
Split Between Three....?

''Have you met my sister?''


All goes silence for a while as he stares at me with a dumbfounded look until he starts speaking again.


''Do you have more than one sister? If you do I'd like to meet them.''


''Yes,I have more than one sister,but I want you to meet one in particular.''




''Because she's really nice and funny,and just between you and me she's a good dancer.'' We both laugh,and in between laugh he says:


''Okay. I'll meet her, but you have to promise that I get to meet all of your sisters.''


''OK,I have three sisters but you can only meet two of them since one of them lives in America still. I was also wondering if we can have a party at your dorm room,it can also be a welcoming party at the same time? Please?''


''Sure,I guess we can have a party,but is it just gonna be me or is all of Super Jun-'' I cut him off and said:


''Yes, all of Super Junior is invited,but I'll make sure to personally invite Siwon. Where is he anyway?''


''He's out doing his schedule right now; he'll be back in a few hours.''


''Has he been tired lately? I haven't seen him yet.''


''Yeah,he said something about having a broken heart. We've all tried to soothe him.'' I gasp in my head,because Becca never told me anything about her breaking his heart. Just that she'd get back to him later with her answer. The atmosphere gets kinda awkward,so I break the mood by saying.


''The dress code for the party is dressy; not to casual not too formal. OK?''


''OK. I'll see if I have anything,I'll go tell the guys''


''Okay. Can't wait to see you there'' I said while subconsciously smiling and since I was so happy,without realizing it I shut the door in his face and while I was walking back with the biggest smile on my face I realized I still had to talk to Siwon. So I called him up and on the first ring surprisingly he picked up. I thought for sure that he would be in his corner reaping because apparently my sister rejected him. I still have to say a few words to her.


''Hello'' he said like he was just crying


''Oh,hi. This is Ami''




''Oh,sorry, we never had a real introduction. I'm Ami, Becca's sister. I'm sure you know who that is.''


''Oh'',he gasped. ''Hi, how do you know that I know her?''


''She's my twin; she tells me everything.''


''Wait. You guys are twins, I can't believe it,now I have to see how you act and look to compare it between you and her.''


''OK....Anyway,we're fraternal twins. But we act totally different. Also,you can see how we are different in face and personality by coming to my party tonight.''


''What party?'' He says so sweetly.


Wait what did I just say?


''Oh, I'm having a party for my other sister and its kinda also like a welcoming party for me since I just moved to Korea.''


''Who is gonna be there?''


''Oh,I'm sure you'll know when you come. Also,By the way my sister said you live in the same building as me. I live on the 11th floor. What floor do you live on?''




''Do you live by yourself? Because if you don't my sister is gonna be really mad.''


''No,I live with some of my friends. Also,why would she be mad?''


''Oh,just between you and me,she is totally in Love with you.” He started to blush while I just laughed on the inside. “But,we'll save that topic for another day. How many friends and are any of them girls.?'


''None of them are girls, all guys.'' He says with a questioning look.


''All guys,thats kinda ga-'' I stop myself before I say it. ''Thats really great. How are they your friends,like from college,high school....''


''Their my friends because we work together in the same company,we've known each other for over 10 years.''


''Oh, is it like a manufacturing company? A printing corporation? Record Company?''


''Its a Record company.''


''Oh,so what music label are you on or work for?'


''SM Entertainment''


''Are you one of the managers,dancers,producers...''


''No,I'm one of the singers.''


''Oh, OK. What band are you in?''


He gets nervous about the question.


''I don't know if I should tell you that.''


''Why not,are you afraid that I'll tell my sister that your in Super Junior.'' I say with a hand on my hip.


''How did you know?'' Really?


''A dead Rat would know. Besides did you think you could hide that from her forever? She knows and I already told her.''


''You still didn't answer my question.'' He says in a voice that just went 6 octaves lower. Feeling like I'm under attack I drop my defense and say


''I know because when I went over to my sisters house the other day,she gave me your number to call you and check and see if you had any secrets. When you didn't pick up,and Eunhyuk did, I knew.'' I said in a quieter voice but still loud enough to get the point across to him. So I tell him:


''I'll see you at the party.'' Before I hang up he wants to talk to me so he says


''Will she be there?''


I just laugh and say:''See you at the party'' With that I hung up and said to myself:


''What am I gonna wear to the party?''

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please update sooooooooooooooon~!! ^______________^
u should hurry up and update i cant wait to read wats next
hey if you don't mind is ami full Japanese what is she