Chapter 11

The New Beginning

Sehun's POV

I woke up at the sound of things crashing and people shouting from the dorms. I sat up and rubbed my eyes while I looked out the window and noticed that it's still dark outside. Why make so much noise when it's still at night? Don't we have schedules tomorrow? I sighed and got out of bed then headed to the door. I made my way to the living room where everybody is right now. I walked slowly not wanting to make myself even more tired but quickened my pace when I heard another loud bang and someone else shouting. My eyes widened at the sight in front of me. Jongin and Chanyeol were holding Joonmyeon hyung back while Yifan and Chen were holding Xiumin back from punching Joonmyeon hyung. Tao, Baekhyun, Lay and Kyungsoo were crying on the couch. The coffe table was flipped, the cushions were on the floor and the whole living room is a mess. 

"Why didn't you tell us?!" Joonmyeon hyung screamed, his voice cracking. I looked at him and there were tears flowing down his face. 

"He told me not to! What do you expect me to do? I did my best to stop him but there was nothing I could say or do to change his mind!" Xiumin hyung yelled back and my eyes widened. Joonmyeon and Minseok hyung are always so calm and this is the first time I've seen them screaming and fighting. 

"What happened?" I asked quietly and they all looked at me. Joonmyeon hyung calmed down a little and Minseok hyung broke free from Yifan's and Chen's hold. He just gave me a look and walked back to the couch while putting his head in his hands. 

"Sehunnie go back to bed." Jongin told me and I just shook my head.

"I'm not a kid. Tell me what's wrong." I replied. Chen coughed so I looked at him and he pointed at the crumpled piece of paper on the floor. I walked over to it and picked it up. I uncrumpled it and noticed that it's Luhan hyung's handwriting. 

To my dearest members,

I'm sorry for leaving without saying goodbye but I think that this is for the best. Don't you all 
think so? With me gone, you can all go back to speaking to each other without an awkward air. 
I wrote this letter to thank all of you for everything you've done for me. I'm greatful for everything
and I don't know how to repay you. I'll miss you guys and I hope all of you will have a great and brighter
future in the music industry. I wish that you'll all continue to shine as bright as the stars at night and
not be brought down by what the haters tell you. Be strong and remember that I'll always support you
and I'll be watching you guys from wherever I'll be. Take care of your health and be happy!

-The Manly Luhan :D

P.S. Sehun take care
Jongin look after Sehun and don't hurt him or else
Minseok hyung, thank you for being there for me
Everyone else, I wish you all the best
Saranghae! Goodbye! 


I could feel the tears streaming down my face as I finished reading the letter. So he really did leave? I can't believe this. I didn't think that Minseok hyung is actually serious. No, this is just a nightmare and I'll wake up from it eventually. This is just a bad, bad dream. I shook my head not wanting to believe that this is actually real. 

"No. Luhan hyung can't leave me. He can't." I whispered over and over again. I fell on the floor and I could feel Jongin hugging me. I shook my head and leant it against Jongin's shoulder. 

"Minseok hyung, why did Luhan leave? I know he said that it's for the best but why did he actually leave. I know that that isn't the only reason why." Baekhyun asked quietly and we all turned to look at Minseok hyung. He sighed loudly before looking up at us. 

"He said that he doesn't think he belongs here anymore. He said that because of him, Exo's falling apart and that he needs to leave in order for things to become okay again. He blames himself for everything and he's been depressed for a while now. I've tried to help him but he wouldn't let me. I tried to stop him but I couldn't change his mind. I tried, I really did. I'm sorry I couldn't get him to stay." Minseok hyung explained. 

"I'm sorry hyungs. Its my fault. Its my fault he left." I said and started sobbing. I could feel my heart break even more when I heard Minseok hyung's explanation. Why Luhan hyung? Jongin and I aren't really together, I just wanted you to feel the same pain I felt when you cheated on me. I guess I was too selfish. Mianhae. 

"Don't blame yourself Sehun." Yifan told me gently and pat my head. It's all my fault. I ruined Exo. I made Luhan hyung leave. Jongin continued to rub my back and whisper comforting words but he stopped when a loud bang echoed in the room. I looked up and saw Minseok hyung crying and his phone layed near the wall, with a crack on the screen. 

"Hyung what's wrong? Why did you throw your phone?" Chen asked, worry lacing his voice. 

"Book a flight for Beijing now. I don't care if it's expensive. Book it now!" Minseok hyung screamed and I flinched. 

"Why?" Joonmyeon hyung asked, confusion evident on his voice. 

"Wait, Luhan hyung left when we were all in SM building right? Which means it's sometime this morning so he's probably arrived in his destination and you know where he is right?" Jongin assumed.

"So you're probably crying tears of joy right now right?" Chanyeol added and Minseok glared at him and Jongin.

"What kind of best friend would cry tears of joy when they've just found out that their best friend is in hospital right now?" Minseok hyung snapped and silence filled the room.

"You mean-" Tao started but Minseok hyung cut him off.

"Luhan tried to take his life by cutting his wrist."


Authors note: 

Here is the 11th Chapter. Sorry I couldn't update straight away with all the things happening with Kris and Exo. I just hope that everything will turn out fine in the end. Whatever Kris' decision may be, I'll still support him till the end. I will also continue to support Exo. Anyways this story might be ending soon. Thanks for reading.

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Kanamezero #1
Chapter 11: It a nice story and I am still
Waiting for the next chapter:(
Plzzzzzzzzz need next chapter :(;)
Kanamezero #2
Chapter 11: Next chapter plzzzzzz:)
Chapter 11: Luhan!! Dont die yet!! EXO will forgive you.. I am kinda sad about Kris too. I hope everything will be ok.
Adriia #4
Chapter 1: Holy shyt.... I kinda wanna cry now. How could he cheat??????? Odg
Chapter 10: Update! I can't believe I'm crying in the middle of the night! ;_;
Chokyuyeon98 #6
please updated. i want to know what happen~
Chapter 10: (T_T) ╯︿╰ (T_T) (T^T) :'( 〒_〒 :-(
I can't say anything heart is broken into pieces and I can't talk cuz of this story
I'm very sad and upset about kris leaving exo and now I'm worst in a despretion I can't be happy

luhan oppa plzzzzz don't leave sehun and the other members (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑) (ˇ︿ˇ)
Chapter 9: wah wah wahhhhhhh
not again I'm crying (T_T)

from me to luhan:

luhan if u go to china and leave sehun everything between you and me is over
got that or we will never see each other
Chapter 8: noooooooooooooooooooooo luhaaaaaniiiie don't leave sehun
I'm cryinnnng (T_T) ╯︿╰ 〒_〒
loveluck #10
Chapter 7: Thank u~<3 finally some justice for sehun after all these time in so many different fics...
Im not sadistic, really>.>, but luhan needs to redeem himself b4 they get bck together^^