Kwon - 0 Kim - 1

When will You be Mine?
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WWYBM Thirty - Kwon - 0   Kim - 1

















Stalker #1 : Kwon Jiyong
Known us : Kwon Grumpy Jiyong in Seoul University
Age : 21
A Law Student
Right now he can't stalk Dara for he is locked in a not so far a away Farm with a tiger LoLoLoLoL
















Jiyong POV
















It's been almost Seven hours since the Park Brothers locked him and Dadoong the tiger in the jungle room. Yes he called the room 'jungle room' because of its theme. And it's been Seven hours since Him and the wild animal play their staring contest.

Dadoong is roaring every minute and glaring at him. Like his glare wants him to be dead. He sigh and look away to the wild animal downstair. He just lay again in the floor of the tree house.

"will I still see the daylight? Will I die in this young age? Will my parents see my corpse?" Talking to his self.

"I miss her, what are you doing now baby girl? I want to see you. How I wish, I am near to you." Whispering to his self.

Then he look again downstair. Still laying. Dadoong is still in his place determined to guard him. "Anyong Dadoong ah. Dadoong right?" But the tiger just hissed at him. He chuckled. The wild animal really don't like him. "Do you think I will survive the Park Brothers? You know My parents surely worried at me now. Maybe they are thinking where I am." He sigh. Then smile at the tiger. "How about let's have a talk ha Dadoong? But let me introduced my self first araso." He feels so bored and just decided to just talk to the tiger. Maybe the latter will like him if he will explain and introduce his self to the tiger. He stand. "Kwon Jiyong Imnida." Then bow to the tiger. "You can call me Hyung if you want." He laugh. "I am a Law student. a serious silent type of guy. You know a typical good boy. A handsome nerd. I am grumpy too. Well I really admit that. I like simple things. Simple girls. For me simplicity is the real beauty. I am happyly living in my simple world, you know like going to the university five days a week, hanging out with my best friend Top and Youngbae, and with Bommie. All the simple things is like gem for me, I have a crush to my friend Bom then turn to love. I thought i love her, cause you know she is my ideal girl. She is simple, smart and all the things that I like in a girl. So I think that She is the one for me. So I live like that, believing that I'm inlove with my friend. I program my brain that Park Bom is the one for me. And I thought even in my heart, but one day, one sunny day, a bright beautiful goddess came, she is the most beautiful girl my eyes ever seen. She came in my life like a wrecking ball." He laugh again. "She wrecked everything in my programable life. That girl, they call her The University Goddess. She is the opposite of my ideal girl. She is not simple. Her beauty is beyond simple, she is not simple, she is exquisite, rare. Liberated, she wears revealing clothes that I don't like in a girl. She is liberated in mind. What she wants, she gets. A rich brat. Famous in our University and have a battalion of Fanboys. I don't really like her. But the moment that I saw her, their is something that flip in my heart, but being a stubborn I ignored that feeling and just act the way I am. " If someone will see him, they will think that he is a patient in a psychiatric ward that talking to an animal. He cough. "So are you close to Dara?" The tiger tail wave. Like he is excited the moment he heard the name of Dara. He smile. "Oh you like Dara neh? I like her too. So much. Oh I love her too." The tiger look at him, like he is interested in what he is saying. "Do you know that your Dara Noona court me? Neh she woo me, she do the things that a guy only do." he giggled. feeling giddy. "She proves to me how much she loves me. But you know what Dadoong She is the University Goddess I am saying. Let me continue my story neh. Dara came in my life like a dream, at first she is like a nightmare to me, a nightmare that always bugs me, she is stubborn, a hard headed brat. She always tail me, always go where ever I am. She always say that she loves me, baking cookies for me, cooking my favorite foods for me, then she even woo my family. My omma and Appa likes her. My Baby Sister Minky loves her. She gained my Family approval to woo me. That time, I dislike her. I don't like a girl courting me, I don't like a liberated girl. But she still woo me, I always shoo her away. Always grumpy to her, but despite me shoving her, Dara didn't give up to me." Not noticing that he have tears in his eyes. Bitter in his voice. The tiger moaned like sympathizing to him. "So she continue to prove that she really loves me, but me being a dense babo namja, I am dense to my real feelings to her. I thought that Bom is the one I really love. Then I learn that my best friend and my ideal girl is inlove to each other. When I learn that, I don't know why I am not hurt about them. Like I realize that my feelings for my ideal girl is just infatuation. I just realize that I am just infatuated. That I just think of that love because she is my ideal girl. So that time, I decide to be with Dara, I act like we are a couple, I become sweet at her, like I can't stand a day not seeing her. I didn't intend to make her like a rebound. That time I am so confused of my feelings to her, I don't know but I am afraid of her, I am afraid to know what really is my feelings to her, I am afraid of what if in the end I realize that I don't love her, and that Bom is still the one I like? You know? Me and stupid is like a twin. I am so stupid. I am dense. I am selfish. I keep her by my side, I keep her for I am jealous and afraid that some Lads will take her away to me. I am a selfish bastard. Then Bom's birthday came, that night, she is so beautiful with the dress she is wearing. Every lads mesmerize at her. And like I want to murder them all because they are all ogling at her. I feel like I want her for my self only. That night, I am the biggest jealous fool that living in earth. Then I hurt her, I said foul words that I don't know why i said. She thought that she is just a rebound. Well its looks like that. She thought that I will not love her. Then booom, I realize what really my feelings to her. I realize i love her. You know, 'you need to lose someone first before you realize what they really mean to you.' So like karma slapping me both cheeks. I need to hurt her first before I realize that I love her. Like I need to be the biggest Babo namja to see what she really means to me. That night i lose her, that night she give up to me, I love her, maybe I love her since the moment I see her but being a babo and dense I just ignore what really my heart is shouting." He smile bitterly. "So I am really a babo right Dadoong?" The tiger just look at him. "But you know what, I will correct all the mistakes I've done, the moment I realize I love her, that moment I promise that I will do anything for her, I am now the one who will woo her, I am now the one who is willing to prove my love for her. And I am now the one who is not giving up to her.. So if ever I survived your appa and samcheon I will do every thing to make Dara mine again."

Dadoong moaned in response. he is not glaring anymore and just wave his tail. Like the wild animal is now liking him. Like he tamed the tiger just by saying what his heart content.

Then he heard his tummy is grumbling. "Aiyoo my tummy is hungry. I hope the evil park brothers will give us food neh Dadoong?"

Still waving his tail. "How about I'm going downstair then lets play huh? But you need to promise that you will not eat me or claw me? Huh?" The tiger wave again his tail like saying he will be a good boy. He smile widely and put down the rope ladder. He observe first if Dadoong will attack him. But the tiger just sit and look at him with a puppy eyes kkkkkkk.

He Sign of the Cross. Please God make Dadoong a good boy. Don't let him eat me juseyo. Then with eyes closed he go downstair using the rope ladder. Still eyes closed. He land in the floor and wait for a scratch or bite but a minute pass he still don't feel the pain. He open his eyes and see that Dadoong is now in front of him waving his tail. Like excited of his new playmate. The tiger moaned and caress his head to his legs.

He feels that Dadoong like him now and wants to play at him. "Alright, lets play, what kind of games you want huh?" He try petting the tiger.

Dadoong run to the corner and bite the small ball and run back to him. They play for almost a hour. He is tired and hungry until the door open and three ajumma enter with a tray in their hands. The two ajumma call Dadoong and serve him a food. Steak and pork.

Then the other ajumma walk near to him and gave the tray to him saying nothing and leave. The three ajumma walk to the door and leave. They locked them again.

He excitedly pull the cover of the tray. He is really hungry. But he is disappointed the moment he see what the tray content. The plate content is salad and a cup of porridge. What the ?! Do I look like a goat that eating leaves and grass? He face palm. Then porridge? And just a cup? Why did they not give me a bowl of ramen and I will be happy. Sulking of his foods. He see Dadoong is happily eating his steak and pork while he wants to cry with the foods they give to him.

Then he see a note attach in the tray.

Don't be picky with the foods kwon er! Your not a visitor here! Remember your a abductee that anytime will have his sentenced so behave your self and be thankful that you still have food. Now eat and complete your initiation! - Teddy

Be a good boy and obey us, maybe we will be good to you too - Sanghyun >:D

He tear the note and gritted teeth. The Park Brothers are really evil. How long will they locked him in the jungle room?!

Still sulking he eats the food. He needs energy for he don't know what will the Park Evil Brothers will do next to him and what are they planning to him.

















Stalker #2: Kim Jaejoong
Known us : The Pre

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JeDara #1
Chapter 37: I like JaeBabeOppa for Dara, thanks Ms. Author, hoping you can have your inspiration to finish this story. Waiting for your update
daragon_vip #2
Chapter 37: Update please! Let’s there be a happy end for Ji and Dara authornim
Mamauiszkie12 #3
Chapter 33: Plsssssds update
Maria0801 #4
Pls update
miss this story so much.. i dreamt it yesterday.. please update authornim..
Chapter 11: Shet ! This chapter makes me cry!! UPDATE SOON !
Chapter 37: I want kim jaejoong
ggbria #8
Pls update dis ....plleaase!
when will you update... hiks authornim.. jeballl
Chapter 37: Tamga tanga talaga minsan pag may time!