Kingdom of Ice


"It's impossible to tell whether we've crossed the border or not, everything looks the same," Sungmin sighed.

Two weeks in travelling, and their supplies were running low, energy dwindling and the cold ever biting.

"We must have crossed it by now, we've gone North in almost a straight path," Hankyung said consulting the worn map they'd brought with them. 

"We can't rely on a map that's over a thousand years old, there's no telling how the land has changed since then. I say we go - ahh!"


Sungmin had stepped on a thin layer of concealed ice and broke through, falling down a crevice in the hillside.

"Min! Are you alright?" Hankyung called.

"I...I think I broke my ankle!" Sungmin called back. "I can't move it!"

"Hold on I'll figure a way to get you out!"

Hankyung looked around, hoping for a tree to pry a branch from or something to pull Sungmin out of the hole, but the countryside had long since lost all vegetation. 

Hankyung walked a little ways ahead, to see if there could be anything to salvage around the snowy hill.

What he got was wolves.

Large snow-white wolves surrounded him at the bottom of the hill, snapping and snarling as he darted back and forth to avoid their sharp fangs.

"What's this then?"

He looked up, a figure riding one of the wolves, clad in ice-blue robes.

A soldier of the north.

"Southerner," he murmured. "Kill him."

"Wait! I don't mean any trouble, I'll be out of your way as soon as I help my friend," Hankyung pleaded.

"There are more? Take us to this friend, we may spare you," the solder said.

Hankyung led them to the crevice and the figure got down.

Now at eye level, Hankyung could see the soldier was merely a boy, almost a child still, with curling brown hair and dark oval eyes.

"He's fallen into an oblique. We can get him out easily through a secret passage. But neither of you are going anywhere once we do." the boy said. "We haven't had Southerners here for many years, and the King will want to know why they now invade his borders."

There was no point in arguing, the Northerners clearly had the upper hand. 

Their wolves were huge, but suddenly shrunk down to average size to brave the deep ice pit and drag Sungmin to safety.

Once on the surface again they regained their original size. Hankyung helped Sungmin stand and they stood before the warrirors of the north.

"Kibum, spare the Southerners Inari, one is injured and the other too slow to keep up. You will ride with me," the boy soldier said.

"Why me?" Kibum whined. "Give them your wolf, I can't stand the smell of Southerners," 

"No arguments! Do it now! We were expected back long before now, we have to get back to the Palace before Evensong," the boy snapped.

"Fine Captain," Kibum sighed dismounting from his wolf. "After all the boy captain gets everything he wants thanks to His Majesty, right Kyuhyun?"

"Hold your tongue or I'll cut it out," Kyuhyun growled. "You're about as useful to the guard as the snow is to the South. Unless of course you'd like to rejoin your brethren and die like the miserable worm that you are?"

Kibum glared fiercely. "I compromise." he said through gritted teeth. "The Southerners cannot ride Inari alone, they cannot control her. I will take them,"

"Very well, have it your way," Kyuhyun smirked. "We move out. Now."

Kibum was gracious enough to wait until Sungmin had been carefully placed between him and Hankyung before following the other soldiers.

The speed in which the wolves tore over the snow blew Hankyung away.

It seemed as though they were flying, the world passed by in a blur, but the soldiers didn't look troubled at all.

"I heard that soldier said 'join your brethren', are you from the South?" Sungmin ventured after nearly thirty minutes travel.

"I am, or I was." Kibum replied. "I was born in the South, close to the border here, but my parents abandoned me in the wilderness, too poor to take care of themselves let alone a child. Two Northern soldiers found me and raised me as their own, I am indebted to them, they petitioned the King fro many years to see me take my place in the guard. But, sadly my fellow guardsman like to ridicule me over my birth status."  

"So they really do hate Southerners," Sungmin shuddered. "What will they do to us?"

"I cannot say, it is up to His Majesty to decide." Kibum said.

"The Ice King..." Hankyung murmured. "Will surely kill us."

"Perhaps. His Majesty does not care for men of the South, he may imprison you rather than kill you, he likes to lord his power of the common man because he can, or he may even use you to his advantage if you are worth enough. Though of course the South has no power to refuse him anything if he asked."

Sungmin's eyes blazed with fury, and Hankyung held him tighter, trying to dispel the anger.

"Our people are dying because of him, what more could he possible want from us?"

"Many things, or nothing at all. No one could tell you what goes on in His Majesty's mind except himself. He has never declared open war upon the South and not one Northern soldier has set foot on the land, but he has not needed to, his winter does the job nicely enough. My advice to you; speak softly, and only when spoken to. Do not attempt to be bold, don't play the defiant hero and don't make him angry. You won't see the next dawn if you do. Play it safely, you may live to escape his dungeons and fight another day. Foolish behavior leads in a pointless death. I do not know why you two all of a sudden are here in the North, but I can guess it is for nothing good. The King will think similar, so do everything you can to stay alive." Kibum warned.

"Leave the talking to me Min, if there is to be any talk." Hankyung said.


"Hark, the Palace draws near. I will help you if I can, but do not depend on me, I have my own life to think of and, no offense, but I'm not willing to stick my neck out for strangers who hail from a birthplace I have never known; my kin or not, my place is here and I'd like to keep it." 

"We understand, we would not ask you to aid us," Hankyung murmured. 

The Ice King's Palace was a fortress of gleaming, glittering stone, metal and ice. 

It stretched up just past the clouds, large intricate columns of white marble covered in ice carvings kept the Palace in place, perched as it were before a large frozen lake.

It was far larger than the Palace Hankyung grew up in, though he suspected the ice attachments were not part of the original structure. 

The town lay directly in front of the Palace, long cobblestone streets lined with hundreds of little houses, all this was surrounded by a large wall made of snow and ice, guarded by sentries. 

Though the place was magnificent, it seemed to be...dim. Like the light of the place had been out.

The feel of the place reminded him of home, like the glory of the Kingdom's pay day was long in its past, as though the winter was killing even this frozen kingdom. 

Kibum instructed them at the gate to dismount, and they were clapped in chains of frozen steel, walking behind Kibum's wolf, chains attached to a key ring in his hand.

They were forced to march through the town to the Palace, many villagers arriving at their doors and windows to stare in wonder at the foreign prisoners.

Hankyung and Sungmin were dressed plainly, in dark brown furs and damp leather of hunters, this was no place to flaunt robes of red and gold. 

The people of the North were clad in pastel blues, greys,  and whites. Long flowing winter robes lined with fur, sewn with beautiful patterns with silk for the rich, and tunics, simple coats and winter boots for the poor.

These people seemed to hold no malice towards them, but no friendship either.

Despite this, Hankyung managed to get a good look at them, and noticed one difference between these people and the people of his own kingdom.

They had spirit. They were happy. They flourished and thrived here in this cold, no despair had reached their eyes like in the Kingdom of Sun.

Hankyung wondered what tale they had been told of the Great Ice Over.

Did their King feed them with lies, tell them the South was going to invade, and he saved them with his eternal winter?

Did children grow up to idolize such a tyrant, not knowing how many lives he has put an end to?

Hankyung grit his teeth. What made these people more deserving than his suffering kingdom? What made them so special as to thrive while the South died?

Anger welled up inside him. He would destroy that King of theirs, if it was the last thing he did!

He blinked, taking deep breathes like he'd run a marathon.

Where...had all that anger come from? 

But he had no time to ponder, for just then Kibum and Kyuhyun had broken away from the others and were leading them up the cold stone stairs to the Palace.

The great silver gates opened at their arrival, and Hankyung in a sharp breath as the cold air filled his lungs, walking over the threshold into the freezing Palace.

It took several minutes to control his shivering and get used to the cold within.

The interior wasn't made of ice, but it was lined with it in some places. There was faded coloured glass in the windows and ceiling, spilling dull colour on the shiny floor, which would have been beautiful in the old days, now it just made Hankyung sad.

Hankyung and Sungmin were led up the staircase to the hall, which once may have been a ballroom, and large windows let in huge pools of light.

Upon a slightly elevated platform to one side of the great hall, stood a gleaming crystal throne. 

And the far back, another staircase, spiraling up to where Hankyung didn't know.

It was from this staircase the Ice King entered the room.

Like a Goddess of the old tales he descended the stairs with grace and poise, confidence in every step, his power resonating throughout the room.

He seemed to glow, but soon Hankyung realized it were merely the sun setting behind him. Still, the effect was there.

He had short silky blonde hair, so blonde it were nearly white with just the touch of gold.

A delicate crown fashioned out of icicles rested atop his head, his white and light blue robes were long and stretched behind him, trailing along the ground as he walked.

A shift of his feet showed Hankyung he was barefoot, but strangely his hands were tightly bound in white fur gloves.

He seemed to float rather than step as he approached the steps to his throne. He raised his robes just enough to avoid tripping, and climbed the steps to sit on the grand throne.

He motion for Kyuhyun to step forward and give his report.

"Sire, we found these two just inside the border, spies of the South." Kyuhyun said kneeling before his King.

"Spies? Why now of all times? It's been a thousand years I thought the people of the South had lost any spine they had left," The King said looking bored, leaning his head in his hand and yawning slightly at the news. "Kill them Kyu, I've no business with them,"

"With pleasure sire," Kyuhyun grinned.

"Don't you wish to know who you are killing sire?" Kibum murmured quietly.

The King fixed his gaze on the young man. "A good point..." he muttered. He yawned again, seemingly falling asleep on his chair, eyes closed and posture relaxed. "Very well, give me your names before I kill you. Lie to me and I'll know it,"

"My name is Lee Sungmin," Sungmin said.

"Unknown to me, the name does nothing. Kill him, but let his friend watch first. Now, the other, your name?"

"Hankyung." Hankyung almost whispered.

The King's eyes flew open and he sat up straight, staring at Hankyung from across the room. 

With swift steps he descended from the throne and crossed the icy floor to stand mere metres away from him.

"You've come very far young prince, and I suspect nothing good brings you to my kingdom," he said.

"How do you know who I am?" Hankyung asked sharply, trying desperately to avoid the King's eyes, lest he have powers beyond his knowledge to control him. 

"I know many things." The King replied in his silky voice. "There has not been a man in all the South that could wield the power of the fire that dwells within you. Your birth was known to me, such a powerful infant could not escape my notice. I have been waiting to see what you would do upon discovery of this power, and you have chosen to travel here, what I cannot why?"

"My...father, sent me." Hankyung said carefully.

The King had said he would know if he lied, he had to choose his words carefully.

"Indeed? Your father was but a small boy when our kingdom closed its doors to yours, I'm touched he even remembers me," The King chuckled sarcastically. "But sadly he's made a terrible mistake, sending his only son into such a dangerous place. Take the injured one to the Healer, then lock him below in the dungeon. Bring the little prince to me, unharmed if you don't mind."

In a flurry of robes the King was once again crossing the room towards the grand spiral staircase.

"King Heechul!" Kyuhyun called. "Will you do nothing with the servant?"

"You may do as you wish with him Kyuhyun, I place you in charge of our...guests," The King said with a dark smile. "No one is to die, unless I tell you otherwise. Feel free to entertain yourself with that one however."

"No! Don't you dare harm him!" Hankyung leapt forward as Kyuhyun went to grab Sungmin, his fire emerging from his palm and shooting out towards the boy.

Kyuhyun yelped as his face came into contact with the heat and lunged backwards, then suddenly Hankyung was frozen to the spot, his legs and hands encased in ice.

"Try that trick again, and I'll reconsider my generous offer of keeping you alive," Heechul threatened. "Leave me, all of you. Kibum, take the boy down to the dungeons, I will trust your skills to satisfy his injury for now."

Kibum nodded and helped Sungmin limp away. He glanced back at Hankyung with a worried glance.

"Kyuhyun-ah," Heechul went swiftly to the boy's side, helping him to sit on the cold floor. "You're marked."

"I am? By the flames?" Kyuhyun whispered. "I'm sorry sire, I'm terribly sorry,"

"Don't be stupid, foolish boy," Heechul chastised softly. "You've done nothing wrong. Come here."

Heechul's right hand was bare now, while the other clutched the glove.

He brought up his ungloved hand to Kyuhyun's now scarred face, he did not touch the skin, but softly blew cold air onto the burn. 

The severity of the burn dimmed down, soothed by the cool icy breath, until it was a faint scar running down over his nose.

"There." Heechul said satisfied. "A scar worthy of a brave soldier,"

"It was not heroically gained however," Kyuhyun chuckled slightly, gently touching his burned nose.

"Well we'll keep it between the witnesses then shall we? No one else need know, tell your guard the prince engaged you in a fierce battle before you brought him to me." Heechul stood, pulling the boy captain to his feet, then glared at the frozen Hankyung.

"Do that again little prince, and I will find the most interesting end to your servant friend. To keep you from bothering me further, I will keep you bound. A feral dog is best kept under lock and key," The king unfroze his legs, but fashioned cuffs made of ice to wrap around Hankyung's wrists.

"The cold so close to your source of power will stunt your magic. You won't be able to cast any more flames under my roof, nor injure any more of my subjects. Kyuhyun, relieve Kibum of his duty and watch that prisoner, he may be more crafty than we imagine. I will take the prince myself,"

"Are you sure that's wise sire? He could still be dangerous." Kyuhyun replied.

"Your loyalty touches me Kyu, but I'll be fine. What can a child do to the Ice King?" Heechul smiled. "Go now, and do not disturb me until morning."

Tugged along unwillingly by the magic of the cuffs, Hankyung followed close behind the king as they moved up the stairs.

"I - I didn't mean that..." he stammered.

"I know." Heechul replied. "You were scared, your power is not yet mature, it lashed out in response to your emotion. You are dangerous to us and yourself until you can control it. I will find a more permanent solution to holding you, but until then the cuffs will suffice."

"...Would you not just kill us? Why keep us here alive?" Hankyung ventured.

"Because, I want to. Why is none of your concern, just be grateful I'm feeling...generous today. Tomorrow brings a new day, and you may not be as lucky."

Hankyung swallowed thickly.

What was to become of them now?

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Sapphirechan #1
Chapter 2: Aw so good ... Fire and ice my favorite combination
Chapter 2: This story is amazing! I love it! Definitely captivating and I cannot wait for more.
TrebleCleff #3
Chapter 1: this is really good so far :) please update again soon! I'm curious about the ice king, is it Heechul?