Chapter One

Finding My Heaven on Earth
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From the pitch-black vision, everything became as white snow, as if I was facing the sun with my own two eyes. My heart beat was all I could hear; a loud thumping sound that was somehow calm, but beating in a strange way. It felt like I was floating in mid air; I couldn't feel my entire body. A force was pulling me in as I saw my whole life flash before me. 

Soon I felt my soul return to my lifeless body. From white, everything went back to black. And before I even realized it, I was able to slowly open my eyes. A human figure was standing before me. Although I was starting at it, my eye-sight was still in a blur and everything around me still seemed a bit hazy.

"You're awake." A deep husky voice uttered.

I then again tried to get a good picture of everything, rubbing my eyes, hoping my vision would clear up. I flinched unknowingly when my eyes focused on a tall man, probably around his 30's, looking down at me, wearing a long white lab gown. It looked, what was to me, a hospital. I examined the room and confirmed it. I noticed I was attached to this oxygen tank.


"What happened to me?" I managed to mumble in confusion.

"Aren't you the one that's supposed to tell me, dear?" 


"Am I?" I was beyond clueless. "But I don't remember."


"A young man rushed you to the hospital. You were lucky to survive that accident of yours." The doctor said in honest relief. 


"What accident?" 


The doctor just released a light sigh. "You should get some rest, Ms. Kim."


The doctor soon left the room, leaving me to wonder about what happened and why I was in the hospital. I looked down at my arms and noticed all the scars that were across my body. My head was also tightly wrapped in a bandage. The strange thing was that I didn't feel any pain.

Hours passed by with me just laying down on the hospital bed. I couldn't do anything. The nurse didn't let me watch T.V. I felt like I was in some kind of prison where they lock up mental people in. I was totally fine, but the doctor would never believed me. I was forced to stay in the hospital for a few more days, since "my condition wasn't okay yet". I don't understand what they meant by that though.


After a few days of convincing my doctor that I was fine, I was finally able to get discharged from the hospital. I got dressed into my old clothes and walked out of the hospital.


As soon as I exited the building, I felt so relieved. I spotted a bench that was just a few hundred meters from where I came out from. I sat there thinking where I was going to go. Do I have a home? Do I have a family waiting for me? I don't remeber and I was left there just clueless. I sat there until I felt cold rain droplets falling on me.


", you've got to be kidding me!" I cursed under my breath and ran to a nearby coffee shop. I went inside and just sat down by a table near the window, though I didn't know if it was okay to stay there waiting for the rain to stop without buying any coffee drink. I would if I could, but I just had no money on me. Or did I have a wallet? Did I leave something in the hospital? didn't seem like it though.

Why don't I have any money? Where's my bag?  

Suddenly, a waitress came to me holding a cup of coffee, "Here's your Caffè Latte, miss." she said, smiling politely, as she placed the cup on my table.


"But— I haven't ordered anything yet."



"You didn't, miss." she nodded, "but someone else ordered for you."


The waitress left without saying any further details. I couldn't turn down the offer; I do appreaciate the person who ever gave me this, whoever they were. I just stayed in the coffee shop, sipping the warm creamy drink as I stared out the window, watching the rain pour down.



Fifty minutes had passed by but the rain hasn't stopped yet. I watched taxis passing by and thought maybe I should just wait outside of the coffee shop. I stretched out my hand and felt the rain dropping on my finger tips.


I soon noticed a figure standing beside me. I turned to see a young male holding an umbrella. He was wearing a dark coat and a gray scaf. He just had the perfect pair of brown eyes; they glistened as they looked at mine. "Hi." he greeted, smiling at me.


"Hello." I replied unsurely, trying not to blush like an idiot.


"The whether seems pretty bad today." he sighed, looking at the rain that kept pouring down.


"Yeah, it's pretty cold." I managed to reply calmly. 


"Yeah, I don't mind." 


"Did you come from Dong San-il hospital?" 


Wait, how did he know?


"Uh, why?" I asked, raising my other eyebrow at him.


"Well, it's just that, you're still wearing your medical bracelet." he chuckled.


Oh, I was?


"How do you know I came from Dong San-Il Hosptal?" I asked suspiciously.


"Oh, my mother used to stay at that hospital and somehow, I just know how their patients' bracelets looks like." He explained then chuckled, embarrassed. "Uh, that sounded pretty weird."


 I laughed at his cute expression and looked back at the rain.


"Were you discharged today?" 






"Well, why are you here all alone?"



I stopped and thought about it. "I don't know."


"Well, I have my car with me, I could drive you home If you like."



Why is this guys being so nice to me? Wait, was he the guy who treated me a drink earlier?


I would accept his offer though, it's just that I didn't know where I was staying. Plus he's a stranger. A freakishly hot one.


"Wait, were you the one who bought me a cup of coffee?"


He just let out a giggle and looked at me again. "I thought you would never ask. Yes, it was me."

"Thanks, I really appreciate it!"


"It's nothing, and stop avoiding my question!"

"What question?"


"I'll drive you home." He smiled so innocently.


"But I barely even know you."


"My name's Byun Baekhyun. A young handsome brunette that finds this young beautiful lady pretty interesting."


"Okay? I mean, that's it?"


"Oh, so this lady's interested in me too, huh? Well, I was born in Bucheon. I know Hapkido. Uhm, My favorite color's black? I love dogs. Oh, and don't tell anyone this, but when I was young, I accidently flushed my dad's shaving cream down the toilet. Back in highschool, I would dance like an idiot and my friends would get away from me and act like they didn't know me. "

I couldn't help but to laugh out loud. It was so cute how he was introducing himself and telling me random stuff about him.


"What? What's funny?"


"Nothing..." I tried  to stop laughing.


"Okay, you introduce yourself." 


"I'm Kim Taeyeon."


"That's it? I tell you my embarrasing moments, and all I get is your name?"


"What do you want to know?"




"Uhhh, I don't know where to start."


"At least start how I started." He chuckled.


"Well, I would."


"Okay....tell me."


"But I don't remember anything."


"What do you mean? You don't remember anything embarrassing you've done when you were a kid?"


"That, and well, everything."


"Wait, what?"


"All I remember is my name." 


"Wait, are you cheating? That's not fair."


"No, I..."


"Come on!"


"Okay," I didn't want him to feel upset so I looked around and thought of something, "I love coffee and I like watching the rain."


"Hmm.. okay. That's works. but I want to know if you're single."


"If I'm what?"


"Single? Do you have a boyfriend?"




"No? You're not single?"


"Huh? Wait, I mean, I don't have a boyfriend. Well, at least that what I remember."


"Sure, you're playing the memory card again."


"I'm single."


"Good. I know a friend who's also single and you'd look perfect together with."


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kpopfanSNSD #1
Chapter 2: Wow, seriously author-nim it's been 1 year you last updated.. Why? If you can make a complete story then don't make one because people have to wait for long enough so that they can read another chapter.. But other than that, the story kind a interesting..Unfortunenately, it was left undone
seohyunieeyo #2
Chapter 1: Please update !! T_T
Chapter 2: You need to update sweetheart....treat us who craving for more baekyeon
Update juseyo~~~~
Please update~~~~
Babey_Ella #5
Chapter 2: Omg you have to update!
ainaloves #6
Chapter 2: where is chapter 2 ?? please ,,,i love this ff a lot ! X(
cupcakesdiary #7
Chapter 2: Please update the story, author-nim!: )
exogangers_4ever #8
I was fall in love when i saw the trailer and now i fall in love again with this ff. Good job eonni
aegyeon #9