Chapter 3

Love Is Nothing More Than A Beautiful Nightmare (Discontinued)



Your pov


I didn't dare step foot out of my house for several days. Blocking out any sunlight and excluding myself from the outside world. Why was i so weak? Why couldn't i face him? I hated myself for being feeble. Eun Mi came by a few times, but it only ended in her leaving my doorstep. She would call my phone and leave messages, but i never replied or even looked at them. I spent hours sitting in one position and just staring into space. Having no appetite or will to live on.


A sudden knock came into sound, but i didn't even turn in the direction of the sound. I could hear Eun Mi calling my name from outside. ''Unnie! Open up! Why are you locked up in there? Let me in so we can talk. Haeun?'' She knocked several more times and soon gave up. 


Eun Mi pov


I honestly had no clue why she was locked up in her prison home. It was summer time. A time for teenagers to be having fun and spending time together. Not in a dark house alone. A sigh escaped my lips as i my heel and walked down the steps. I knew she wasn't going to open the door, but i still tried. I knotted my fingers in my hair and continued walking until i saw a guy walk over to unnie's doorstep.


Who is he?


My thoughts became curious and i soon found myself on unnie's doorstep again. This time standing behind the guy. He knocked on door. No answer. The male sighed and continued knocking. ''She's not going to open the door.'' I said while playing with the tips of my hair. He turned around and scanned me up and down. My heart fluttered at his gorgeous eyes. How can a human even look like this? It seemed as if angels brought him down from heaven. I swear my world was spinning around and around.


''Who are you?'' His silky voice made me tremble. ''I-um.....well.'' Darn it Eun Mi! Stop making a fool of yourself. He side smiled and leaned towards me. I promise you my heart stopped right at that moment. It was impossible to even think straight. ''Are you her friend?'' He asked. His eyes sparkeling. I could only nod. He stepped back and folded his arms together. ''Who are you?'' I asked in a croaked voice, but quickly cleared it. ''Haeun's soon to be boyfriend.'' He answered with a smirk.


I almost fell backwards. What is the adonis talking about? Soon to be boyfriend? Unnie? A boyfriend? Shut up. There has to be some type of twist. ''What do you mean by soon to be boyfriend?'' I asked slowly. He glanced over at me. ''Stop being so nosy.'' He muttered and went back to knocking. My mouth gaped open. How can such a good looking boy have such a rash attitude? ''She's not going to open the door. Why won't you listen?'' I tapped my feet and glared up at him. ''Because i'm not like you. Waiting for her to open the door when you can do it yourself.'' He sneered.


What did he mean by that?



Luhan pov.


Haeun's little friend was starting to get on my nerves more and more. I didn't have time to tell her to shut up and get lost, so i left her and walked to the back of the house. I only threatened her not to follow. I stood in front of a window. Silently praying that it would be unlocked. Just like my wishes it clicked open and i climbed in, closing the window once i safely got in.


It was dark. Pitch black.




I let my eyes adjust and slowly made my way around. My footsteps were heavy, causing echoed sounds to bounce around. I reached what i thought was the living room. I shifted my eyes around and soon saw a faint outline of a girl on the couch. How the hell did she not hear me? In one swift move i grabbed her arm. She perked up and thrashed out at me. ''How-'' I cut her words off with my hand. ''Shh. It's me. Luhan.'' I assured her. She mumbled something, but i couldn't hear. Removing my hand i sat down next on the couch. Swallowed in complete darkness. ''How did you get in?'' She sounded weak.


Really weak.


''Why won't you come out?'' I dodged her question. ''Get out Luhan.'' Her words sliced me a bit. ''Not until you greet the sunlight outside.'' I knew i was being stubborn, but i was trying to help a girl out. ''I'm not leaving.'' She replied coldly. ''Haeun you can't hide from him forever. You both will have to face eachother sooner or later.'' I explained. She didn't move or say a single word. I could only hear her breathing.


I don't know what overcame me, but i had my lips pressed against hers in a heartbeat. She tried pushing me off but i grabbed her hands and intwined our fingers. Her lips were quite dry so i dampened them with my tongue. Pulling on her bottom lip in the process. There was something about her kiss that just made your heart beat increase and your palms sweaty. Of all the girls that i've kissed before, Haeun was the first one to make me feel a certain way. I couldn't explain it. I've only met her a few times, but i felt like we've known each other for years. I pulled back, giving her a chance to breathe. I heard sigh shakily before sending a slap across my face. The pain stung and it took me a good minute to realize what she did. ''Don't touch me jerk.'' She huffed. I scoffed and grabbed her in my arms. Carrying her bridal style to the bathroom where i set her on the tiled floor and flipped the light switch on, blinding the both of us.


I looked down at her and gasped. ''What the hell is wrong with you?'' She stood up and tried leaving but i stopped her iwth my foot. ''Why are you doing this to yourself?'' I asked in a hushed whisper. Haeun did not look like the Haeun i saw yesterday. This girl was skinnier, paler, and weaker. She had swollen eyes and her face was drained of it's color. ''Haeun!'' I shook her shoulders, but she seemed to be in a different world. What the hell happened in those few days? Was she like this because of Kris?


I swept her tangled hair out of her face and saw a single tear drop slid down her cheek.




My heart cracked.


I had no idea what to do.


I was never in a situation like this before. Most of the time the girls would be crying about why i left them, cheated on them, or won't even look them in the face. They wept over me, but there was never a case where the girl mourned over another guy in front of me. My fingers tremebled before i stood up and and clenched my fists. ''Go change. Your not leaving this bathroom until you do.'' I coldly said before leaving without any last glances at the fragile girl on the floor.




I walked over to the couch and slumped down. Punching the cushion next to me. My veins popped out from anger because i failed to comfort her. Failed to even soothe her with kind words. What the is wrong with me? I've hugged plenty of girls in my lifetime all in which they loved. Why couldn't i do this time? What was holding me back? I hung my head over my knees and grabbed the back of my head. Frustrated and disappointed in my decison.


Time ticked by and i found myself dozing off for what seemed like seconds before i heard the bathroom door open. My eyes shot open and i stood up alomost immediately frightening Haeun who just stepped out. ''Your still here?'' She asked in a light tone. I cracked my neck before answering her. ''You thought i left you?'' I asked with a smug look. I looked at her through my sleepy eyes and realized what she was wearing. ''Damn'' I whispered still scanning her from head to toe. How can a girl make a simple white t shirt, shorts, and converse look so y? She began looking uncomfortable and i finally tore my eyes away from her perfect body. ''L-Luhan...'' She stammered. My head jolted up. ''Take me out. It doesn't matter where. As long as it's not here i don't care.'' She requested.


My eyes grew wide. Was she really asking me this? I felt like jumping for joy and screaming out to the world, but i kept my cool. ''Babe, i was going to take you out either way.'' I smirked. She gulped at the word babe. Well what are we waiting for for? Kaja.'' I held out my hand. Haeun slowly reached for my hand. I gave her small hand a gentle squeeze before exiting her apartment. I started walking towards Kris's place since my car was over there, but as we came closer i noticed how uncomfortable she looked. ''Hyung where you going?'' My bro Sehun cooly approached us. ''Somewhere.'' I replied. He eyed Haeun before looking back at me. ''Are you really doing this? Dating Kris's ex?'' Sehun asked. His eyebrow raised. ''It's none of your business.'' I growled and turned back to a quiet Haeun. ''I'll be back. Stay here.'' I rubbed her cheek a bit before entering the crowded apartment. 



Your pov


After Luhan left i still wasn't able to breathe because all of his guy friends were littered around chilling. His dongsaeng walked up to me and leaned against the car. ''Why are you putting yourself through this? Do you really like Luhan hyung? Or maybe it's because he forced you to.'' Sehun thinly smiled. ''He's just taking me out for some fresh air.'' I answered slowly. Sehun scoffed and started laughing. ''Luhan? Taking you out for fresh air? Are you that naive?'' He slapped the hood of the car and bent over. Laughing his heart out. ''I'm not naive.'' I strictly said. He stopped and glared at me. His eyes were like knives. Digging into my soul. So unlike Luhan's deer like eyes.




''Oh yeah? Well listen hunnie. Usually when hyung takes girls out for ''fresh air'' it usually results in them on the ground crying because he left them. Your nothing special. Just the same old toy he palys with then gets bored and moves on.'' He inched closer until his lips were right next to my ear. His hot breath sending shivers down my spine. ''Here's an example of how he starts.'' Sehun began nibbling my ear. Dirty words escaping his mouth every once in awhile. I leaned away from him, but he wrapped his strong arm around my waist. Keeping me by his side. My heart pounded as he trailed his wet kisses down my neck. I closed my eyes. My voice was gone again and all the boys were too drunk to even notice. I just hoped Luhan would return soon before things got out of hand.


I was already weak so i couldn't fight my way out of it. His fingers began moving up my t-shirt and his kiss became more intense. I felt his muscles tighten. My mouth was dry and my mind went blank. The sound crickets and Sehun's kisses could only be heard. That's when i noticed all the other boys were gone. I opened my eyes. How long have we've been out here for it to be dark already? I was quickly reminded that Sehun was still there when he on my sweet spot. I bit my bottom lip. No Haeun. Don't satisfy him with your desired moan. ''Let it out.'' He whispered in my ear. I felt his fingers on my thigh. Tracing patterns on my sensitive skin. I twitched under his grip and tried to avoid his touch, but it was difficult since he had an iron grip. ''You know. I now understand why Kris and Luhan like you.'' He smirked before nipping at my ear again.


''GET OFF HER.'' A strangely familair voice yelled. Sehun's arm were soon pulled off me and i was left stunned. ''Don't speak when you don't know anything!'' He yelled at a poker face Sehun. The younger male only chuckled before brushing himself off. ''Thanks for the treat. I enjoyed it.'' Sehun eyed me and his lips. ''Get lost.'' Sehun looked up at his hyung. ''Can't believe you lost a girl like her.'' He sighed and his heel. What was he talking about? I didn't understand anything.


Nothing made sense until he turned around.


Sorrow and regret written all over his face. ''I'm sorry Haeun.'' He whispered painfully before reaching out a hand to grasp me. I jerked back.






''Don't touch me Kris.''








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Xoxo, @Exo_Miracles  





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Maddie1112 #1
Alena17 #2
Chapter 2: I love the this plot, keep up the good work! c: