Oh No She Didn't!


*After class*

      Hey Gui, can I join you for luch? You know I'm new here and I really don't know anyone here" Rhydian asked. "I'm sorr~" Gui Gui said but Reen cut her off before she could finish her sentence "Of course you can. We'll be more than happy if you join us for lunch" she said with a sweet smile. "Excuse us for a minute please" Gui Gui said pulling Reen to a corner. "What are you trying to do?" she asked. "I'm trying to get you a boyfriend! Plus he's new here so I was just trying to be friendly. Remember what Ms.Cherry said?" Reen said. "So when did you start to listen to your teachers? And FIY! I don't freaking need a boyfriend!!!" Gui Gui said. "First of all you DO need a boyfriend and I started to listen to what my teachers said since...since...since now" Reen said walking back to Rhydian before Gui Gui could say anything else. "Is everything ok?" Rhydian asked. "Yeah everything's fine. We better get going now or else we'll have to wait in line" Reen said. "Sure" he said. And with that the two started walking with Gui Gui stomping behind pouting.

        "So Rhydian, why did you moved here from England? Isn't the education there better than Taiwan?" Genie asked. "I actually don't want to move back here but because of my parent's bussiness I have to move with them" he said. "That's so sweet of you" Reen said. Rhydian just smile sweetly at them. "So what company does you parents work at then?" Genie asked. "GENIE!" Gui Gui said. "It's ok Gui. They're actually the owner of TIC" he said. "TIC?" Geenie asked. YOu mean the one, two, three, four, five~yeah the fifth largest company in Asia?" Reen asked obviously impressed. "Yeah~? Is there a problem?" he asked. "No, she just love the clothe's brand TIC" Gui Gui said. "No offense Gui, but TIC's clothes are like the best" Reen said. "Thanks?" Rhydian said a bit confused. "Here let me explain. Gui Gui's parents company is called WYJ. You probably know that it's the second largest company in Asia which is after the Yan's." Genie explained. "Oh~" he said. "Rhydian are you doing anything this weekend?" Reen asked. "I guess not. Since I don't really know anyone here yet" he said. "Well you can join me and Gui Gui this Saturday. We're going to the movies" Reen said. "WHAT???" Gui Gui yelled. "Ummm~I don't think that's a good idea" he said looking at Gui Gui. "Why not? And I'm sure that Gui Gui will have no problem with you joining us right Gui?" she said. "R-right" Gui Gui said. "Ok then it's settle" Reen said excitely.

*Gui Gui's room*

Phone Convo.

Reen:"Gui, can you please ask him?" she begged

Gui Gui:"No! I'm not going to ask Aaron to go to the movies with us!"

Reen:"Come on Gui! You have Rhydian as you date but I don't even have a date. I'll be very very very lonely!"

Gui Gui: "Hold on there! Rhydian is NOT my date! You were the one who asked him to come with us" she said

Reen:"Well I'm sorry that I was trying to be a good friend and help you to get a boyfriend"

Gui Gui:"But I didn't ask you to help! I'm perfectly fine with just me and you going to the movies"

Reen:" Gui, can you please please help me! I didn't even get to ride with Aaron to school last time and now you won't even help me. I don't think I even have a chance with him!" she said hopelessly

Gui Gui: "Grrr~Fine I'll help you since last time didn't work out! But this is the last time. Get it?"

Reen:" YAY! I love you Gui! Muuahh!!!"

Gui Gui: "Alright, I'll go ask him now"

Reen" Bye bestie!!!!!!!

Gui Gui: "Bye"

End of Phone Convo.

      "Knock-knock!!!" Gui Gui knocked on Aaron's door. "Come in" he said. "Hi Aaron!" Gui Gui said. "Oh hey Gui! What's up" he asked. "Ummm~so me and Reen's going to the movies this Saturday and I ummm~I-I was just wondering if you would like to come with us?" she said. "Just you and Reen?" Aaron asked. "Well~there'll be one more person coming so~?" Gui Gui said. "Sure! I'mm free this Saturday" he said. "Great! Then it's settled" she said before walking out of his room to call Reen.


@LoveAaron: Rhydian is the guy who Gui Gui got paired up in her new drama called Love Recipe. If you want to know what he look like then you can google him or google Love Recipe and then go check out the casts. His name is under the casts list.

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Congratulations!! Not often a Cpop gets featured.
Congrats!! :D
congrats :)
congratulations ^^
Coffee2s #6
It's been so long since I've last seen a Cpop fic :)
Awwww a Guilun story was the daily featured story :))
iLoveStitch #8
I like the way you write! The last chapter is so funny ! And btw, I really like your stories about guilun!
jeanne007 #9
nicee story :)))
i thought that you would
pick kang min hyuk :PP
but i was wrong hehe :PP