The unexpected guest

She says she's bulletproof

A/N: Caution(lol): This chapter is short. i just miss updating this so yeah. ^^



 “Annyeong haseyo.”

It’s almost noon when we have arrived at the venue. The two of us greeted each people we come across with. Yoongi and I went straight to the church where the wedding ceremony will be done. 

Everything’s in order. The place is really beautiful and the people, especially the organizers, are not cramming. We went to find his family.

“Eomma!” Min Yoongi ran to his mom as soon as we spotted her. How cute, such a mama’s boy.

“Yoongi-ahh~” They hugged each other so tight. “Oh, Gyeoul! It has been a long time isn’t it?” She hugged me as well.

“Yes, it has, Mrs. Ahn. How are you?”

“Well, not fine especially right now. My eldest is getting married and is gonna live with his wife.” She pouted cutely. Aww, no doubt, Yoongi got his cuteness from his mother.

“Oh, by the way, Yoongi-ah, your father is going.” She sighed. “And he is even going to bring with him his family.”

I saw Yoongi’s expression turned into an angry-slash-shocked.

“WHAT!?” He thundered, also in behalf of me.


Okay so I was as shocked as Yoongi. His father…? With his family….? Like…. Huh???


Yoongi’s mom looked at me, seeing I’m more confused. She then looked around and then escorted us away into a room. Yoongi kept on telling her to stop them from coming later but she just shushed him. She then began to discuss to me what happens to be the confusion right now as we sat down.

“You see Gyeoul, it has been years since we last saw you so I understand that you still don’t know about this. You know, I’ve always treated you as a part of our family so I think you have to know everything now.”



My eyes grew wide.

What she said rang in my ears.

“…I’ve always treated you as a part of our family….”

I looked at Yoongi and he was staring at the ground.



“It was almost three years ago…. at first he just arrives home late at night. But then, eventually, he started to not even go home at all. Of course, we fought, but being the weak woman I am, I always lose. I always end up believing his alibis. One time, he told he was on a business trip but then I saw him with a teenage girl at a restaurant. It ignited my fire inside. I can’t think of anything but to go to his table and slap him. I did but the teenage girl stopped me. What shocked me is that, that girl called him dad….”

I can see tears b in her eyes but she kept on speaking like it was nothing.

“… It hurt me to think that he is seeing a younger woman but it hurt me more knowing that the girl is actually his daughter. The mother of the girl then went up to me, scolding me for ruining their family date. But then, we recognized each other….” She trailed off.

She now cried. Yoongi got up to her side and comforted her. I handed her my handkerchief I brought with me that day, which she accepted. Yoongi looked at the hanky then to me. Oooops. Riiight. Coincidently, it was the hanky that he gave me before when I was crying so hard because I failed a math test. He never accepted it back whenever I try to return it to him so I just kept it. I saw a small smile from him.

“She was my best friend….. and his first love. They got back together when he knew that her husband died. The girl is not really his daughter. She just treats him that way because he stood for her as a father after the loss. Right at that moment, both were begging for an apology to me, but I didn’t accept any. I filed an annulment right away. Of course, what do I do? The man never really loved me anyway. He just waited for his first love to be legally free and left me that easy. I can’t fight for someone who doesn’t deserve to be fighting for.”

“I’m sorry…” I sympathized with her.

“It’s okay. We’re all doing fine now. He is still does his obligation as a father of my children so I’m fine with it.”

“But you love him, and he loves you too. A man will never marry someone he doesn’t love.”

Loved, Gyeoul. Loved. Past tense.” Yoongi said.

“That’s why I’m always rooting for you and Yoongi. You two should realize that you should be together. You are each other’s first love, right? You might just end up hurting someone if you kept on denying to yourself and realized it late. Like me. It was late when he discovered whom he truly loves. In the end, I was the one who got hurt. And I’m telling you, it is really painful.”

I can’t look at Yoongi who I know is looking at me right now. It was awkward. Each other’s first love!? But that was way way back when we were still immature! We don’t even know what true love is! It was just a puppy love!

She then stood and dusted her clothes. “Oh, I’m sorry for taking your time just for me to cry in front of you.” She dabbed my hanky on her cheeks to wipe out the tears.

“It’s okay. Don’t mind me.”

She sighed. “I guess I need another touch up. Let’s go. You two should touch up as well.”







The wedding ceremony went on and swear I was distracted because of what Mrs. Ahn said. I also kept on looking around the church, hoping to see Mr. Min. I don’t know but I badly wanted to see him. I don’t know but I just want to punch his face for hurting Mrs. Ahn just to get back to his first and true love. Not that I don’t support true love, but hurting a very nice woman after making her love him more than herself is beyond disappointing. If he was not sure in the first place, why even marry her!? He just didn’t hurt her; he even committed a sin to the Lord. He is a married man!


But come to think of it. Mrs. Ahn doesn’t deserve a man like him. But I don’t know why she doesn’t want to meet another man. Their marriage is already annulled so why doesn’t she go find a new man to complete her life?

The wedding ceremony ended and the reception took place at the cosy yet elegant ballroom of the hotel we the guests and the family are staying. Sigh, I miss Seoul. I miss…… Jungkook. Yes, I miss Jungkook. Just Jungkook, okay.

It’s almost Christmas time so it’s really cold especially in the country side where there are more trees than there are in Seoul. The night was very romantic because it was snowing outside, but not really hard. I don’t know about you but for me, snow is very romantic.

I felt a warm cloth being put on me.

“Why are you here in the balcony? It’s cold out here. And dark. And lonely. Aren’t you shivering yet?” He went beside me an imitated my posture—leaning on the porch with my both hands supporting my weight.

To be very honest, I don’t feel cold for some reason. Maybe because I’m already wearing the coat over my dress that the newlyweds gave me?

I looked at him but he didn’t look back. He was looking at the moon that is almost covered by the clouds.

“Your birthday is coming.” He said still not looking at me.

“Yeah, that’s why I got this coat from Yoonjung oppa and Hana unnie. They said it’s also for the times that they haven’t given me anything for the past years. I was so embarrassed since I’ve only given them money for their wedding.”

“Don’t mind them. They’re ing rich now. Look at their wedding. It was so grandiose.”

I chuckled. “Yeah.”

He then looked at me, making me look at him. The little light coming from the moon shone upon us—just us. Or is it just me and my weird imaginations?

I looked at his face and admired again the face that I have almost never saw this close since forever. His pale skin, small eyes, and cute thin lips. I miss those.

I felt him moving closer to me, his head leaning to the side. My heart’s pounding fast. Is he trying to kiss me??!!?? Gyeoul, think fast!

Our lips almost touched. I looked to the other side and kept my head low. I heard him sigh. I removed his tux from my shoulder and handed it back to him.

“It’s cold.” And I faced my back to go back inside the ballroom. I walked but as soon as I got in, I felt him grabbing my hand and two voices called me at the same time.


One is from Yoongi who is behind me.


And the other one is from the girl in front of me who is beside Yoongi’s father and a woman who were just passing by…..






“Kim Hyuna….?”











Shoutout to:

Sweetpotatoess | fluffeh_duckeh | nuryjakya | HogodH | Hyolovehyukkie | Fishy2915 | aejinx_ | yesigalindo

and to:

Karmeliask and evayoona - thank you for upvoting TTATT i wuv yew


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sorry dearies, i can't update for today. I had a class today and I just started writing for for chapter 15. i think i can't finish it now TTATT SORRY :(


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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 39: Omg honestly this is one of the few stories I've read where the main guy character doesn't appear very often. It was a little surprising but this fanfic is honestly so amazing. I cried a few times because some parts made me really sad ;-; This fanfic was written so beautifully and the character development that Gyeoul goes through is no joke. I really relate with this story so thank you so much for writing this :) Although I'm sad for Jimin, I'm super happy that she ends up with Taehyung and her relationship with all the other boys are bittersweet, though it is a little sad. I really enjoyed reading this a lot and no doubt, I'll probably end up rereading this again in the near future ^-^ Thank you so much for the amazing read~! ♡
Chapter 13: Huh. Sadly this kind of relationship happened to me too. It's kind of awkward when my boy space friend asked me, "ya! Why did you reject him?" When he never confessed. I guess i was being too dense too.
Chapter 40: Wow... This story ended up being more in depth than I imagined. I thought this was really light-hearted and fluffy... turns out it was quite the opposite lmao. So much went down. This story was truly an experience. At the beginning, I read the descriptions of all the guys and pin pointed who was who. Even though I got them all right, I totally forgot about their significance. For example, I freaked out when Hobi confessed like holy . To be honest, you had me silently squealing during most of the chapters haha. (Especially all the Jimin x Gyeoul moments. My shipper heart </3) Because you wrote about Jimin quite a bit, I actually forgot Taehyung was supposed to be the main guy LOL. Anyways, amazing job writing this! I'm gonna head over to read your Jimin fic now. :)
nadalienv #4
Chapter 14: i love it^^
Chapter 40: Huhuhu I feel sad for Jimin Yoongi Namjoon and Hoseok T.T but overall is a great story~
elsaelz #6
i thought it would be jimin :( but its taetae
thankyouuuu so much for writing this amazing story TTTTTT<3
Baekhyun0624 #7
Chapter 40: omg i-- i LURVE YUR STORY OMG CAN I CRY.
Chapter 2: That "asdfghjkl youre so cute lemme punch you" moment. HAHAHAHA. I'd prolly have the same reaction. XD I'm only in ch2 but i cant seem to stop reading. This is so cool. Imagine Jimin as ur best friend. One word: CHAOS ❤️