
Mistake [ON HOLD]
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Sundays were usually fun days at the orphanage. Taeyeon always prepared mouthwatering food that could never keep Yoona (or Sooyoung) away.

Yet today, it seemed like everyone had gotten out of the wrong side of the bed.

When she returned home last night, it wasn't that late, but the whole house was dark. Jiyoung was tucked into bed, and Yuri was also fast asleep.

And so, Yoona thought that they would wake up early, since they already had a full night's rest. Needless to say, she was wrong.

It took ages to get Jiyoung ready. The little girl was grumpy all morning, and no one but Yuri could calm her down, except that the tanned girl was asleep.

"Ummaaaa! I don't want that! I want Yuri umma!"

If Jiyoung thought that by guilt tripping Yoona, she would get what she wanted, the child was right.

"Jiyoung! Don't make me drag you for a time out!"

The whole house was filled with screams and shouts, but it was a miracle that Yuri wasn't awake by all that ruckus.

When Jiyoung's cries got louder, Yoona had no choice but to wake Yuri up. She entered her room to find the older girl sleeping with her tongue sticking out, like a puppy.

'Haha, cute.' She thought.

"Yuri unnie?"



Finally, Yuri stirred, and opened one eye. "5 more minutes?"

As if on cue, Jiyoung's screams were heard. "YURI UMMA!"

"I wouldn't sleep any longer if I were you. She's been shouting for you." Yoona rolled her eyes.

That got her up. Yuri dashed out of bed in record speed, and Yoona laughed out loud, her alligator laugh filling the room.

"Umma's here! Jiyoung ah... Why couldn't you just play with Yoona umma first?"

"HMPH! Umma left us yesterday!" The little girl pouted, stomping her foot adorably.

"How was your date?" Yuri's breath tickled her ear. The older girl had leaned in to whisper, since she didn't want Jiyoung to ask too many questions. Her husky low voice drew Yoona in, and she almost forgot how to answer her.

"It wasn't a date." Yoona frowned, recalling her terrible dinner with Lee Seunggi. All the stardom had gotten into his head, and he was no longer the oppa she had once looked up to.

"But it was terrible, thanks for asking." She concluded, ending the conversation.

Yuri grinned, and Yoona realized that she had been doing that more often now. And she loved it. 

"Jiyoung ah, Yoona umma didn't leave us!" Yuri tried to placate the child, who nested her head comfortably on her shoulder.

Yoona couldn't believe how fast Jiyoung was growing on to Yuri. They hadn't met long, but they were already inseparable. 

The mother and daughter bond, I guess. Her spirits dropped. The closer they are, the easier to part from them.

It took more convincing for Jiyoung to hug her Yoona umma again, but the little girl went back to Yoona eventually, glad that she was getting her undivided attention again.

On the way to the orphanage, they played the question game again. It had somehow become their way of curing boredom.

"Yuri umma or Yoona umma?" Yoona asked Jiyoung cheekily.

"Umma, I'm not telling you!" The eye smiling girl laughed, but whispered her answer in Yuri's ear.

"She likes me more!" Yuri giggled, as Jiyoung attempted to cover .

"Yah!" Yoona exclaimed, and Yuri laughed, her smile lines reappearing.

"Who asked you to ask such a ridiculous question anyway?"

"Hmph." Yoona pouted.

"Jiyoung, when will your school start again?" Yuri asked.

"After the June break!" The little girl grinned, her eyes literally disappearing.

"Wow, what a long holiday!"

"What a long nightmare for me." Yoona grumbled, pretending to be angry.

"Umma! That's why I like Yuri umma more!" Jiyoung frowned adorably, hugging Yuri tightly.


They looked like a family, bickering all the way to the orphanage, but Yoona was somewhat worried.

Would she be able to part with Jiyoung? What is she couldn't?

Worse still, what if Jiyoung decided to choose her instead of Yuri?

Would she be able to live with the guilt?


They arrived just in time for lunch, and Yoona was delighted to note that Taeyeon had cooked kimchi soup, her favourite. 

"Jiyoung ah! Unnie missed you! Wanna eat lunch together?" A cute and bubbly girl walked up to Yuri, who was carrying Jiyoung.

"Seungyeon unnie! Umma, can I?" The little girl asked Yuri, who cluelessly turned to Yoona.

"Yes you may. Seungyeon, take care of her! If you're with Gyuri, please don't let her pay more attention to her mirror ok." Yoona used her authority.

"Yes unnie!"

Yoona watched as the cheerful girl helped Jiyoung carry her tray, and knew that the little one was in safe hands.

She then dragged Yuri to her own friends, who were already eating their meal. The tanned girl was back to her shy self, awkwardly standing aside.

"Hey guys! This is Kwon Yuri. She's Jiyoung's biological mother."

"Anneong~" Her seven friends chorused.

Yoona quickly introduced Yuri to all of them, and the shy girl blushed some more.

"KYEOPTA!" Sunny grinned, poking Yuri's cheeks fondly. She stumbled backwards, her eyes opened wide in fear.

Yoona wanted to give herself her facepalm; she forgot to tell her friends that Yuri was scared easily, with all her past experiences of Youngbae.

So she quickly held Yuri's hand, warmly encouraging her. Then she shot her coldest glare to her friends.

"Yuri, come sit with me!" Jessica seemed to get the idea, the ice princess forcing Yuri in between her and Taeyeon.

Yuri went over innocently, oblivious to Taeyeon, who was pouting since she couldn't sit next to her wife.

Jessica gave Yoona a look, which probably went along the lines of, "You'll thank me later."

Yoona shot one of her favourite unnies a thankful look back, plopping herself in the empty seat beside Seohyun.

"So... Yuri! Let's drop the formalities. Why did you leave Jiyoung?" Sooyoung asked, filled with food. Beside her, the maknae nudged Sooyoung with her pointy elbow, earning a quiet groan of pain from the tall girl.

Now Yoona wanted to smack herself and Sooyoung. Was she stupid? How could she just ask Yuri such an insensitive question?

"That's obviously none of your business." Yoona answered harshly.

The mood in the table was awkward and they shifted around uncomfortably. Hyoyeon saved them though, by asking Yuri something else, dissolving the tension. "You've lived with Yoong right? Does she snore?" The dancing queen asked cheekily.

"Unnie! I don't!"

"Don't , unnies..."

What would I do without Seobaby's rational thinking? Yuri laughed genuinely, and Jessica whispered something into her ears, causing the tanned girl to freeze and blush.

Taeyeon pouted, and huffed at the sight. "Are you joking about me?"

"Why, are you jealous?"

The group sniggered at Taeyeon's expense, but Yuri's cheeks never returned to the original colour.

A tinge of jealously bubbled inside Yoona. What did Jessica say to Yuri? Why were they suddenly so secretive and close? Jessica wasn't the one who stayed with Yuri over the past few days, and she certainly didn't know much about Yuri's secrets.

The nine girls continued their lunch and conversation, but the midget and the deer were sulking the whole time.



After lunch, the children had free time to do whatever they wanted, and Yuri was being the children's chaperone with Yoona. Her thoughts weren't even bringing her back to reality though, as she thought about Jessica's words back then.

"Yoona's awfully protective of you." The ice princess had whispered into her ears, causing her to blush furiously. So what if Yoona was? Nobody's ever looked after her properly before. 

She shook her head, returning back to the present. The playground was filled with the children's screams and peals of laughter, but she only had her eyes on her little princess.
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baozified #1
Chapter 7: hyoyeon lines are so iconic lmao0
Chapter 12: Update this please. ^^
kwonchatiz1186 #3
Chapter 12: I was socked....i cant breath ......
please.....update soon....
Chapter 12: I've reread this fic up from start to latest chap.. . I surely hope you won't take too long to update! :(
Trackstar #5
Chapter 12: Yuri has been going through a lot of heartache in the past and yet now her heart breaks again because of yoona's motive for dating her. I really pity yuri for not having experience the true happiness. It's really unfair for her. I really thot taeyang has changed. What a bastard. He has no rights to see his child after what he has done. Tiffany is right, yuri is really a naive girl!
Chapter 12: Autor feliz navidad y me gusto la actualización.... por favor actualiza de nuevo saludos
Uodate autor!!!!
soshiyyalways #8
Sorry guys for the long long looooongggg delay! I'll be writing the next chapter and hopefully updating by christmas! Thanks for continuing to wait and I'm so sorry! Hopefully you will reread the story in the meanwhile to freshen and remember it
drag0nr1der #9
Chapter 11: it's been a long time since you updated ... sadly
I would love to read some more :D
If you continue this story I have to read all again from the beginning to remember the story line
Chapter 11: Noooooo...dramaaaa? noooooo. YoonYul FIGHTING!!