I don't hate you

I don't hate you
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And you were right. As soon as he told to start showing him what you practiced rapping, he stopped you and raised an eyebrow.

"Are you serious about rapping that? Because that's not even a rap. it came from a freaking ballad and it's just like the words are just being said. without and freaking tone" Jenissi said

"Well I'm sorry you're the one who told me to choose any rap, any song, any ing artist" You said


Jenissi's eyes flickered for a moment. shocked, that you used such foul language at him for the first time. 

Usually you would just nod or calmly say sorry. Or tell him you'll do better. 


He swallowed and started talking "What?"

"What do you mean what!?" You asked and looked away. You were kind of shocked too that you used those kind of words. Let's say you were used to saying those kind of words. You do curse a lot with Kidoh, You curse a lot with Yano too, and with Xero when he's being he usually silly self. Damn it, you curse a lot with whoever you are with but never ever with Jenissi. Because he doesn't talk a lot, because the two of you weren't so close that you can't use those words at all.

and now you just lost it because he's gonna start to ing diss you and your skills again.


"Are you upset at me now for saying this isn't the right rap?" Jenissi asked, he was now looking at you.

You let out a breathe and stood up from your chair "Yes! I am mad!" 

"I'm just telling you that this isn't the rap! You could've searched for something else. you could've--" Jenissi explained whilestanding up too but you cut him off when you threw your hands up in the air and looked at him, your eyebrows meeting at the center.

"It's not the only reason okay!" You said 

"Oh really!?" He said, his hands going it's way to his hair "then tell me! Don't let out your frustrations on me because I'm here to train you to rap and--"


"I'M UPSET BECAUSE I CAN'T UNDERSTAND YOU" You shouted at him and he blinked. you looked away and this time you said the words in much more quiet voice. "I'm upset because I know you hate me. You don't think I improve every ing lesson. You don't talk me when I'm with you guys. You don't even look at me that much. You don't make any effort to even pretend that you don't hate me"

Jenissi opened his mouth to speak but he closed it again when you started.

"Hyosang told me once that you'll start opening up. Hyosang told me to understand you because he said he knows what the problem is" You looked up at him and looked into his eyes "I want to know what the problem is too. If it's my rapping, alright I'll do better. I just-- I don't like it that you hate me"


Jenissi looked away and sat down. Sighing, he closed his eyes and buried his face into his hands "I don't hate you" he whispered. He looked up and repeated it "I don't hate you".

You swallowed the lump forming in your throat when he stood up again and stood up right in front of you. He put his hands on both sides of your shoulders and sighed "You're not the problem. The problem is my ing emotions, alright?" 

"W-what do you mean? Are you upset about something? Are you--"

"I'm just jealous" he said and looked up an

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Chapter 2: So cute god!! My ears burnig up now yanow
Chapter 2: OMG!!! Are you kidding me?! Jenissi!! >< Your smile are killing DX
Chapter 2: ohmygohn. *O* I really hope this guys is single in real life.!!! my heart. How I wish it was me. T^T I love you authornim.¡¡¡
Chapter 1: I was just going through some Topp Dogg FFs when I came across this. AND I TOTALLY LOVE YOU.! I HAVE BEEN A JENISSI FAN SINCE LATE 2012.! I LOVE YOU.! I JUST LOVE YOU.! (but I love Jenissi more. XD) and you're right.! That quiet self of his is just Y.! I LOVE HIM FOR THAT.! SNOB. QUIET. Emotionless. ohmygohn. I just love him.

And Kidoh?! Yeah. I don't know. It's just that, when you see him, you just want to be friends with him. Most of my imaginations, he would be my bestfriend.

More Topp Dogg stories.! :D <3