Just Taeyeon for Today

Hired Lover

"Hey Sica?" Jessica unconsciously smiled at the nickname. 




"Are you still a....uhm that?"




"That. Do you still have that?"


"What are you trying to say? Just say it!"


"You know,  a v-i-r-g-i-n." Taeyeon slowly spelled out for the older girl. She didn't want to say the exact word since it would just make it awkward for the both of them that were laying side by side in bed after the incident of Taeyeon almost Jessica. Jessica frowned. She pieced the letters together, her face immediately redden at the sudden topic.




"I'm curious." Taeyeon turned her head facing Jessica, while the older woman continued to stare at the ceiling unable to bring herself to meet Taeyeon's curious look on her. "So are you?"


"Do you remember that time when I was changing to go shopping and the salon with you?" Jessica suddenly questioned out of the blue. Taeyeon frowned but nodded her head.


"What does that have to do wit-" Taeyeon began but was quickly shushed by Jessica.


"Let me finish." Taeyeon obediently nodded her head waiting for an answer. "Do you remember what I said that time when you asked for a kiss?"


"I still don't see...oh...ohh..... right...uhm yeah...so you're still.... innocent." Taeyeon manage to say through the awkwardness she had brought.


"What's with the reaction?"


"Nothing..I mean you're what 21 already and you never got laid. Wow." Taeyeon explained with complete fascination.


Jessica rolled her eyes, she was those type of people who believed in after marriage, those who never had a boyfriend/girlfriend since birth. In fact Jessica always had questioned her uality and she never thought that she might actually be gay. What are the odds. She turned over to face Taeyeon but saw that the younger girl's face was merely inches away from her face. Jessica's face flushed and quickly turned her face back around. No way.


"What's with that flustered glance huh?" Even without looking Jessica could see the teasing grin that replaced the awkward look.


"Move away, it's hot in here."


"That's because I'm here." Jessica turned to give Taeyeon a scoff, "It's facts though."


"You're funny."


Taeyeon shifted closer to Jessica, as a instant reaction Jessica shifted away, but was pulled closer when Taeyeon wrapped her arms around her waist and  gave Jessica's lips a soft kiss. Jessica's face flushed at the unsuspected move, even though the two had shared plenty of kisses she could never get use to it.


"With the amount of money you pay just to kiss me each time, you're going to be in a debt." Jessica manage to say without stuttering.


"So?" Taeyeon pecked her lips again. "I want to." With that said Taeyeon crashed her lips onto Jessica's soft ones, nibbling on her lower lips before Jessica's lips for permission to enter, Jessica without hesitation granted. The invited tongue exploded each each part of , making contact with Jessica's tongue that send sparks throughout her entire body. Jessica was first to pull away due to lack of air.


"Which one?" Taeyeon frowned at the question. "To be in debt or to kiss me?"


"I thinks it's going have to be both." Taeyeon said with a grin. Jessica let out a small smile and was about to reply when her phone flashed on and a message popped up.She rolled away from Taeyeon's arms. She was opened the message and saw that it was from Yuri.


~Hey beautiful. Did Taeyeon manage to found out you were with me?~


Jessica was about to text back until she saw Taeyeon not so secretly looking over her shoulder. "Who's erted Flirt?" Jessica shrugged. "It's not Yuri is it?"


"Uhmm..." Jessica was hoping to dodge the question with a lie but looking at Taeyeon's seriousness, she realized lying was probably not going to get her very far. "Yeah."


Taeyeon snorted. "What does she want?" Taeyeon was clearly unamused that Yuri had again texted Jessica. Just the thought of Yuri brought back the memories of Yuri kissing peaking Jessica on the lips. "Why did you save her number down anyway?"


Jessica looked away from Taeyeon's intense stare, or glare however way you view she was probably pissed off. "Well she technically saved it herself."


"Delete it." Taeyeon said in a demanding tone, that almost made Jessica want scoff but she figured it probably wasn't the time to do such a thing. Jessica bit her tongue and pass the phone to Taeyeon, allowing the girl to do whatever. "Really!? Wow Jessica." Jessica looked at what Taeyeon was complaining  about. She looked away when she saw what Taeyeon was looking at.


"Well it's sort of true...."


"Did you really have to save my contact as Midget Boss?" Taeyeon exclaimed, forgetting all about Yuri's text, now she was all focused on her name that Jessica had written down. 


"I think it's pretty creative." Jessica answered still not meeting Taeyeon's gaze. 


"Yah! You better think of something else." Jessica sighed at the demand, that nickname was very fitting. She racked her brain for another creative name. Byuntae? No. Taeyeon definitely wasn't in the mood for a joke. Something that sounds cute and bubbly. Taeng? Hmmm.....


"How about Taengoo?" Jessica asked remembering back to what Taeyeon's mom had called her. Taeyeon puffed up her cheeks, she never really like that nickname but when Jessica had said it, the name felt so right, like Jessica was born to say it. Heavenly.


"Great now lets..." Taeyeon inputted the name only with many hearts behind it, Jessica just rolled her eyes at the antics. Oh well, at least she's in a good mood now.



"Won't your parents worry if you're not home... again?" Jessica asked, it was about to be dark soon and Taeyeon was still lounging around her house not wanting to leave, but honestly speaking she enjoys the younger girls presence very much, although she could do without the constant groping, or random molest.


"It's fine." Taeyeon merely waved it off coolly but in her mind she knew once she got home tomorrow she was in deep trouble. Her mother's wrath was seriously no joke, it made you wish you were better off in hell.


"Are you sure?"


"Positive." Jessica had a unsure look on her face but decided it to leave it as it is. "By the way what's for dinner?"


"Uhmm...." Jessica thought for a while. What was for dinner anyway? She was planning on eating some noodles again but Taeyeon was here and she didn't want to go through the extra effort of actually cooking. "Take outs?"


Taeyeon frowned. "Why don't you cook?"


"Too much work." Jessica lazily said as she reached for her phone. "How does pizza sound?"



"You're not going home are you?"


"Nope." Taeyeon said with a dorky grin. Jessica gave her a look of disbelief. "Come on let me sleep over."


"You wish. Next thing you know my name and pictures going to be all over the news saying I kidnapped the Kim Heiress." Jessica sarcastically said. Taeyeon chuckled.


"I don't see the problem." Taeyeon commented with a shrug.


"Okay just because you're my boss." Jessica nonchalantly said as she tried to look for some comfortable clothing.


"No I'm not."


"Then what are you?"


"Just Taeyeon for today. Not someone who's paying you, not you're boss, not you're pretend girlfriend, just Taeyeon." Taeyeon listed out all the things they were. Jessica frowned, okay this girl was really confusing at times.


"Why the suddenly decision Taeyeon?" 


"I just want to see how you would treat me, if I'm not paying you."


"Basically I have to babysit you and I don't get paid, what exactly do I win here?"


"My love." Taeyeon made a heart with her hand and winked at Jessica, who laughed at the dorkiness. What in the world has gotten into her today, it was kind of like cuteness to the max.


"Idiot." Jessica grabbed some clothes and threw it at Taeyeon. "Here, now go shower!"


"Shower with me."


"Not even in your dreams. Now go shower midget!" Jessica ordered. Taeyeon put a hand over her heart. 


"Wow the 360 change of attitude is crazy, I want to be your boss again." 


"No take back, now go." Jessica pointed at the bathroom, giving Taeyeon a look she usually gives her sister when the younger Jung gives her a hard time. Taeyeon pouted and dragged her body into the shower not before turning back, sticking her tongue out at Jessica and quickly shutting the door. Jessica let out an amused smile, Taeyeon was truly something else. Sometimes she questions the girl's true motive.



Taeyeon waited in Jessica's room, waiting for the older girl to be done with her shower. She tried not explore, giving Jessica her need of privacy. Taeyeon didn't know what had gotten into her, she was thinking she had probably lost her mind. But she was curious about being just Taeyeon to Jessica not her boss, well now she knows never to make stupid decisions.


She glanced around the room, Jessica's room was plain and small compared to hers but at the same time it felt nice and cozy, sometimes that's all a person needs. Taeyeon saw a picture by the drawer that she had never saw. She studied the picture and saw Jessica and some other girl, who was she? Girlfriend? Taeyeon frowned. That can't be it, she was Jessica's first kiss, Taeyeon titled her head maybe they had a innocent relationship.


The door creaked opened, and Jessica walked in drying her hair with a towel. "What are you looking at?" Taeyeon flinched at the voice and drop the picture back at it's normal place.


"I was uhh...admiring your comfortable bed."


Jessica frowned. "Thanks? I bought it at it's lowest price." Taeyeon gave a nervous laugh. "Are you tired?"


"Not really?" Taeyeon answered making herself comfortable on the bed. Jessica raised her brow. 


"Well I am, so make yourself comfortable outside on the couch." Jessica told Taeyeon who gave a look of objection. "I left you blankets."


"I want to sleep here." Taeyeon pouted and gave Jessica her best puppy eyes. "Please, Unnie!" Jessica laughed at Taeyeon's sudden aygeo, she need a camera this instant. What had was in that food they ordered, whatever it was they need to tell her.


"Taeyeon-ah." Jessica carefully said, observing the girl full of aygeo. "Are you feeling okay? Do you need the hospital?" Jessica joked, and Taeyeon knitted her brow, she was trying hard trying to get permission since she was stupid enough to just let her authority go for the night. Taeyeon let out a sigh before reluctantly dragged her body to the living room.


Jessica giggled at the sight before calling out the girl in depression. "Taeyeon-ah." Taeyeon's ears immediately perked up and turn towards Jessica who made some space next to her and patted for her to sleep there.


"I love you Sica!" Jessica blushed at the innocent confession but just brushed it off. Taeyeon quickly made herself comfortable next to Jessica who had  her back turned to Taeyeon, already almost asleep. Taeyeon smiled to herself before wrapping her arms around Jessica's waist, only to get slapped away.


"No touching, groping, or molesting me in my sleep." Jessica warned. Taeyeon let out a low whine, why did she come up with stupid idea in the first place. 



Hii.... I felt like I haven't update this story in a while... uhmm cuz u know I was working on other things, but anyways I decide to update because so many readers commented telling me to update so here's an update for all you lovely readers <3

*Ahem* So instead of , I decided to replace it with a chapter full of fluff. So cute? I think that I want to develop their relationship a bit more before Taeyeon takes Jessica's well you know what. Anyways isn't this chapter fluffy but it kind of have nothing to do with the story just something I wrote because I didn't know how to continue the plot. .~.

Sorry for mistakes in advacne since I'm too lazy to read it over, I'll do that tommrrow. *-*

Also thank you for all the people who commented on each chapter thank each comment are appreciated. Also special thanks to those new upvotes and subscribers. Kay I'm done talking please comment beause I enjoy reading them and continue on with your life..... >.<




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Soneisa #1
Chapter 13: Hope you can still continue the story
Soneisa #2
Chapter 12: Finally you confessed
ebatwise #4
Like they said in the last comments "Omg, is this the end? I can't get over it. I need taengsic TT TT and i need you authornim. Thank you for you wonderful stories <3
wayy2tiredd #5
Chapter 13: Omg, is this the end? I can't get over it. I need taengsic
wayy2tiredd #6
Chapter 13: Omg, is this the end? I can't get over it. I need taengsic
Chapter 13: Oh no....not end like this(╥﹏╥)
Epilogue please,....
Chapter 9: Yes...i always love taengsic moment..always..
Chapter 6: I think tae have falling in love with jessica
Chapter 3: So,tae will married with fany...tae know her right?why she reject the engagement??