Sweet Child, Annoying Teen, y Man


  Andy wakes up one day to find a newborn left on his door step. Taking it into his home, he surprised the next day to find the child a year older. This continues for days until a month passes and the child is now a 33 year old by the name of Jun Jin (or so he likes to call himself. Andy just thinks it's stupid). This here, is the story of Jun Jin's fast pace childhood, and the troubles that come with it.





  + So, this just kind of came to me during a car ride and I really want to write it! XD Anyways, I hope you like and support it! :3


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I need an update! ^^
Chapter 1: Ok wow. I love this. My hubby would be a great appa in the future! This is like...the fic of cuteness. Baby Jin and Appa Andy....though....am I the only one who thinks that this is hot? Lol.

Fighting!!! Great job says this senior!!
NikeIsCraZy #3
Chapter 1: I really like this story!! :D
It's really intresting amd I can't wait for all the chapters to come!!! O u O
jun-kified #4
The plot seems interesting. Can't wait for the first chapter! ^^