Don't Say Goodbye


Mi Sun is a 25 year old girl who was born in Seoul, Korea. Her older sister MinKyung was kidnapped and found dead, after someone whom she thought she could trust betrayed her only to retrieve his kidnapped girlfriend. This brings anger to Min sun at her sister's funeral when that man appeared along with the girl. Min Sun promised her older sister vengence on this man and on the guys that kidnapped and killed her. Come in Ren Kiriyama a japanese man who is upon those who killed Min's sister but becomes her friend. The two not knowing who the other is start hanging out, but it is until Min tells him her story that he realizes she is talking about the same girl whom he helped those men kill. What will happen when Min finds out his identity?


Min Sun is a 25 year old korean girl who has already finished college and has a very good job and loving family. Her older sister Minkyung went missing when she was very little and she can only remember somethings about her. At the age of 25, she finally meets her older sister but it's through a coffin that she meets her. Min Sun's older sister went missing when Min was only 16. No one knowing where she could've been. After hearing the whole story, Min promised her older sister vengence on everyone who betrayed her and on the men that killed her. 

Ren Kiriyama is a japanese man living in Seoul after committing crime in Japan. He moved to Seoul in hope of finding a better life but what he found was something like the life he had been living in before. He helped kill Min sun's sister after being threatened by the men who held her prisoner. Ren then meets her little sister whom he starts to fall in love with not knowing she is the younger sister of the woman he had killed. Only after she confessed that she would find and kill the men who betrayed her sister, did he realize she was her sister. Aside from that he is a very strong man with a kind heart and can be a coward at times.


 The fanfic is based on Davichi's Don't say goodbye. I decided to do a fanfic of what happened to minkyung after the end of the video( if you've seen it you'll know what I'm talking about) and made it seem like she had a little sister who would take vengence for her. Hope you enjoy!


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