Chapter 3

Young Love Under The Cherry Blossoms

    All day I felt like a nervous wreak. All my friends could tell I wasn't myself. Even oblivious Henry asked if I was okay. Normally he doesn't pick up on anyones' vibe. A girl could be her lips in front of him while calling him oppa asking him to help her with her "homework." He would have no idea the girl liked him. I told Henry I was fine, but he told me I was shaking and not falling asleep like usual. I told him I might talk to someone I like. He started laughing.
    "I know you too well, Amber. I knew something was off."
    "Is it that obvious?" I asked worriedly.
    "Yep. It's very obvious," he said in a matter of fact way. The bell rang to my relief. I didn't feel like going into anymore details.
    At lunch my nerves started going away finally. Being around Donghae and Jonghyun really helped out. They always make me feel better. They both are such jokesters and have a fun vibe. 
    When lunch first started I found both of them and said "Hermagerd. Guess what guys?"
    "OHMYGAWD WHAT?" Jonghyun asked in a girly voice.
    "Yes, pu-lease tell!" Donghae followed suit.
    "I'm gonna talk to Krystal next hour. Finally!" I replied enthusiastically.
    They both shrieked like little girls making fun of me.
    "I can't belive our little llama's growing up," said Donghae pretending to cry.
    "GUUUYYYYSSS! Shut up!" I said with an embarrassed red face.
    "Well good luck on that. Do you need some girl advice or are we gonna start this dance battle?" asked Donghae.
    "Dance battle!" I yelled excitedly.
    After that moment passed it all went by so fast. Before I had time to register what was going on I couldn't believe I was finally going to talk to Krystal Jung. . I can't back out now. I'm already in class waiting for the rest of class to show up. . 'What if Krystal's not here today? What if I throw up on her shoes? What if I fart on accident?' These were the legitimate thoughts going through my head. Then I became self conscious all of a sudden. 'Do I stink? Crap, I need a mint. Did I shave my armpits? Is my hair ed up? Alright calm down llama. *gasp* There she is! Krystal and her fine -'
    "Alright class. Let's all take out our rough drafts of our creative poems," said Ms. Lee in her nasally voice. . I totally forgot to finish my poem. I blame Krystal. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it. Now I'm going to get a bad grade. Stupid. Well I guess I'll just take out what I have done. 
    I expected her to tell us to turn it in to the back of our practically dilapidated classroom, but instead she said "...and find a partner to peer edit it." I almost fell out of my chair when I heard this. Now's my chance! I rush over to look at Krystal and cross my fingers she hasn't already silently nodded her head at someone else indicating she found a partner. As a million thoughts rushed through my head I said "Hey Krystal." I got no answer.
    "Uhh hey Krystal" I said a little louder. She turned around looking for the source of the sound while looking confused. I gave up on calling her name, so I tapped on her shoulder and said her name again. She turned around so startled like a deer in headlights.
    "Uh, yeah?" she asked confused.
    "Do you wanna be partners with me?" I asked feeling like I was talking faster than usual. Please say yes. Please say yes. Pleasesayyespleasesayyespleasesayyes.
    "Oh, yeah sure."
    OH MY GOD I SAID SOMETHING TO HER. -du geun du geun- 
    "Oh okay, cool. So where do you want to sit?" I asked Krystal even though there are chairs right next to us, like a .
    "Here's fine," said Krystal.
    "By the way, I didn't finish my poem all the way, but you can just edit what I got."
    "Oh, thank god! I didn't finish mine either! I'm glad we both didn't so I feel less stupid."
    By now I was starting to feel a little more comfortable around her.
    "So what was your name again?" Krystal asked me. Ugh, she really doesn't know my name. Welp, the nerves are back.
    "Umm, it's uh Amber." Damn it, why do I say um or uh all the time?
    "I thought so. Just wanted to be sure."
    "Yeah. I guess we should trade poems now." My shakey hand gave Krystal the poem and she gave me hers. The class was so quiet I felt nervous to even swallow my spit. I didn't want to draw any attention to myself. 
    Her poem was mesmerizing. I felt so lost in her words that I couldn't bring myself to change anything. It was so perfect. Like her.

I was scared of flying on this place called Love that carries us
I already know it will fall down soon
The rising feelings can’t be hidden, can’t be stopped, until where will it go?
Everything I know is being with you

Past the tall forest of buildings
Across the horizon, feeling overwhelmed
The air current...

And that's where the poem ended.

    Stupid me thought my poem was good too, but she was marking my paper up like it was a coloring book. Damn. I couldn't think of anything to write for corrections so I just complemented it. I wrote, "The wording was beautiful and I can't wait to read it when it's done." I was feeling kind of brave so I also wrote, "You're hair looks pretty today too. ;)" Then I went to erase it, remembered I wrote in pen, panicked, and then just scratched it out. 
    We both finished before the rest of the class, so we sat in silence. I casually looked at the cheesy posters in the room and Krystal was looking out the window. It was a sunny day and it made her jet black hair shine. She looked like she belonged in a movie. All we needed now was a fan to blow her hair back. I got chills just thinking about it.
    Other groups finally started finishing and talking to each other. I decided it was too awkward to just keep sitting here in silence.
    "What class do you go to after this?" I casually asked trying to make small talk.
    "US History. The worst class on the planet," Krystal said exasperated.
    "That bad, huh?" I sounded overly intrigued.
    "Amber, it's awful. Don't ever take that class."
    "If you hate history, then what's your favorite class?" I was really hoping she would mention a class I had, so we could keep talking.
    "Korean. I love the teacher and I am actually Korean, so I should probably learn. Right?"
    "Yeah, it's a great class. I didn't know you took it. You must be in second hour then?" I started fidgeting in my chair getting really excited.
    "Yeah! I assume you take it too then?" Krystal asked.
    "Yeah, bro that's my favorite class!" Okay, calm down llama. I sound way too excited. And did I seriously just call her bro?
    "Are you going to Korea on the spring trip?" she asked me.
    "Yep! And I'm really excited for it."
    "Hey, me too!"
    "Have you picked your travel group yet? We need a fifth person, so do you want to-"
    "I'll see ya 'round Amber."
    Damn. I didn't realize class was already over.




note: the poem was just part of the translated lyrics to airplane:) i didnt make it up. 

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im_fine_okay2 #1
Chapter 5: UPDATE!!!! ME CRAVE
Chapter 5: update please~~ ☆_☆ I love the story so far
nclmzy #3
Chapter 5: Love this story ! I hope we'll get some kryber interaction in the next chapter !
Chapter 5: aaaah mama liu! no!!!! i need some amber krystal sooyoung interaction the next chappy... will sooyoung be friends with kystal because jessica and sooyoung are friends? i need to know
escada #5
Chapter 5: I love your storyyyyyy author-ssi!
ephemeral_21 #6
Chapter 5: I love your story! Keep going~ Can't wait for the update! :)
Chapter 5: sigh..pity amber,always the mum's get to say the final words. hope to see kryber's love blossom in their korea trip.
Enelaxer #8
Chapter 1: dude first chapter is definitley awesome''i like ur story!!keep it up!!!
Chapter 5: Amber and Jackie are so cute! And poor Amber for getting into a fight with Mom before the trip! :o(
Good update- keep going!