Chapter 4

Drunk when I met you, ~


Now, you know why you’re feeling like this towards her; she’s connected and BLOOD-RELATED to that stupid , Luhan!

“And sorry if I didn’t fix my hair and if I’m ugly right now.” She added.

“Oh, it’s not your fault you were born ugly.” You blurted. Daeyle glared at you then smirked, “I guess you don’t like me huh, Soo Min.”

“I didn’t say anything like that.” You replied. Daeyle didn’t want to lose.

“But I can feel it.”

“Okay, then I don’t like you. You’re disgusting like Luha—“

“Don’t you even dare compare me to him!” She yelled. You slammed the table with your hands clenched. “Why can’t I? You’re his cousin! And I bet you’re a liar like HIM!”

Daeyle did the same. “How dare you judge me like that! You don’t know me and you don’t know HIS real story!”

“I don’t need to know you or HIS ing story!”

“You’re so insensitive! You don’t even know or ask what others feel when you say something offensive on them!”

“ARGH! Stop! I’ve had enough of that this morning!”

“It’s true, !”

“Now you’re judging me?”


“WHY YOU—“Chanyeol cut Daeyle off when he shouted. His deep and loud, definitely LOUD voice made you two stop and look at him. Still, your mood is bad, SO bad.

“STOP, DAEYLE! SOO MIN, I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO BE FRIENDS WITH THEM!?” Chanyeol yelled. “I said I want to meet your girlfriend, not HER GIRLFRIENDS! Aish! Great, First Chen, now these—“


“Chen? What happened with you and Chen?” Chanyeol asked. You frowned and sat down angrily. Chanyeol raised an eyebrow at you then crossed his arms. Now he wants me to apologize!? You thought. Yes, people with the stronger friendship have the greater ability to communicate through facial expressions. He pouted at you and showed you his sad puppy eyes. . Chanyeol! You thought. “Fine, Just stop. Sorry for my actions, Lu Daeyle!” You emphasized her name. She rolled her eyes and mumbled, “You didn’t mean it.”


You’re sending her death glares which are not affecting her. Now that’s new usually you’re used to people who quickly accept your forgiveness by sending them glares, especially your friends. Chanyeol rubbed his temples while the others were dumbfounded on what’s actually happening right now. You just sighed BUT you didn’t accept defeat. You tried to calm yourself which was working.


“Daeyle, could you please forgive my friend here?” Chanyeol put some aegyo and I can see Daeyle’s reaction. She can’t resist other people’s aegyo too, especially if it’s cute. REALLY CUTE. She closed her eyes accepting defeat. “Fine. I accept your apology.” She said with a straight face. Chanyeol faced you with his stupid grin. Ugh. This guy really. You thought.


There was an awkward silence.

*crickets getting louder*


You usually start a conversation in some circumstances. You hate awkward things. Well, who wouldn’t? So you started asking something that you really don’t want to ask. But to avoid this awkward . You’ll have to take the risk. “So…what do girls…u-usually do…w-when they hang-out?” You said, kind of stuttering. Chanyeol gaped with your question. He found it weird for you to ask such thing.

“U-umm…Usually we hang-out in each other’s houses and…”Hanna was still thinking. She was looking at the ceiling with her index finger on her lips. You glanced at Chanyeol and he was blushing. You slightly nudged him on his side. He looked at you then looked away still blushing. You were sure that he found Hanna cute with her actions. “In each other’s houses!” Hanna repeated.


“The mall?” Piyya suggested. Finally, she talked.

“Um…Tea leaves?” Erika added.

“How ‘bout HELL?” And the devil said. You shot her a glare but she returned you…a glare too. The rest can feel the tension so Hanna stood up and announced, “Tea leaves sounds great! Let’s go? Chanyeol, How about you will you come with us?”


“Oh, don’t worry about me. You girls have fun first, okay?” He replied.


You gave him a confused looked but he just shrugs. Ugh! This brat is so… You thought while clenching your fists. You don’t want to hang-out with bunch girls, seriously. They like to gossip, wear pink and talk about boys all the time! Well, you’re not like them anyway. You like to lock yourself in your room, play video games or hang-out in the club or bar and drink alcohol all night! What? You’re already 25 and you’re a college student already. Erika and Sofia nodded in agreement while the Korean wannabe walked to the door already leaving Chanyeol, Hanna and me at the table. You stood up ready to follow the girls when you saw Chanyeol kissed Hanna’s forehead. Cute and sweet couple, if only I can…find someone who deserves me… You thought. You dragged Hanna away from Chanyeol’s grip.


“Come on, Hanna. See’ya later, Yeol!” You waved goodbye to him while Hanna being dragged by you having a hard time waving back. There you saw those girls outside the café waiting for something. There you saw not-so-far from your position…a bus. Unfortunately, it’s Bus 12. Why do they even have to repair that stupid junk that who killed your Mom? And why on the freaking Solar System here in the galaxy did that driver SURVIVE that ing ACCIDENT!? Then you didn’t notice that your grip on Hanna’s wrist was tightening. You also didn’t hear her mumbling ‘Ah, Ah’. You glanced at her and saw her in pain so you quickly loosen your grip and let her go. Now, she’s massaging her freaking wrist. She was looking at you totally pissed off. First, you took her from her boyfriend and now, you injured her wrist. She walked away from you and went straight to that Chinese jerk. You have no choice but to follow them. You went beside Sofia. Then Bus 12 arrived. Why do you have to ruin my day all the time huh? You thought. The doors opened.


They were about to go inside when you halted them.


“Hey, Hey, Hey! You’re going to ride that thing!? No. A bus? Bus 12!? Me? Never. Sorry but if you insist I’ll just ride a taxi or walk from here.” You blunted. They stared at you for a moment. The Erika broke the silence. “Okay, then let’s ride a taxi if you want.”

She has a thing buses huh? Bus 12, specifically. Daeyle thought.


After a few minutes of waiting, a cab arrived.

All of you went in one by one. But since only 4 people can fit the back seat one of you will seat on the passenger’s seat; Hanna volunteered. So your seating arrangement was like:


Driver    Hanna

Daeyle Erika Piyya You


You were looking outside the window. You don’t want yourself to remember those things again so you kept yourself busy by taping your fingers on your lap. You looked around and saw the girls wearingskirt above their knees but Daeyle have what’s that? Skinny jeans? Under her skirt. Well, whatever. You don’t know those things. Then there’s the red light. You glanced at the driver and you saw him glancing at Hanna’s thighs. You move a little forward and saw Hanna wearing a skirt, a super short SKIRT! You glanced at the driver again and he his lips seductively, like . What the this driver is a ert! You quickly took you scarf from your pocket and unfolded it. The other girls looked at you in confusion. Before the driver touch Hanna’s white legs, you slapped his hands away and blurted, “Don’t eve lay a finger on my friend, you erted bastard!” You shot him an ultra mega death glare that made him shiver. You laid your scarf on Hanna’s lap. “Focus on the road, !” You barked at driver. Then there’s the green light. You turned back your eyes at Hanna and whispered, “Don’t wear super short skirt next time.” You sat back comfortably with your arms crossed. You were glaring at the driver in the rear view mirror. Erika whistled. Never thought a girl like her could do that. Hanna looked back at you and mouthed, ‘Thank you’. You just rolled your eyes and watch the scenes outside the mirror. “So you treat us as your friends now huh?” Piyya blurted. You just gazed at her then smirked. “Maybe you could share some tiny secrets on us.” Erika suggested.


Pfft. You wish! You thought. Before you could answer, that stupid hobo blurted, “Yeah, why don’t you tell us why you’re so scared to ride a bus, specifically, Bus 12?”


you, Chinese! You thought. Unlucky you, these two stupid es that are sitting near me nodded their freaking heads. Worst of all, someone know your weakness already. Let’s see, pouting lips, puppy eyes, and hands on her cheeks. Yes, she’s definitely doing aegyo. Chanyeol must’ve told Sofia my weakness when I’m not yet around or she studied my reaction a while ago on Chanyeol’s aegyo. Just like I thought, she’s smart, studying people by their reactions. “Fine, stop the aegyo.” You put your palm on her face then looked down trying hard to hide the smile on your face. It’s been a long time since you smiled like that huh?


They gave you a curious look even Daeyle the devil looks so eager to listen and Hanna I can feel her curiousity too.

“Well…that freaking bus killed my Mom when I was in 5th Grade vacation, actually.”  You blunted. They were shocked but Daeyle was not so shocked. Her face was like I-knew-it look. You furrowed your eyes on her but it was blocked by Sofia’s gigantic face. “Sorry about your Mom. Must’ve been hard for you huh?”

You gave a shut-up-I’m-fine look but she didn’t know or should I say she didn’t understand a single thing. You have no choice but to repeat to her IN WORDS this time. “Shut the up. I’m fine.”


She was startled by your “bad words”. You saw Daeyle glared at you. Erika just looked away. You recalled what you did wrong. Nothing clicked. Maybe they’re not used on saying those things. Wow, they’re the good and divine daughters who always follow their parents on anything, whatever. [A/N: Note sarcasm] “If you want to kill me, you can let me ride that stupid bus. It almost killed me when I’m crossing the streets by the way.” Then you face the window, not wanting to her anything from them anymore. That’s exactly how he told me…or should I say how that stranger told him… Daeyle thought. Then you arrived at Tea leaves. When all of you got off, Erika and Sofia ran inside like a bunch 5-year-olds who haven’t tasted that drink a million years ago which I bet it’s the exact opposite. Hanna clinged into your left arm and dragged you inside while Daeyle just followed behind. Hanna’s mood quickly changed, maybe because of the cab incident. You thought. Then suddenly your experiencing slight headache. You didn’t mind it. You just rubbed your head a little. “Are you okay?” Hanna asked, concerned. “Yeah.” You replied. She was still clinging on your arm while your other hand was inside your pocket. You like a guy but no. You examined the place. A small shop that can only hold…what? 15 or 18 persons inside? So small, like the size of your bathroom at home. You haven’t been in a place like this before basically because you’re more on alcohol than coffees and stuff. Piyya and Hanna ordered Caramel Cream Cake while Erika and Daeyle ordered Green Apple Daple. You don’t what flavor is tasty so you decided to buy what Piyya and Hanna brought because you felt much closer to them. Your… friends sat at a table for five. Here’s the supposed-to-be arrangement:


Erika Piyya

Hanna You Daeyle


But someone seems to be KJ. Daeyle dragged Hanna to his side so the arrangement now is:


Erika Piyya

You Hanna Daeyle


Hanna just let out a big sigh. As they waited for your orders, Erika was browsing her phone; Daeyle was listening to music, Hanna texting Chanyeol while Piyya was tapping the table trying to entertain herself. [A/N: I did mention Sofia was nicknamed Piyya right? On her introduction?] Piyya noticed that Erika was looking at the picture of that again so she put her phone down and said, “Please Erika, forget that . He doesn’t deserve you.” You were curious even though your freaking face won’t show it because you’re definitely showing a face right now. “Why? What happened?” You asked out of curiousity. Erika burst into tears. Piyya patted her back while was glaring at you but you just give her a straight look. “Her boyfriend—I mean, ex-boyfriend was caught-in-the-act cheating on her. She saw him kissing a girl.” Hanna explained. Erika cried even more. You were dumbfounded because that’s exactly what happened to you but you still have that face on. Then your orders came. Daeyle volunteered to get it. She carried t carefully to your table. “Erika, I know what you feel.” You said. You remembered that day. You were so drunk that night and you can’t believe he’s that kind of a person. You became even colder. There’s this barrier that prevent others from touching your heart. “Like you know that feeling, Soo Min—“You cut her off and blurted, “What if I told you I knew!? Don’t tell me your STUPID COUSIN didn’t tell you he was kissing that girl wholeheartedly!?” You glared at her that made her refrain from continuing what she wanted to say.  “You don’t know how much I’ve suffered when that stupid COUSIN OF YOURS.” You blunted. She went to her sea and looked outside pretending to be listening at a song on her phone.  


“I’ll show you some quotes on how to forget those bastards. Wait. It’s in my phone.” You took your phone and unlocked it. Unfortunately, it landed on Sehun’s unique aegyo picture. Then you remembered that he borrowed your phone last time and took selcas. You rubbed your temples and sighed. Erika’s eyes widened and took your phone from your hands.


“OMG! He’s soooooo cute! Who is he?” Erika said. She showed Piyya the picture and they both screamed. The rest of you have to covered your ears. “WHO-IS-HE?” She asked. God, she’s desperate. “He’s my friend. His name is Oh Sehun.” You said. Piyya grabbed the phone and browse for more pictures and when it landed on Kai…she screamed, of course.

“Who’s this one?” She asked. “He’s my friend too. The name’s Kim Jongin, Kai for short. I don’t know why the did he picked that name for his nickname. It’s so far from Jongin, you know.” You blunted.


“You didn’t tell us you have handsome friends. Now, it’s not impossible for me to have a handsome boyfriend like One Direction and 5SOS. OMG!!!” She yelled. Great, I didn’t know she’s a fangirl. “Yeah, I can totally forget that !” Erika agreed. All of you laughed. You drank your teas then took your phone back. “If you want I can show you the rest’s pictures the ones you haven’t seen yet.” You suggested. They all nodded and sip their teas. You showed them the rest of your friends.


“This is D.o. Do Kyungsoo, actually. Suho, Baekhyun.” They made an “o” with their mouths. Daeyle doesn’t look interested but she kept on glancing then she looked away. “This one’s Xiumin. Chanyeol, you all know him, right?” You said.

“They’re all handsome but I like Kai the most.” Piyya said.

“Sehun for me.” Erika said.

Then Hanna pointed on Chen. “That’s…Kim Jongdae…Chen.” You muttered. You noticed that Daeyle’s been staring at him for a long time. She blushed then looked outside. Oh. You thought. Then you smirked evilly. “That’s all!” You exclaimed. Hanna looked at you. “Why do you look sad when you said Chen’s name?”


Now, they’re all staring at me, curious.

Should I tell them? I feel something. Like when I tell this to them…I will learn something…something that will make me sad from some of them or one of them… You thought.

Then you felt your head hurts again and you’re kind of sweating a bit even though the air conditioning unit is on.

What’s going on with me? You thought.



Next Chapter: Some secrets will be revealed. I think.


Authour's Note: Update! Hi guys! Didn't waste my time on doing nothing this summer. Ajujuju~ Take care always! kyaaaah~~

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starfire143 #1
Chapter 12: Hello, I'm a new reader :)), keep it on author-nim I really like your story :) update soon~
apriliss #2
Oh wow, this is really interestingg <
Chapter 5: Ooooooooo wonder what's going on.

Poor you author-nimmm T-T