Let the LuDara ship sail - Captain Kris and Assistant Yeol

Crushed OTP
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"Dara!!!!!"Mino zoomed past the students before pulling to a full stop in front of me.He dropped his backpack on the floor and wiped the beads of sweat sliding down his face. 


"You look haggard."Mino gasped.


"I've been told."I clearly remember Sanghyun saying that.Uh great!Now Luhan popped into my mind again.


"Yeah...."Mino trailed off."Have you heard of my Chorong kissing Luhan?"I am manlier and more handsome and - " the rest of Mino's words faded and I was stuck in my own world again.Luhan....I don't understand him.....Was he playing with my feelings?Was it fun for him?What game was he really playing?I'm starting to - 


"So?"Mino prompted me to reply to him.


"Luhan and Chorong are together.It's normal they do couple stuff."


"That OTP is just a fantasy of yours because of your sad lovelife."Mino half teased and told the truth.


"Same goes for you fanboy."I stuck my tongue out.The students in the hall didn't mind our little banter.It was normal for us bestfriends to be like that.


Mino had always been Chorong biased just like me with Donghae.It was my first time seeing such a dedicated fanboy that we immediately clicked together.


"GYAAAA OPPA!" "LOOK AT ME!!" " SELCA JUSEYO!" "MARRY ME!" "GIVE MY BOYFRIEND SOME OF YOUR HEIGHT!!" Sudden shrieks of students filled the hallway.I was pushed aside by a crowd filling the once tranquille hallway.


"Move!Chorong's hubby and Donghae's wifeu coming through."Mino hollered as we pushed past the crowd and walked into an open area.Over there I noticed a group of cameramen and a guy that was all too familiar.His eyes locked with mine and he immediately strode towards me.A mic was shoved to my face and Kris was standing beside me.


Mino was shocked to see the real life Kris,and I wouldn't say that I was any better.


"Do you want to join and win a free meal with an exo member?"I stared at the random MC  , lost. "Of course you do!"


I glanced at Kris and he smiled at me.


"Who is this exo member?"The MC gestured towards Kris.


"ARE YOU FOR REAL?!" "A DOG KNOWS WHO HE IS" "KRISSSS" "Muhhhfreakin WU YIII FAAN" Fangirls started to scream.


"Kris?"I said,totally lost.


"Congratulations!You win a meal with Kris from Exo!"And with that I was whisked away into a van.


"Wait!!Dara!!!"Mino called after me and tried to jump in the open van but the driver already floored it.


I looked at Kris and he was grinning.The Camera slammed onto the floor and I shrieked.Do you know how expect those are?!I can barely buy myself that famous nikon camera.Heck!I can't even afford the lens.


"Don't worry.That's fake."Kris laughed noticing my worrisome face."That's fake."Kris pointed at the mic."That...one too!"He pointed at the MC."This is all fake!"


"You're fake too?"


"No hun.This is the realdeal."Kris winked at me."


"Then why?"My voice was audibly hoarse.Kris' grin on his face caused me to feel tensed.



"Just a little something for a friend of mine...who is also little...."


I couldn't help but catch on a double meaning.e mode is on again.







Chanyeol accompanied me the whole day in the dorm.I practically ignored him , but he's casually chatting to me as if we were engrossed in an enticing topic.


It was our week off after the tight schedule of our concert , and all I have been doing is moping around.I have never met a person who despised me as much as Dara noona had shown.It hurts even more because she's a girl I truly love being with.The fact that she's pu

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 13: Waaahhhhh!!! TT^TT Update juseyo...
Chapter 13: why are you doing this author? OMG
what a cliffhanger
Chapter 1: exciting start
Chapter 13: donghaeeeeee!!!!
wait i already commented in this...
but i just re-read it.
my comment is still same...
i'm so thirsty for more ludara.
Chapter 13: Kyaaaaa waaaa Author-nim welcome back!!! Waaa been waiting for you and your updates!!! Waaaa Donghae! Thank you Author-nim! :D
Chapter 13: donghaeeeeee!!!
at last!
i've been waiting for this interaction for five ever.
pls some luhan pov.
chetski #7
Chapter 13: Yes an update! even though its short am still happy with it because it means that you haven't abandoned the story - I'm sorry to read that you're having writer's block and starting to lose interest and so I really hope reading my comment would stir you to continue - am not expecting several chapters just a good ending would suffice - just don't leave it hanging ..... fighting authornim am cheering you on - in reading fanfics I often wonder if our idols are aware and curious to read about them and imagine them getting an idea to make the pairing real in their real lives - sorry feeding my delusional mind here .... anyways am cheering you on go go go ☺
chetski #8
Chapter 13: Yes an update!
Chapter 13: thanks ur update even if short :-)
chetski #10
Chapter 12: Hello! Hello! I do hope you're still writing fanfics and will eventually update this - sorry but I really love the pairing of Luhan and Dara - still subscribed and waiting and hoping you'll continue writing this ( since you mentioned that u also cry when fanfics u like do not update) - crossing my fingers