Chapter 2

Love Is Nothing More Than A Beautiful Nightmare (Discontinued)



Kris pov.

I stood there glued to the ground. I tried processing everything that just happened through my head. I couldn't believe it. It was her. After all this time searching for her. ''Kris? You okay?'' Kai gave me a strange look. I turned my attention towards the one standing in the bathroom. I didn't know what overcame me, but i was angry at him. ''How do you know her?'' I breathed out heavily. He only let out a simple chuckle before walking up to me. ''I don't have to answer that. She's already mine.'' He smirked.


That was enough for me to send a punch to his face. ''WU YI FAN!'' I heard the guys shouting my real name. They quickly ran over to Luhan and helped him up. He pushed the others off of him before wiping his bottom lip. ''Whats wrong Kris?'' He asked with a slight smile. I tightened my fist ready to throw another punch until the realization hit me. ''You knew didn't you.'' I whispered. He looked up. Unfazed by my comment. ''So what if i did.'' Luhan answered back. I grabbed him by the collar and shoved him against the wall. ''YOU ING BASTARD! YOU KNEW I WAS LOOKING FOR HER! YOU KNEW BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE HOW MUCH SHE MEANT TO ME!'' I was in rage. It angered me so much to know that my best friend was betraying me. Furthermost he was player. I didn't want her to become i toy he would just play with and then leave.


''I knew better than anyone else why you left her.'' He replied back. I stared at him and let my grip on collar loosen. I didn't want to admit it, but he was right. My face was boiling and i let my gaze fall to the floor. He had found my weakness. My weakness which was my biggest mistake. ''Pathetic.'' I heard him say and pushed me off couldn't think straight. So much happened in such a short period of time. I literally just found my ex girlfriend making out with my best friend in my bathroom and i got betrayed by him. ''Sorry to leave the party so early. My girl needs me in a time like this.'' Luhan said to the guys before leaving. 



Your pov

I collapsed onto my hardwood floor and curled up against my front door. I choked on my tears and clutched my tight chest. I felt like i was being ripped apart. Weakening down as my salty tears stung my swollen eyes. Of all people that had to move in. It just had to be him. I hated my life even more now. Why was this happening to me? I didn't want him back in my life. I was trying to heal the wounds in my heart. Trying to forget him. Erase everything from my past and hopefully move on.


A sudden knock on the door startled me. I muffled my cries. Afraid it was him standing outside. ''Haeun open the door.'' I heard Luhan call. I relaxed a little, but didn't dare open the door. ''I know your in there. Open the door so i can talk to you.'' He said. My vision was slightly blurry from the alcohol that still lingered on my lips. I shakily stood up and made my way to the back of the house. Luhan impatiently started banging on the door with his fists. Not caring if he disturbed anyone around. At least both of you have something in common.


With one hand I swiftly unlocked the windows and climbed out. My feet touched the soft soil underneath and i relaxed. Once i got out i ran away until Luhan's voice was no longer heard. To be honest i had no idea where i was going or what i was doing. My life was pretty hectic and i wanted more than anything for all of my problems to go away. His shocked face wouldn't fade away from my mind. I gritted my teeth in anger and followed my feet. I ended up standing in front of the pool gates. It was late at night and the pool hasn't opened yet, so the chances for the door to be unlocked were slim. Still i tried anyway. Yup. Locked.  A sigh left my lips. Frankly i didn't know why.


My eyes wondered towards the black gates. A certain thought came across my mind. It was a dumb idea, but knowing me i was going to do it anyways. Even if that meant violating property rules and some other . I grabbed the cold iron metal and began climbing over it's sharp points. ''.'' I muttered when i got stabbed in the side. I let my shoes fall off on the other side and jumped the remaining height. I landed on the grass with a thud. My eyes shot around the area in case someone caught me. It wasn't like i cared about getting caught, but i didn't want them to stop me from what i was doing. My heart starting pulsing crazily as i walked along the tiled border of the shimmering pool. It was dead silent and only the ripples of water could be heard. Such a calming place to end everything.


I wasn't nervous, but my hands were shaking when i reached the steps that lead into the deep waters. I felt a tear drop slide down my face. My expression was stoned as i closed my eyes. Memories from the past flooded in like an endless tsunami. I gripped the silver railing for support as the images became more and more vivid. I opened my eyes since my chest starting to feel a dense a pain again. My life was nothing but a series of hell. Chapter after chapter. My story doesn't have your fantasy happily ever after. Ugh. How disgusting. Do people even realize reality anymore? I've always wondered how other people's love life went. With only one friend whose never dated before, it's hard to tell. I consistently thought i was the only one who went through such a terrible breakup. My tears increased when i remembered the day he ended our relationship.


I gulped and steadied myself.


''And tonight will be when he ends me.'' I whispered in the evening air.


I took a deep and shaky breath before stepping into the warm water. The pool itself was pretty deep. For it went as deep as 8 ft. With my clothes still on, i swam to the deepest end and silently prayed everything would be over. Sure call me stupid and crazy, but my life has nothing special. I don't have a motivation in life in order for me to keep living. I have parents who don't give a about me. A life in which was carelessly thrown when he left. Education isn't my priority. Yeah i have Eun Mi, but she doesn't understand. What's the point of going on with life when I've already tried cleaning myself up and getting back in line? I've tried and failed miserably. Ugh i hated college. I knew my future life was going to be me sitting in my house all day drinking from soju bottles and waiting for a miracle. We all know that miracle isn't going to happen.


''This it it.'' I thought. Inhaling my last breath i slipped under the glassy surface and landed on the bottom. It was dark and i held onto the ladder to keep me from floating up. As the water hit me, i knew it was all over. There was no backing out now. No point in fighting it. My lungs burned for more air. I had made my choice and it was happening. I felt the water dragging the air from my lungs. Even i made the decision, my body did not agree with it. I could feel my lungs screaming for air, crying out, as my legs thrashed from side to side. I couldn't breathe. The pain was crushing my inner organs. Couldn't i have ended my life another way? It didn't matter because will all end. My heartbeat began slowing down increasingly. The panic in me faded away into a numbness. I tried to breathe in, but all i got was mind went heart began to give up it's fight and my body stopped altogether.


My life was slowly disappearing.




Kris pov

After Luhan left, I stood there for a minute trying to catch my breath. All the guys were staring at me, but i didn't say anything. ''Hyung that girl was Haeun?'' Chen looked up at me with an unreadable expression. I slowly inhaled and nodded. ''Yeah and that ing bastard knew who she was too.'' I muttered and my heel. I walked to the only place i knew i could get some privacy.


The pool.


I mean while i'm there might as well take out the chairs and everything for the opening. With the key i unlocked the gates and let myself in. It was silent and all i could hear was the refreshing sound of the water lapping up against it's prison walls. Running my fingers through my hair i sighed and gently rubbed my temples. She probably doesn't even want to see me, which is fine. I mean i wouldn't want to see the person who tore my heart apart anymore either so i don't blame her. Time is all it takes. And that's exactly what i decided to give her. Time.


Sighing again i walked along the poolside to get some chairs out. My eyes skimmed the surface and i froze. I squinted my eyes and looked more closely. My eyes widened when i made out thr figure of a girl. Being a lifeguard my first instant was to jump in and save a life. I dove under and my strong arms reached out in front of me. I circled my arm around her waist and began pulling upwards. Her body was quite small and weightless when i finally got her on land. I checked her breathing. None. I preceded with CPR. Checking her for her pulse every few seconds. Her hair covered entire face except her pale lips. ''.'' I muttered when i couldn't feel her heart beat. The water dripped down my body as i leaned in and began pumping oxygen in her through my mouth.


As i was about to lean in to give her more oxygen she began moving and coughing up water. I moved back a little to give her space. I saw how she trembled helplessly and slowly sat up. I wondered if she fell in the pool and didn't know how to swim or would such a young girl like her even attempt something so stupid? ''Miss are you alright?'' I asked worriedly. She was still choking on the water. I started patting her back which was strange of me. But she pushed my hand away and clutched as she continued coughing. ''Do you need me to call an ambulance?'' She shook her head shakily stood up. Her knees where wobbling. But as she turned her blue shirt went up a little showing her flawless skin underneath. It wasn't her body that i was staring at but a design on her waist.


I looked closer and recognized the tail of the design instantly. I knew that mark because i had the same thing imprinted on my left arm. A tattoo of a dragon. Me and Haeun decided to get matching tattoos for our anniversary.


My heart thumped and i grabbed her arm. She whipped around, her hair only covering part of her face now. ''H-Haeun..........'' I whispered shockingly.




Her eyes widened and she desperately tried to pry my fingers from her arm. ''Let me go Kris!'' She starting tearing up. The scene in front of me was painful. I honestly didn't want to let her go. I couldn't let her go until i found out why she was in the pool. She couldn't have drowned. Haeun's an excellent swimmer. I used to call her my little mermaid. So that left one thing and i didn't want to say it because she wouldn't dare do something so outrageous.


''Why were you in the pool? Why did you violate the rules?'' I tried to keep my voice calm. She only glared at me through her wet hair. ''Why should i tell you?'' She growled. I stared at her. Was this the innocent and caring Haeun i used to know? ''Because i work here.'' I answered. She let out a bitter chuckle.


''I just wanted to free myself from all the painful things in life. That is youWu Yi Fan.'' She yanked her arm free from my grasp and ran out. I fell to the ground. My heart beating. This time i was drowning in my own thoughts.


''She tried to kill herself.......because''









Update. Enjoy the dry chapter. :P 

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I honestly have no idea where this story is going, so i'm also taking the ride with you guys. Hmmm i wonder what's going to happen next. 




I miss your smile galaxy T.T


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Maddie1112 #1
Alena17 #2
Chapter 2: I love the this plot, keep up the good work! c: