medicine and some sweets. Don't cry, sweetie." Yoona's soothing voice broke the child's screams.

She heard shuffling, and Jiyoung's cries reduced to whimpers. Even after the child was put to sleep, Yuri continued to curl up, until her muscles were aching from the tight position.

"Yuri. She's sleeping. It's ok." The younger girl's voice sounded, and she lifted her head weakly, her hair disheveled and messy.

"I couldn't." She cried, whimpering in exhaustion.

"It's ok, You didn't know that she likes to hug her Minnie Mouse stuff toy when she's not feeling well." Yoona patted her back comfortingly, and then attempted to coax Yuri into letting go off her knees, since her knuckles were turning white.

"S-she wouldn't s-stop." Yuri continued, gasping for air.

"I know, shhh, it's okay. You're new to this. It takes time. You're only human after all." Yoona pushed a lock of hair behind Yuri's ear, trying to tame her messy hair. She began to hum a tune while using her fingers to comb Yuri's raven hair.

Your words in my head, knives in my heart
You build me up and then I fall apart

Soon, the heavy breathing quietened, and the older girl's eyelids drooped as the need for sleep made her drowsy.

I'm only human
Just a little human

She lay in Yoona's arms, where the doe eyed girl's presence comforted her and made her feel at peace.

I can take so much
'Til I've had enough

The last she heard was Yoona's soft humming of the closing bars of Christina Perri's Human, before she fell into a deep slumber, away from the stress of the real world.



She carried the older girl back to her room, giggling at the sight of her tongue that was sticking out, just like a puppy. Yuri wasn't even that heavy, and it worried Yoona.

She then left the room to check on Jiyoung, who was fast asleep, her forehead still hot and feverish. She placed a kiss on the little girl's forehead, and sponged her some more.

Returning back to Yuri's room, Yoona deliberated over her crazy thought, watching the tanned girl sleep. Even in deep slumber, Yuri looked worn out and unhappy. She then came to her conclusion, and looked through Yuri's bedside table, attempting to find her iPhone.

When she did, she grinned at the lockscreen photo, which was one of Jiyoung puffing her cheeks cutely. Yoona cried in dismay when she saw the 'enter passcode' screen though. Looks like she had to figure out how to break into Yuri's phone.

She tried Yuri's birthday.


And Jiyoung's.


In desperation, she typed in "YURI" in numerals.

But the phone vibrated each time, and refused to allow her in.

"Disabled for 30 seconds."

Dang it! She narrowed her eyes, angrily throwing the useless phone on Yuri's bed, almost hitting the sleeping girl.

Last time. I promise. She stated at the phone determinedly, when the time was up, and the phone's lockscreen reappeared.


Yoona laughed when Yuri's home screen was revealed. Seriously Yul? Pabo yah, what a stupid password!

She found the contacts icon, scrolling through all the various names. To her surprise, there was no 'Tiffany Hwang' labelled in her phone. She sighed in disbelief, randomly scrolling some more, until she found an unusual contact titled 'pink princess'. Shrugging, she called the number anyway.

The phone rang once. Twice. "YAH KWON YURI." The receiver shouted, and Yoona almost dropped the phone.

"Tiffany unnie! It's Yoona!" She recovered quickly, identifying Tiffany's loud voice immediately.

"Is something wrong?" a voice of concern.

"Sorta. I was wondering if Yuri has any um... psychological records?"

"What do you mean?"

"She's constantly breaking down at the slightest things, and sometimes she gets nightmares. " Yoona explained.

"So you're saying that she's mentally unsound?"

She noted the anger and disbelief in Tiffany's voice, before saying, "Not to that extent... I think she needs help, unnie. I'm worried that the past six years have taken a toll on her health."

Tiffany sighed. "Actually, the judge in court recommended that Yuri saw a psychiatrist, but I never told her. I thought that she didn't need it."

"I think it would help her." Yoona whispered, looking over to Yuri.

A pause. Tiffany sighed again, and reluctantly agreed, "It won't do her any harm to try one session. I'll arrange for an appointment and text you the details later, just give me your number."

Yoona gave Tiffany her number, and ended the call. She stole a quick glance at Yuri again, and her thumbs hovered above the phone. She then decided to save her number into the tanned girl's phone.

At least, if anything went wrong, like how she broke down today, she could call her for her help.





"Yuri ummaaaa."

She frowned, and forced her sleepy eyelids open, only to find Jiyoung pouting at her.

"Are you mad at me?" The little girl asked. "Please don't be mad."

"No, umma's sorry for yesterday. I was really tired." Yuri replied, praying that Jiyoung forgot the four letter f word she blurted out. "Are you feeling better now?"

"Yoona umma said that my fever isn't that high anymore! And I'm feeling better." The younger girl replied, squirming as Yuri touched her forehead.

"I won't tell Yoona umma that you said a mean word." To her dismay, the eye smiling girl whispered into her ear, and she groaned.

"Don't ever say that word ok? It's a grown up word." She hastily said. "Actually, scratch that. Don't ever say that word."

"Say what word?" Yoona walked in the room.

Uh oh.

"Fruit cakes!" Jiyoung grinned. "Yuri umma hates fruit cakes so she told me not to scare her with that!l

Yoona gave them a questioning look, but said nothing. "Jiyoung, you're staying with Taeyeon and Jessica unnie at the orphanage ok?"

"Tae unnie? Shika unnie?

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baozified #1
Chapter 7: hyoyeon lines are so iconic lmao0
Chapter 12: Update this please. ^^
kwonchatiz1186 #3
Chapter 12: I was socked....i cant breath ......
please.....update soon....
Chapter 12: I've reread this fic up from start to latest chap.. . I surely hope you won't take too long to update! :(
Trackstar #5
Chapter 12: Yuri has been going through a lot of heartache in the past and yet now her heart breaks again because of yoona's motive for dating her. I really pity yuri for not having experience the true happiness. It's really unfair for her. I really thot taeyang has changed. What a bastard. He has no rights to see his child after what he has done. Tiffany is right, yuri is really a naive girl!
Chapter 12: Autor feliz navidad y me gusto la actualización.... por favor actualiza de nuevo saludos
Uodate autor!!!!
soshiyyalways #8
Sorry guys for the long long looooongggg delay! I'll be writing the next chapter and hopefully updating by christmas! Thanks for continuing to wait and I'm so sorry! Hopefully you will reread the story in the meanwhile to freshen and remember it
drag0nr1der #9
Chapter 11: it's been a long time since you updated ... sadly
I would love to read some more :D
If you continue this story I have to read all again from the beginning to remember the story line
Chapter 11: Noooooo...dramaaaa? noooooo. YoonYul FIGHTING!!