My Three Sisters?

Split Between Three....?


My Three Sisters?


'Hee? What are you doing here?''


''Oh?'' So should I leave?'' She thinks I don't want her to be here.


'' No! Thats not what I meant,so anyway how are you doing?'' I ask her in the sweet innocent voice she used to give me when we were younger. She just stares at me with that serious business look of hers. ''Oh.'' I say in the back of my brain. How could I forget that she went on to be a really successful interpreter/translator. You would think since she had her career fulfilled she would shut up about it,but,she doesn't, she just keeps talking and talking. Sometimes she talks in different languages to me and I'm like:''You know you can speak English to me?'' She just nods and speaks in Hindi to me which is when I just roll my eyes. Right now she knows 10 languages fluently;English,Russian,German,Dutch,Irish,Hindi,Mandarin(maybe),Portuguese,Arabic,Korean,and Latin. I feel so left out that I'm the only one that doesn't know Korean. I then hear her speak again.


''I've had better days.'' I can tell she's sad about mommy too. ''I came here specifically to talk business with you about the funeral arrangements'' I halfway chuckle to myself and then say:''Who died?'' She stares at me dumbfounded as if waiting for me to answer that myself. I finally catch on,but I don't cry after all of the crying I just did. I start to wonder if it is possible to lose all of your tears. It then gets really quiet for what seems like hours. She breaks the silence and says:''I called you at about 12:00 o'clock in the morning right?'' I nod. ''She died at 9:00 this morning.'' She says bluntly but I can tell she is hurting inside too.

I just calmly say:''You didn't say yesterday that she was That sick.''


She doesn't say anything she just looks through the papers that are documenting the insurance. Acting as if nothing serious just happened. That made me angry.


''So,let me get this straight. You flew all the way to Korea just to tell me something you could've told me OVER THE PHONE!!!'' I yelled the last part.


''Ami.'You really think you would've believed me if I told you that over the phone,and even if you did, who would you of had to comfort you.''


''I have people to comfort me,I have Sook. I'm sure she's grieving too.''


''No. Sook can't comfort you right now,she has her own problems to deal with right now.'' Trying to say it really calmly but,I can see she's about to lose her patience. I start to get even more stubborn.


''I have friends. Maybe you don't have any,so that’s why you flew all the way out here to be the bearer of bad news. How did you even know I was here? And what abou tChikako,who's comforting her. Instead of worrying about me,maybe you should worry about the family back home.''


She ignored the first smart remark that I had said to her. She said:


''First,I know that your here because Sook told me and Second, Chikako has her own source of comfort. She has the friends at the meetings and relatives who she keeps in touch with. Last, but not least,I worry about all of my family,but you don't know that because you never keep in touch with Your family back at home.''


She got really mad so I tried to tell her that I do keep in touch:''I do or at least attempt to keep in touch with my-'' She cut me off and stood up while talking:


''I don't want to hear what excuse you have. She said coldly. ''The funerals in one month. I'll see myself out.'' She said in a monotone and then shut the door with a slam. I noticed that she left the information for the funeral on the chair she was sitting in. I decide I'll look at it later. I think about the conversation me and Hee just had. I just wanted to greet her with a nice smile and simple conversation,but it turned into a big argument. Nice way to welcome her to Korea. I mean I haven't seen her in a long time,why did I need to blow up at her? I just want her to not be mad at me and to try to be happy even though we should be sad. My thoughts are interrupted by a knocking at my door. I get up to see who it is. I open the door and see Eunhyuk with a worry look on his face. He is quick to speak up:''Ami,are you okay? I heard a door slam.'' I look up at him and say:

''Yes.'' Eunhyuk, I'm fi-'' I cut myself off and think about what I said to myself while I was in the house:''I Just want her to try to be happy.''

I looked up at Eunhyuk and with a smirk plastered on my face I ask him:


''Have you met my sister?''


A/N: The pic has nothing to do with anything. I just gotit cause I liked it. Sorry for being misleading..But this isn't Eunmin.

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please update sooooooooooooooon~!! ^______________^
u should hurry up and update i cant wait to read wats next
hey if you don't mind is ami full Japanese what is she