
This Can't Be Real {HIATUS}


Chen's P.O.V.

              A few days had already passed and Eunhye has still been avoiding us! I can't take it anymore! The more I don't see her, the more I get this weird feeling in my stomach... it can't be because I'm missing her.. can it? 


              Since today's saturday, all the members were gathered in the living room doing their own thing in our dorm. I was pacing back and forth in the kitchen thinking of ways to get Eunhye to talk to me, I mean us. But was interrupted when Luhan startled me, "Hey, everything okay! You seem a little fidgety." 


              "Actually, no, I'm not. Do you by any chance know why Eunhye is acting like that?" I asked. He let out a sigh. "Don't think too much about it, she's just doing her job," he answered emphasizing the word job. Before I could say anything, he already walked away. 


~Next day~


​              I was up late at night yesterday thinking about what Luhan had said. I knew he was trying to hint something out to me because he's not one to say anything that others didn't want him to say. But after thinking all night, I finally understood what he meant. But frankly, the same situation goes for me.


               Before we 'hired' Eunhye as our bodyguard, our boss had warned us not to create any type of bond other than trust with her. I never liked the limits that were put on us, but what I could I do about it right? However, that's not going to stop me from seeing her today. I'm determined to gain her trust. 


Your P.O.V.

              *dingdong* The doorbell rang so I pulled a baggy sweater over me and a pair of shorts before answering the door, since Key went to Canada to help out my mom at the company for a little while. I opened the door and to my surprise I found Chen standing there.


              "What're you doing here?" I asked coldly. Without another word, he pulled me into a hug and whispered, "I want you to know that we're always here for you. Forget what everyone else says, because we will always stick by your side, as friends." I was speechless. My heart was beating so fast. But this feeling was so warm... being near him always made me feel comfortable. 


              I still never hugged back, but I didn't try to move away either. After a while, I invited him in and that's when I told him everything. Starting from the separation of my parents to all the different things I've been through. Even about my side job, because I still never told anyone that was actually a job I had. Not just knowing self defence. 


              Somewhere when I was telling him my story, I started to cry. I guess these were all the different feelings I had bottled up in me within the years. Instead of just handing me a box of tissues, which I had expected, he was my hair and patting my back to calm me down. I think I've finally opened up to somebody...


Chen's P.O.V.

              While she was telling me her story, I could already see tears welling up in her eyes. I started to her hair and pat her back so that she can feel safe and as I sign to let her know that I was still supporting her. But as she talked, I couldn't help but to stare at her facial features. 


               She didn't have double eyelids, but her eyes were still big and round, her eyelashes were long and curly and you could tell she doesn't wear makeup unlike most fakes at out school, she had a cute small nose, and soft and full looking lips. She's just naturally beautiful.


              After she finished her story, I went to her kitchen to get a cup of hot water so that she can calm down. Before I brought the cup to her, I got a text. 


              "See me at the company immediately." That's strange, the boss usually never talks to us unless to announce something important, and even that is usually to all the artists. Smaller things are always handled by out manager, but what's this about? 


              I brought the cup to Eunhye. "The company wants to see me now, I'm sorry. I'll call or text you later!" I announced. "Alright, thanks for staying with me. I'll see you on monday!" she said and walked with me to the door. I took my leave, and was smiling like an idiot as I thought about her again. 

Authors Note~

Hello! I hope you liked this chapter ^^ and sorry it took so long to update /.\ Please subscribe and don't forget to comment! :) I'd love to know what you think of the story so far. Talk to me on a fan account I made for exo on Instagram! You can find it at @exoforever_twelve  Thanks for reading! 




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R3ader43V3R #1
Chapter 14: Wah! It doesn't seem like it's your 1st fanfiction. I found it very interresting, so pls UPDATE,ne.:)
R3ader43V3R #2
Chapter 14: Wah! It doesn't seem like it's your 1st fanfiction. I found it very interresting, so pls UPDATE,ne.:)
AmyWtsn #3
Chapter 14: I'd honestly rather read about Eunhye saving the day and fighting bad guys than a "forbidden" romance. I liked her getting in on the action but the fact that she was injured so easily upset me. Our girl should be more badass than that. Maybe write in a couple of chapters about her saving the guys from some crazy fans or something.
Chapter 14: Give him a chance eunhye...
Chapter 11: Update author..
Chapter 10: Update soon~~
Boring_Aegyo #7
Chapter 10: A good story so far!^~^
Chapter 9: Luhan is a nice person. .