Chapter 3

The Distance Between You and Me

Kibum stared wide-eyed at Taemin. “You want me to what?”

“Can you please, please, please, go in my place?” the prince begged.

The elder boy sighed and raised an eyebrow at him. “Taemin…this is ridiculous.”

“Please, Kibum, I’m really scared to go. What if someone tries to kill me again? I can’t not show up for Jonghyun. Just go in my place for this time, please! I’m begging you!” he pleaded, pouting.

Kibum sighed, flipping his black hair some. “Alright, alright. I’ll go. I’m not going to explain this if he finds out though. Do you understand?”

The slightly taller young man threw his arms around him. “Thank you, Kibum! Thank you!”

He sighed. “I’ll need you to tell me everything. I have to be able to converse with him as if I’m you.”

“I know. Let me tell you.”


A few hours later, Kibum was entering the large room dressed in fine hanbok he’d never dreamed of being able to wear. He bit his lip nervously. Just when they’d arrived, Taemin had been given a letter from Jonghyun, asking what he would be wearing so they could find one another. Taemin had responded and described the hanbok which Kibum now wore. The jacket was azure with golden embroidery along the edges of the sleeves and collar, translucent golden ribbon holding the front closed in a perfect bow. The pants were a navy and gathered perfectly around his ankles, little gold leaves embroidered around the folds.

He took a deep breath as he looked around nervously. Kibum couldn’t believe he had agreed to do this for Taemin like an idiot. How was he supposed to convince Jonghyun that he was the boy he’d written to for ten years? There was no way.

His fingers were tapping nervously together as he walked around in the crowded hall, looking around for the other. He didn’t know what Jonghyun would be wearing so the other would have to find him. His feet carried him around the room until a hand stopped him, turning him.

Jonghyun was attractive and Kibum felt himself trying not to blush. He was tall with lightly tanned skin. His chin wasn’t too defined but he had high cheek bones and small, slightly deep set almond eyes. He looked like the epitome of Korean classic beauty. His deep brown hair wasn’t too long and had gently side swept bangs. He wore a fitted carmine colored hanbok, the shoulders and edges embroidered with what appeared to be golden birds.

“Taemin?” he said, voice deeper than Kibum expected.

“Y-yes…You’re Jonghyun?” It came out sounding like he couldn’t believe it. Although, Kibum really couldn’t believe it. Taemin had told him that Jonghyun once wrote that he wasn’t exactly the most attractive man yet here he was looking absolutely stunning. Kibum was almost jealous; wondering how Taemin had scored such a handsome man without even trying.

“I am,” he nodded, “How are you?”

“I’m…alright,” he responded, trying to regain his composure at the slight smirk on Jonghyun’s slightly plump lips. “How was your journey here?”

“It was excellent. We made it faster than expected and everyone stayed in good health the entire time.”

“That’s wonderful. We also had an easy travel here. My father did not have a difficult time, for which I’m thankful.”

“So, I’m correct to assume that this isn’t your kingdom.”

“No. This is the other Lee Dynasty. Their prince is named Jinki. He’s over by the buffet, stuffing quite a bit of chicken into his mouth,” Kibum corrected, pointing towards said prince.

“Ah, yes. I recognize him now. It’s been a few years.” Jonghyun shuffled uneasily. “Don’t take this the wrong way but I find this kind of uncomfortable…”

“I understand.” The shorter man laughed a little as he moved some black hair from his face. “It’s harder than expected to just pick up where we left off writing letters.”


Jonghyun fell silent and Kibum glanced at him from the side. He looked even better in profile and Kibum was screaming at himself to get a grip. He couldn’t have a crush on Taemin’s crush. That would be the worst best friend move ever. Even if he did have a crush, he didn't stand a chance. Kibum was not of noble status; he was simply Taemin’s attendant. He had no hopes of ever marrying a prince. He quickly shook his head, trying to dispel it of those thoughts. When he looked back to Jonghyun, he found him watching him with soft eyes. His cheeks flared in embarrassment.

“You’re honestly much more attractive than I thought you’d be,” the taller man said bashfully, “I hope that doesn’t offend you…”

“No…I, well…I feel the same way about you. You mentioned you weren’t very attractive in your letters.”

“Did I? I don’t really think I’m all that good looking.”

Kibum couldn’t control rolling his eyes but he immediately gasped when he realized what he had done. He looked at Jonghyun, praying he hadn’t offended him but instead found a delighted smile on his lips, soft chuckle falling from them seconds after.

“You’re very cute, Taemin. Would you like to dance with me?”

Kibum nodded and took the hand that the other offered to him a moment later. He couldn’t help but notice how well they fit together as the elder prince spun him.


Kibum couldn’t lie that he wasn’t having a wonderful time. He was laughing and nearly snorting at the stories Jonghyun told about his friend Minho. After they had danced, they’d settled in a small alcove with some drinks and struck up a conversation. They talked all about their kingdoms and their friends. Kibum was careful to reverse his and Taemin’s roles in the stories, but frequently found himself tripping over names. Jonghyun had many stories to tell about his goofy friend and swore they would have to meet eventually. He took a drink as Jonghyun finished up another story and giggled quietly to himself.

“You’re really funny,” he finally managed to say, wiping at a watering eye.

“I’m glad you think so but I think it’s all Minho. He’s such a goof.”

“Kibum is the same way. He loses everything! I mean, what would he do without me?”

Jonghyun raised an eyebrow at him. “Shouldn’t you have someone more trustworthy acting as your handmaiden though? I mean, they’re supposed to assist you and it sounds more like Kibum needs you to take care of him.”

Kibum coughed some, realizing that Jonghyun had a point. He couldn’t talk about Taemin as if he was still Taemin. “Well…Kibum is very reliable when I need him to be. He’s a little forgetful but he’s earnest. That’s all that matters to me.”

“You’re even kind,” the other smiled, eyes crinkling a little.

Kibum blushed some, feeling his heart race. Jonghyun was way too cute. He was practically melting at how adorable the elder was. He managed a cute smile himself and took another drink. “You’re not too bad yourself.”

The other prince smirked a little. “How flattering you are, Taemin-ah.”

“Yah!!” Kibum cried, whacking the other’s arm. “You’re being so informal so quick! Naughty!”

Jonghyun broke into laughter and shook a little as he tried to hold it in. Kibum laughed some as well, covering his mouth. They both finally caught their breaths and happened to notice the party’s population was dwindling.

“It’s very late. I should let you get to bed. Big meetings tomorrow,” the handmaiden in disguise said.

“You won’t be attending the conferences?”

“I might…It depends on my father’s decision.”

“I see…Well, I hope I’ll see you again.”

“We’ll see one another tomorrow night. There is another party!”

Jonghyun stood and took Kibum’s hand gently to help him up. “I can’t wait.”

His cheeks flushed at the adoration he saw in the taller male’s eyes. He wanted so badly for it to be for him. At that realization, he felt immense guilt consume him. He quickly turned away, trying not to look at the taller.

“We should go. Good night.”

“You do need your beauty sleep. Good night, Taemin-ah.”

Kibum nodded glumly. “Good night, Jonghyun-ah.”

The taller boy walked off and Kibum collapsed onto the couch, hiding his face in his hands.

What was he supposed to tell Taemin?


Taemin ran straight to him as soon as the door had opened, leaving his book forgotten on the bed. “You’ve been gone so long!” He immediately hugged him tight. “How was it?! Tell me everything!!”

Kibum shuffled nervously before proceeding over to the bed and sitting down. Taemin sat beside him and looked at him expectantly. When Kibum didn’t respond, he shook the elder boy some.

“Kibum!! Tell me how it went! What was Jonghyun like? Was he nice? Is he handsome? Why aren’t you telling me?!”

The elder took a deep breath to collect himself and then plastered a smile on his face. “He’s great, Taemin. He’s really handsome and tall. He has funny stories to tell to make you laugh and he’s very kind. We danced and talked for hours.”

Taemin beamed but he also deflated a little. “You sound like you had a lot of fun…”

Kibum didn’t want to admit he had. Didn’t want to admit that he had developed a slight crush on the man Taemin had been writing to for ten years. Before Taemin could ask him anything else, the door was knocked on. Kibum immediately went to open the door since it was his job and returned a moment later holding a rolled up piece of paper.

“You got a letter.”

Taemin took it and opened it up quickly.



You looked beautiful tonight. I had so much fun. What color will you be wearing tomorrow? Maybe we can match…



Taemin looked at Kibum nervously. He then flopped onto the bed. “Jonghyun said you looked beautiful…”

“Is there anything else?” the attendant immediately asked, not wanting it to be about him.

The prince huffed a little. “He wants to know what color I’ll be wearing tomorrow.”

“Tell him. You can still go tomorrow and tell him that it was mistake. I’m sure he’ll understand why you didn’t go.”

Taemin considered it as he looked through his hanbok. After selecting which one he wanted, he wrote Jonghyun a quick response and sent a servant in the hall to deliver it. He sat beside Kibum, who was being much more solemn than he was used to. Taemin wanted to ask him what was wrong but he felt like the other wouldn’t want to talk about it. Maybe sending Kibum had been a bad idea. He wracked his brain for a solution but ended up just leaning on Kibum.

“Kibum…” he finally said.


“Will you stay with me tonight?”

“Of course,” Kibum smiled.

Once the two had curled up in bed and turned off the light, Taemin closed his eyes.


“Hmm?” the other sounded out quietly.

“Will you tell me a story?”

“Only if you’ll go to sleep afterwards.”

“Okay,” Taemin agreed.

Kibum told him a fairy tale, like he had done for all the years he had been with Taemin, and the prince fell asleep, cuddled up to his pillow. Kibum had a less peaceful sleep, trying to figure out how to take care of the situation with Jonghyun.

Word Count: 1,886

Finally got this all done! I really liked this chapter :) It didn't come out exactly as expected but I think it's cute. I'm going to try to get the next one up by the end of the weekend because, well, I need to hurry up!

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Chapter 9 is finished! :) Hoping to get started on chapter 10 quickly!


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Chapter 10: I enjoyed this story very much, thank you for it <3
Chapter 10: Amei. Perfeito .

SHINee_Jongtae_Minke #3
Chapter 10: I love Jongtae so much in this story!!!
ying9202 #4
Chapter 10: im so freaking glad that you wrote this story *cry a river of tear*
please understand how much i love you rite now
thank you for writing this story and please write more like this in the future
maybe a sequel for minkey?
Chapter 10: Taemin is sooo cute in this story ;; v ;; I like their characters, jonghyun and taemin are both very true to their real personalities w/o the extreme traits being overdone and balanced w their less subtle traits as well. Even kibum I felt was very well done. This story was cute and enjoyable c:
krodri08 #6
Chapter 10: And... it ended T_T <3 A sequel would be nice :3
rabidfangirl #7
Chapter 10: Fluffy Jongtae FTW!! Love how you just had to put in as many EXO members as possible lol And of course Taemin has Jongie wrapped around his little finger - that's how it is in real life! The fact that Taemin wants a baby ASAP and Jonghyn just wants to stay in the honeymoon phase makes me laugh. I'm just so glad it's finished and you're happy with it! :3
Chapter 10: It was so cute and honest and... Ugh.. I don't know. Just everything that I wanted. I really liked it (:
Here I am... Thinking about King Jonghyun and King Taemin.. Such a Fangirl..
Kim_Luxita #9
Chapter 10: Awwwww I really likes it, it was very sweet story!! :)
aprillynn #10
Chapter 10: happily ever after nice