Vacation, Part I

Loving Lee Hongbin-Again

-August 2013-

The summer had continued to pass by, and the fall semester was drawing near. I saw Hongbin when he had free time, but mostly I hung out with Elena whenever she stopped by. The promotions for Hyde had just ended, but Hongbin would soon be back on stage with the album's repackage, Jekyll. He had suggested that we go on vacation together before he got too busy and I was back in school. I agreed, but the only problem was that we couldn't figure out where to go. That's where Elena came in. "So I've been thinking that we should go to the beach, but we'd stay the night," she began, sitting down on my bedroom floor. "Oh? You mean that beach we went to last time with your mom?" I blinked, sitting across from her.

"Yeah, but we're going to stay at the other one. We're going to be camping out. We'll have tents, ice chests for snacks and water because we need to stay hydrated, but it should be fun. It's just going to be people we know." Elena explained. I nodded, biting my lip. "Do you think Hongbin would want to come?" She asked. "Probably so, we've been talking about going on vacation together for a while now." I nodded. "But wouldn't you guys want to go by yourselves? You know, have some couple time? Unlike last time-" She chuckled. I was still highly embarassed that she walked in on our private moment, but we ended up joking about it. "Hey, at least it was you. If it were my parents I'd probably be back living with them, or worse, I wouldn't be able to want to touch Hongbin." I admitted.

"True. But you should call him and ask him." She nodded. As I was getting up to get my phone, there was a knock on the door. I go to answer it, and speaking of the devil- "Hello beautiful," Hongbin flashed his dimple smile. "Hey baby, I was just about to call you." I smile, pecking his lips before tugging him inside and into my bedroom. Elena looked up from her phone when I returned. "Oh, hey Hongbin," she waved. "Hi Elena, how are you?" Hongbin nodded, offering a shy smile. "I'm good, and you?" Elena blinked. "I am good." He said as he sat next to me. "So babe, Elena and I were just talking about camping at the beach. Would you want to come to make this our vacation or-" I began, looking at him. "Sure, sounds like fun, just as long as we can be together." He nodded, smiling.

"I wonder how Phillipe is going to take this..." Elena muttered. "Phillipe's coming?" I asked, nearly stunned. "The only way he's going is if you're going. And since Hongbin is coming, I don't know if he will come." Elena admitted. Hongbin instinctively put an arm around me. "Who's Phillipe?" He asked. "He's Elena's cousin. He's been trying to get with me and Elena is trying to put a stop to it." I nodded. "Let him come then. Don't tell him about me. I have a few things I'd like to say to him." Hongbin turned to Elena, his eyes dark and serious. My face nearly dropped. Was this really Hongbin? I've never seen him angry like this before. We've fought a few times, but to see him actually get mad...I hadn't realized I was staring until Elena's voice brought me back to reality. "But if I tell him you will be there, he probably won't go. Because he's really supposed to be hanging with someone else." She said.

"Please tell him Hongbin is going," I begged. "Baby," Hongbin protested. "What? You want him to come so he can kick your and ruin this vacation? I think not!" I scoffed, crossing my arms. "I'm trying to protect you," he pleaded. "I appreciate that, but if you say the wrong thing, all hell could break loose!" I exclaimed. Hongbin sighed heavily. "I will let Phillipe know," Elena nodded. "Thank you," I sighed in relief, turning to look at Hongbin. "So, we need know what time we're heading out, what day, what we should bring..." He spoke as he took my hand. "Well, Melanie and I are bringing tents since we're camping out. Just bring some towels and clothes and sunscreen if you need any. We're looking at going maybe this weekend, and we'll be leaving early in the morning." Elena explained.

"We can just meet you at your place," I nodded. "Ya'll sure? You guys can come over and stay the night. It would be easier." Elena suggested. "No, it's okay. Hongbin can come over here the night before, and we'll meet you at your house. What time should we be there?" I asked. "I'll get back to you on that, but probably between 4:30 and 5," Elena replied. ~ Once Elena left, I plopped onto my bed and let out a sigh. Hongbin entered the bedroom once he saw her off and climbed in next to me. "About that guy...whatever his name is-when did you meet him?" he asked, looking at me. "In January, after me and you separated for a bit." I spoke softly, staring at the ceiling. Hongbin arched an eyebrow. "Did he know about us? Did you tell him?" I nodded. "I told him I was dating you but that we weren't talking at the time, and he assumed we might be breaking up so he said he'd wait for that to happen."

"Were you going to leave me for him? If you wanted?" Hongbin frowned, still looking at me intently. "Of course not. I didn't know where you and I were in our relationship, and for me to just jump the gun and get with someone else would be crazy." I turn my head to look at him, eyebrows furrowed. "Arasseo..." Hongbin averted his eyes. "I have one more question." I watched him intently, waiting for him to ask. "Was he good looking?" he asked, pouting cutely. I couldn't help but laugh, which caused him to tilt his head in confusion. "Oh baby, he doesn't even come close to you!" I laughed. Hongbin smiled in relief. "But I don't care about looks, I care about the way I'm treated." I calm down, nodding matter-of-factly. Hongbin nodded, remaining silent. "Baby," I cup his face with my hands. "If I really wanted to leave you, I would've done it by now. But no other man makes me feel the way you do," I speak as I caress his cheeks with my thumbs.

"I love Lee Hongbin, and no one else. Ok?" I peck his lips before pulling him into a hug. "I'm glad, because I want to be with you forever." Hongbin speaks softly as he buries his nose into my hair. "Really?" I blink in disbelief. He chuckled and pulled away to look at me. "Didn't you tell me that I'm your first boyfriend?" I nodded. That was the first thing I told him when he asked me out on my birthday. "You're my first for everything." I smile softly. "Maybe even your first husband-I mean-" He stammers, blushing furiously. I laugh a bit, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I'd definitely marry you, but you wouldn't be only my first husband-you'd be the last." I smile as I kiss him passionately. He smiles into the kiss, returning it with just as much passion.

-That Weekend-

Hongbin and I arrived at Elena's house at the specified time. We only loaded my car up and came straight, not eating or anything. I had yet to function. Hongbin was accustomed to being up early in the morning but my body had already adjusted to sleeping late since June. I knock on the door, only to see some guy answer it. I told him who I was and asked if Elena was awake, and he stepped aside to let us in. Elena was packing her suitcase with the rest of her supplies. "Knock knock," I speak, leaning against the door of her bedroom. She looked up to see us standing there. "Hey," she said as she continued packing. "Who was that guy who answered the door? He had a pink shirt on..."I asked sleepily. "That's Jake." she smiled small as she zipped her suitcase. "That's the Jake you've been telling me about?" I blinked. "Yep. Excuse me," she came out into the hall with her suitcase.

"Get your bags, we're going to pack them in Phillipe's truck." Elena said as she went outside. "Actually, we're going to follow." I replied, taking hold of Hongbin's hand. Hongbin studied the guys as Elena and I continued to talk. "Which one is Phillipe?" He whispered to me. "Phillipe is not here." I whispered back. Hongbin stared at me in disbelief, arching an eyebrow. "I'm serious, he's not here." I squeezed his hand. He nodded, sighing heavily. I planned on having a long talk with him on our way to the beach. "Hey Ashley, what's going on?" my old friend Sebastian asked as he walked by, opening the passenger door of the truck. "Hey Sebastian, long time no see." I smiled softly. Hongbin frowned slightly. Once Elena finished packing, everyone hopped into her truck. "Twin, do you remember how to get to Mel's house?"

I shook my head. I've only been to Melanie's house once. "Alright, well, I got to see about this dude right here. You and Hongbin can stay here at the house, or you can go park by the church. I'll call when I get closer and you guys can follow me out from there." She said as she climbed into Phillipe's truck. Hongbin and I jogged over to the car. "You remember that church we passed in front of?" I ask him. "Yes, I remember it." He nods as he slips into the driver's side. I get into the car as well and we drive to the church, waiting for Elena to return. "Hongbin, we need to talk." I turn to him once we get settled on the church parking lot.

To Be Continued...

A/N: I decided since the Vacation chapter is going to be pretty long that I divide it into two parts, so enjoy!

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kpoplily #1
Chapter 15: Ahhh cute ah you are really good at coming up with the chapters, I hope you continue to create fanfics. Fighting ⌒.⌒ (~.^)
EXO1127 #2
Chapter 15: Amazing!!!
Chapter 15: Hello yeahhhhh!!!!!!!! I luv it XD
Chapter 15: Just knowing that not one but now both of these stories are complete... it's bittersweet. You get closure, but at the same time you miss the times you'd wait for updates on a story you really like. (Have the same problem with books xD)
Anyway, just wanted to congratulate you as well as thank you for thr great story/ies and hope you have a great day as well, best wishes for you ^^ (as well as the rest of the readers ㅋㅋ)
Chapter 12: NOOOOOOO SHE CANT BEEE n congrats on their first you know wat
Chapter 11: Updatee pllzzB
lightningmaknae #7
Chapter 11: awww, short chapter! but hongbin is so sweet? ok lol update soon^^
Domino #8
I like this story, keep it up and write on. c:
lightningmaknae #9
Chapter 8: Get married and juseyo hahahahha omg what is wrong with me :/ update soon^^
lightningmaknae #10
Chapter 7: Awww how sweet :3 omg in the tent at night please haahha /bricked/ update soon authornim ^^