Do you want some candy?

I've had enough!
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Sora cursed. She carefully dipped her face with a napkin, which she had taken from the stash on her nightstand. She tried to open her eyes but didn’t succeed as the substance was sticking her eyelids to one another. Sora felt another sticky tear roll down her cheek. She sniffed and gave up on cleaning the mess on her face.

She lay down on her back again and took deep, steady breaths. The substance slowly dried up on her face, making her feel gross. Sora scowled. She hated this. She hated being so weak and seeing those things in her dreams, over and over again.

Sora sighed and her side. It was late- she knew she had to sleep further if she wanted to be able to attend class in the morning. Sora balled her fists as she tried to stop the tears from leaking.

She had enough of it already.



‘’Sora, have you seen my black shorts?’’

The blonde grunted as she heard Kiko enter her room. Was it already morning? She frowned; Sora didn’t hear her alarm go off.

‘’Hey, are you up yet? Can I borrow your shorts instead? I think the witch took them. She dislikes them…’’ Kiko said through gritted teeth while opening Sora’s closet.

‘’You know, I still don’t understand what dad sees in her anyway. Her appearance is uglier than her personality—‘’


‘’—the feeling is mutual, .’’


Sora and Kiko both stiffened as they heard their step mom’s voice boom from the hallway.

Sora, sensing a fight coming up, tried to open her eyes and hissed. The sticky substance made her eyes water as it tore her eyelashes out.

‘’—what did you say, you ?!’’

Sora sat up straight, she couldn’t see Kiko but hearing from her voice, Sora knew her sister was about to claw that witch’s eyes out.

‘’Kiko, Leave it! She’ll only lie to dad and get you in trouble!’’

Kiko scoffed and slammed the door shut. Sora flinched and covered .

‘’I hate her so much! Seriously! One day I’ll kill—‘’ Kiko stopped talking as her eyes widened, ‘’—Sora?! What happened to your face? Did you…did you see another nightmare?’’

Sora flinched again when she felt Kiko sit on her bed. Kiko’s warm hands trailed over Sora’s cheeks. Sora bit her lip; she felt a pang in her chest. She couldn’t show Kiko she was in pain. She knew Kiko was feeling guilty about her nightmares.

‘’…I’m so sorry, Sora—‘’

‘’—it’s not your fault, unnie.’’ Sora smiled and hugged her sister. Sora’s heart began to beat harder as she felt a bubbly feeling in her stomach.

Kiko broke free from the hug and held Sora’s face. Sora still couldn’t open her eyes so Kiko grabbed the stash of napkins and wetted them with a bottle of water.

‘’Let’s clean this mess first.’’ Kiko said while gently removing the hardened parts. ‘’The tears are now redder, Sora.’’

Sora sighed. She had a feeling the tears were changing. They were thicker and stickier… but also redder?


‘’You’re welcome, you little dip.’’ 

Sora chuckled and slapped Kiko’s hands away. Her eyes were burning a bit but Sora didn’t mind. She could at least open them now.

‘’I’m still borrowing your shorts. Just so you know.’’

Sora rolled her eyes. ‘’Help yourself. I was going to wear our uniform, since you know, we’re supposed to.’’

Kiko snorted as she finally found what she was looking for.

‘’Yeah, I’m kinda not going to school today, so…’’

Sora lifted her eyebrow and placed her hands on her hips. ‘’Come again?’’

‘’I said, I’m not going.’’ Kiko innocently grinned and left Sora’s bedroom with a peace sign.

Sora immediately followed her with a frown. ‘’What do you mean? Why not? Are you seriously going to leave me alone?’’

Kiko gave her sister a pointed look. ‘’Sora, you never sit with me anyway. You always avoid my friends—’’

‘’—Yeah, because they hate me!’’

Kiko ignored her comment, ‘’besides, don’t you have new friends now? Don’t think I didn’t notice—‘’ Kiko flicked Sora’s forehead as she talked. ‘’—I’ve seen those newbies you hang around with.’’

Sora grumbled and gave up. She didn’t know why she was trying to convince Kiko to attend class today. Maybe Sora felt more vulnerable without her big sis around.

‘’Fine…’’ Sora rolled her eyes again and headed to the bathroom. She was just in time to see the victorious look on Kiko’s face.

‘’Oh and by the way, that Baekhyun kid is really cute! You should date him.’’

‘’Ugh shut up! I’m not interested!’’

‘’Oh right, I forgot about Shun.’’

Sora sighed and didn’t bother to react anymore. She undressed herself and the shower. She was wondering why Kiko was skipping school. Did Ikuto pursue her? Is she going to shop with her friends? Sora wasn’t in the mood to ask her sister again. It was evident she didn’t want to talk about it, or else she would’ve explained herself the first time Sora questioned her about it.

I just hope she’ll stay away from trouble…



‘’Seems like Baekhyun’s girlfriend was right after all.’’ Sehun commented while taking his usual seat next to Jongin.

‘’For the nth time, she is not—‘’

‘’—so Baekhyun, which base did you two reach?’’ Seorin interrupted with a smirk.

Baekhyun slammed his can of soda on the table- gaining the attention from his friends.

‘’Guys, shut up! I’m single and I’m staying single. It’s sort of a tradition I’ve upheld for years now.’’ Baekhyun opened his can and paused. ‘’I see no signs of this changing.’’ He quietly added before taking a sip.

Jongin rolled his eyes and exchanged looks with Sehun.

 ‘’I don’t understand the fuzz, Baekhy—‘’

Sora yelped as Baekhyun suddenly gave her a deadly glare. Jongin caught on and kicked Baekhyun's shin with warning eyes.

Baekhyun hissed. Jongin turned his attention on Sora as he sweetly smiled. ‘’You were saying?’’

Sora let out an awkward grin. ‘’…I mean, Seulgi seems like a very nice girl.’’

Sehun shook his head- disapproving. ‘’No, Sora, he is crushing on Taeyeon sunbae. Ever since she got transferred here, Baekhyun hasn’t been able to tear his eyes away.’’

The two girls at the table frowned at the same time. Baekhyun flushed a deep red and kept quiet.

‘’Then why are you guys trying to hook him up with Seulgi?’’ Seorin asked.

‘’We’re not.’’ Jongin denied with a shrug. ‘’We’re just screwing around with him.’’

Sora slowly nodded as she put the pieces together. She was curious to this apparent Taeyeon though. She couldn’t remember a sunbae who had transferred here.

‘’Anyway, I’m relieved.’’ Seorin chirped, ‘’I’m happy that you’re tagging along!’’ Seorin jabbed her finger in Sora’s shoulder. Sora sighed and pushed her hand away.

‘’Yeah, I’m glad you’re coming too, Sora.’’ Jongin said with a sincere smile. Sora chuckled as she noticed Jongin’s slightly red cheeks. His skin complexion usually hid the red colour on his face, especially for people who weren’t standing right next to him.

‘’Yeah, well, I hope I won’t regret it.’’

Baekhyun, who had suddenly found his voice again, immediatel

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loving this story!!!
Chapter 5: I am loving this story! Please update soon,Thank You!!
dragonflyinthesky #3
Chapter 5: I really do hope you have not given up on this story bcause its so gooood!!! I hope to see you update in the (near) future.
autumntears #4
Chapter 5: New reader here!!!
I'm loving the story so far!!!

Kim jongin... oh sehun!! feels
Chapter 5: It's always so lovely to see a new chapter from you! I dont want to pressure you to update but I also want to read the next chapter soon lol. Great story Unnie
DipSehun #6
Chapter 5: Please update soon ♡♡
Chapter 5: Good job on this chapter as usual. The beginning left me wondering about what Sora's nightmares and why Kiko feels guilty... I have the feeling that you're going to add a bunch of dramatic chapters in the future ㅋㅋㅋ I really hope to read more soon!! Kaira couple is so adorable!!! Sehun is so cute I love his character in this!!
Chapter 5: Yasssssssss thank you so much for the update
Xiuminbun #9
Chapter 5: Thank you so much for updating unnie! This chapter is jinja jjang as always!! İ hope you'll update soon :D
Chapter 5: Noooooooooooooooooooo I absolutely love this story