Running away...again.



          Taemin's piercing scream filled the apartment as he woke up with a start, almost falling off the sofa he'd been sleeping on just moments before. His breathing was heavy and glistening tears mingled with sweat on his pale, shell-shocked face. He blinked several times, trying to get rid of the haunting images from another one of his recurring nightmares.


          He heard soft footsteps behind him and turned to see a bewildered, shirtless Minho emerging from his bedroom, his perfectly tanned chest seeming to glow in the darkness of the living room. Had Taemin been in any fit state, he probably would have blushed.


          “Taemin-ah?” he asked in a sleepy, concerned voice. “Are you okay? What happened?”


          Taemin couldn't speak. He was shaking all over, tears still streaming down his face, embarrassed that Minho had caught him like this but unable to control himself at all. Minho said nothing more, instead moving closer until he was sitting beside the younger boy on the sofa. He wrapped his arms around Taemin tightly, pulling him close. Taemin buried his face in Minho's bare chest, letting out a loud sob, and Minho rubbed his back gently in an attempt to comfort him.


          “Did you...have a nightmare?” Minho asked tentatively when Taemin's breathing seemed to have slowed down and his sobs had reduced to a quiet whimper. After a few moments, Taemin replied with a slight nod. “Do you want to talk about it?”


          Taemin shook his head. He didn't think he'd be able to. Silently he cursed himself for behaving like this, for waking up Minho and breaking down completely in front of him. But this nightmare hadn't been like the others...


          “It's okay to have nightmares sometimes...everyone does.” Minho continued, at a loss for what else to say.


          Really, thought Taemin, it was okay to have nightmares? Okay to have nightmares about your dead best friend? Okay to have nightmares in which you watched everyone you used to know dying, unable to prevent it?


          Taemin started crying again, flashbacks of the dream filling his head. Flashbacks from that night.


          In the nightmare he was inside the party talking to Key right before the explosion. Except this time he didn't get to leave, wasn't watching from outside as the building exploded. Minho was nowhere to be seen. Taemin knew exactly what was going to happen but he couldn't seem to get the words out to tell his best friend, and neither of them were able to get out fast enough.


          So he saw the burst of light and colour as before, heard Key's chilling scream, but this time he was in the middle of it all. He felt the heat, the pain, the realisation that it was all going to end in death. It seemed to go in slow motion as he watched the life drain from his best friend's face. He felt the fear and desperation of the hundred-or-so classmates that had been trapped in the building as it was destroyed. He remembered screaming his friend's name, reaching out a hand to grab onto him...


         And then he had woken up. Everything was okay again. Except...Key was still dead. Taemin had survived and his best friend hadn't. And neither had any of the other countless faces he had seen in his nightmare; Jonghyun and Jinki and Kim Heechul and all of those classmates whose names he had never bothered to learn.


         “Shhh, shhhh...” Minho said softly, Taemin's hair. “Don't cry. It's okay, Taeminnie. Don't cry...”


         Taemin eventually did as he was told, sniffing and pulling away from Minho's grasp. Minho passed him a tissue and he wiped the tears from his eyes gratefully. “S-sorry, hyung,” he said meekly.


         Minho smiled at him reassuringly. “Don't apologise, Taemin-ah. It's understandable, after everything, that you'd...” he caught himself, not wanting to set Taemin off again. “I'm here for you, okay? Anything you know that, right?”


         “You don't have to say that.”


         “Yes I do. I care about you, Taemin,” Minho replied earnestly. Taemin found it hard to believe that anyone could care about him, but here Minho was with that worried, almost brotherly look on his face, apparently genuinely concerned for the younger boy. It made Taemin feel even more guilty than he was already.


         “You should get some sleep, hyung,” Taemin murmured. “I'm sorry for waking you up.”


         “Don't be silly, I'm fine. You're the one who should get some sleep,” said Minho. Taemin was about to argue but found that he was actually pretty tired. No sooner had he realised this than a yawn escaped his lips. “Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. Just relax,” Minho soothed.


          Taemin stopped resisting and let his head droop, resting on Minho's shoulder. Within seconds he had fallen asleep again. Minho leaned over and brushed a strand of hair away from Taemin's forehead, pressing his lips to the porcelain skin in a gentle kiss before slowly standing and lifting him up. He carried the younger boy into his room and laid him on his own bed, covering him with a blanket. Minho collapsed onto the bed soon after but stayed awake, listening to the sound of Taemin's breathing as he slept peacefully, with no more nightmares to disturb him.




          When Taemin finally woke up late the next morning he was alone in the double bed. He sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes, looking around. Minho had left the curtains closed but there was daylight streaming through the gap in the middle and he realised he must've been asleep for a long time.


          It was the first time he'd been in Minho's bedroom, but there wasn't really much to see. Aside from the bed and a few other matching pieces of furniture, the room was almost bare. The wallpaper was a dull cream colour and the carpet was grey. There were no posters on the walls or even books lining the was definitely missing a personal touch. Taemin guessed that Minho wasn't the sort of person that liked having his life on display, but nevertheless, he could've made the room a bit more homely. That's the first thing Taemin would do if he ever got an apartment of his own, he'd always told himself. He'd want to make it his own.


         He slid out of bed with a loud yawn and pulled on the clothes that Minho had left by his bed before making his way to the door and pushing it open. He could smell something cooking and followed his nose until he reached the kitchen, where he found Minho bent over a hot stove.


         “Oh, good morning Taemin-ah,” Minho said when he saw the younger boy, smiling brightly. “Did you sleep well? I was just making breakfast.”


         “Oh...yeah, I did, thank you.” Taemin replied politely. “It smells good, hyung. Do you need any help?”


         “No, you sit down and relax. It'll be ready in a minute.”


          Taemin did as he was told, feeling slightly uncomfortable. It always made him feel weird when people did things for him; he could never tell if it was out of kindness, affection, or pity. Most likely it was the last one, he thought. A few minutes later Minho brought him a bowl of rice and stew, taking a seat beside him and beginning to eat. Taemin just stared at the food.


          “What's the matter, aren't you hungry?” Minho asked, pausing with the spoon halfway to his mouth. “I can make you something else if you want.”


             “No hyung, sorry, I just...” Taemin tried to find the words to explain himself. Now he was worrying Minho for no reason. “I'm just a little tired, that's all. This looks great.”


           He put a big spoonful into his mouth and forced a smile. The stew was actually pretty good; not as good as Key used to make it, but still better than anything Taemin could cook. Minho looked slightly more satisfied now that Taemin was eating, but he still had a concerned expression on his face.


          “Are you sure you're okay?” Minho pressed after a few moments.


          “Uh...yeah,” Taemin replied awkwardly between mouthfuls.


          “Because if there's anything you want to talk about, you know I'm here, right?”


          Wow, Taemin thought, did this guy ever give up? He really wasn't used to someone taking this much interest in his well-being. “You don't need to worry about me, hyung. I was a complete mess last night, wasn't I? But it's really not your problem.”


          His tone must have been harsher than he'd intended because if he wasn't mistaken, a look of hurt flashed across Minho's face. If the older boy was offended, however, he tried his best not to show it.


          “I'm sorry,” he said finally. “I just didn't know what I was supposed to say...or do. I don't want to be nosy or anything.”


          “I'm being ungrateful, aren't I, hyung?” Taemin said with a sigh.




          “Here you are being nice to me, offering me a place to stay...” he explained. “And yet I can't even properly show my gratitude.”


          “Do you think I'm doing this out of charity?” Minho asked him. “I actually care about you, believe it or not, Lee Taemin. I don't need your gratitude.


          “I don't deserve it.” Taemin murmured.


          “Give me one reason why,” Minho demanded. “Tell me one reason why I'm not allowed to care about you.”


          “I...I mean...look at me!” Taemin said. “I'm just some kid off the street with no money, no friends...I get C grades at best and I'm not even a nice person, or good-looking or anything! Who could possibly care about me?”


          Minho looked stunned, as if he'd just been slapped in the face. “Do you really think that?” he said in a low voice. “Is that really what you think of yourself?”


          “I...” Taemin was at a loss for words. What could he say? It was all true.


          He couldn't make sense of it, really he couldn't. Minho being so caring, so genuinely concerned about him. Look at what you're doing to him, he told himself sternly; someone like Minho doesn't deserve the burden of someone like you.


          It was stifling, this feeling of someone trying to take care of him, someone who worried every time he frowned, or acted strangely. Why hadn't he felt this way with Key? But he knew the answer already. Key had been his friend, and friends look out for each other, that's just the way it is. He never owed anything to Key. Minho...Minho was different, somehow. He had been a stranger and now he was treating Taemin as if he was the most important person in the world to him. Didn't Minho have any family of his own to take care of? What was so special about Taemin?


          Suddenly Taemin felt the urge to leave again, to put as much distance between himself and Minho as possible. For Minho's sake as much as his own. But where would he go? He knew better than to run off on his own again; it would be pointless as well as immature.


          As if on cue, two seconds later his phone vibrated in his pocket. Taemin ignored it until Minho stood up to take their bowls into the kitchen, and then checked the sender ID, curious as to who would possibly want to text him. To his surprise it wasn't some company offering him a new contract; it was his new friend from the day before, Lee Joon.


         Taeminnie~ it was nice meeting you yesterday^^ I'm you want to meet up again? :)


         Joon was giving him the perfect opportunity to get out of the apartment, Taemin realised. He knew he shouldn't just leave Minho, and he did feel bad, but at the same time he knew he needed to get away from the older boy that day. For both of their sakes. It was with a slight feeling of guilt that he typed his reply.


          Sure, hyung :D Where do you want to go~?


          Do you wanna go see a film at the cinema?^^


          Sounds good! :) I don't know where it is though, I'm kinda new to this area :S


 you know where the shopping mall is? I could meet you there...


          Okay, I'll see you in twenty minutes? ^.^


          Yeppp, bye bye :D


          Taemin quickly stood up and tucked in his chair. He briefly searched his brain for something to tell Minho, a possible excuse, but could come up with nothing. Tentatively, he made his way into the kitchen where Minho stood at the sink, washing the dishes.


          “Hyung?” Taemin managed to ask after a few moments.


           Minho jumped and nearly dropped the bowl he was scrubbing. He placed it carefully back into the sink and turned around. “Yeah?”


          “I...have to go somewhere.”


          “What?” Minho looked worried all of a sudden. “I mean...where? I can take you, right after I finish-”


          “No!” Taemin blurted out. “I...that's something I want to do by myself.”


          “Taeminnie, I don't think that's such a good idea. I can't let you go out by yourself, not after...” Minho paused before taking a deep breath and continuing. “Yesterday, when you disappeared like that, I was worried sick. Anything could've happened to you.”


          “I'm not a child, hyung.”


          “I know that! But I really don't think you should go out on your own, especially as you don't know the area that well. Where is it you want to go anyway?”


           Taemin sighed. He really wasn't in the mood for an argument, and he didn't want to tell Minho the truth about who he was meeting. For some reason it just wouldn't feel right. If he didn't hurry up though, he realised, he was going to be late. “You know what, never mind. I can go another day,” he said, forcing a smile on his face. “You're right, Minho-hyung, I shouldn't go out by myself.”


           Before Minho could respond, Taemin turned and left the room, pretending to head towards the living room. When he was far enough away, he quickly changed direction and made his way towards the front door, grabbing his wallet on the way and casting a furtive glance over his shoulder to make sure Minho hadn't suspected anything. As quietly as he could, he slipped out of the apartment for the second time that week, ignoring the pang of guilt that was growing in his chest.




          Joon looked so pleased to see him that Taemin almost stopped in his tracks, wondering what he'd done to deserve the older boy's enthusiastic greeting.


          “Taemin-ah! How are you?”


          “I-I'm fine,” Taemin said, slightly taken aback. Joon's voice was as excited as his expression. He seemed to accept Taemin's insincere answer as he grinned and took the younger boy's hand in his.


          “Come on, the cinema's only five minutes away.” he said, tugging him in the opposite direction from the way he'd come. Taemin followed obligingly, Joon's infectious enthusiasm making him forget everything else, as it had when they'd first met. “I checked and the only thing that's showing is some romantic comedy. But it looks pretty funny, and the lead actress is Jun Jihyun, so I figured we should go see it anyway. That okay with you?”


           Honestly Taemin hated romantic comedies, and he had no idea who Jun Jihyun even was, but he didn't really care what film they saw as long as he could spend as much time as possible with Joon. “It sounds good,” he lied.


           Turns out the film was just as lame as he'd expected. Joon thought so too, and spend the entire time laughing at the terrible acting and throwing popcorn at various members of the audience, to Taemin's huge amusement. They nearly got thrown out of the cinema for making vomiting noises during the kissing scenes, and were still laughing as they left the building, Joon holding onto Taemin for support and ignoring the bemused looks of passers-by. Taemin couldn't remember feeling this light and happy for a long time, and he felt as if his good mood would never go away.


          The spell was broken momentarily, however, by the sound of Joon's phone ringing. Taemin smirked; his ringtone was none other than “Gee” by Girl's Generation.


          “Hello? Who is this?” he answered. “Oh my god. Is it really you? I can't believe it. After all this time...where are you now? Um, well, I am kind of busy at the moment...” Joon looked over at Taemin, who averted his eyes, feeling slightly awkward. He was suddenly nervous; who was Joon calling? It sounded like they wanted to meet up with him. Taemin hoped this wasn't the case; he'd been having such a good day and he wasn't ready to go home yet. “...what's the rush, anyway? Ah, okay. Um...yeah. I guess so. Okay, I'll see you soon...bye!”


          “W-who was that?” Taemin asked curiously.


          “That was my best friend from high school. He's been away for ages and he just rang to tell me he was back in Seoul.”


          “Oh,” Taemin said dejectedly. He wanted to stay with Joon more than anything, but he knew it would be selfish to keep him from seeing his best friend. Still, he couldn't help feeling a little jealous. “You should probably go and see him, hyung.”


          Joon didn't answer straight away, but all of a sudden his eyes lit up as if he'd just had an idea.


          “I know, why don't we both go and see him? That way I get to spend time with both of you, and besides, I know he'd really want to meet you! You're both pretty alike, actually. The first time I saw you, you reminded me of him just a tiny bit. We could go back to ahjumma's coffee place, he loves it there.”


          Taemin knew this wasn't a good idea, but he couldn't pretend his heart hadn't leapt at the thought of not having to go home alone. “Are you sure I wouldn't be in the way..?” he asked shyly.


          Joon smiled reassuringly. “Of course not! I want you there. It's up to you, of course, but...please come?”


          “Okay,” Taemin agreed, unable to stop himself from smiling back.


          “Let's go, then!”


          Joon led the way once more, leading them confidently down several side streets. Taemin looked around them as he walked, trying to memorise the directions. He wanted to get used to the area quickly so he wouldn't feel quite so helpless the next time he wanted to go somewhere on his own. Before he knew it they'd arrived at the cosy café. As soon as they opened the door, they were greeted warmly by the old ahjumma.


         “It's our Joonie! Oh, and you've brought young Taemin-ah with you again! It's been so quiet today, you don't know how pleased I am to see you both,” she said with a wide smile.


         “It's good to see you too, ahjumma,” Joon said, and Taemin nodded in agreement. “Actually, we're here to meet someone. Do you remember my friend Taesun-ah?”


          Taemin froze. He knew that name all too well.


          “Aigo, of course I remember Taesun-sshi. Such a polite, handsome boy. He's been abroad, hasn't he?” she replied, preparing two steaming mugs of coffee for them.


          “T-Taesun-sshi?” Taemin said, struggling to maintain a calm expression. It was a common name, Taemin told himself. It couldn't be...could it? But the ahjumma had said he'd been It had to be a coincidence.


          “Yeah,” Joon said, oblivious. “That's the name of my friend. Didn't I tell you?”


          “ Y-you didn't.”


          “Anyway...are you both well?” the ahjumma changed the subject, sensing Taemin's discomfort. “I was worried about you, Taemin-ah, after you disappeared like that without saying goodbye. You looked as if you'd seen a ghost!”


          Joon looked down at him curiously and Taemin blushed. “Ah...about that...s-sorry.”


          “No need to apologise, the main thing is that you're okay now,” she said kindly. Taemin was grateful that neither Joon nor the ahjumma seemed to want to pry further. They took their drinks thankfully and sat down at the same table as before.


          After twenty minutes the mysterious Taesun still hadn't arrived, and Joon was getting impatient. He took out his phone and tried to dial a number, but sighed and put his phone down on the table with a frustrated expression. “I don't have any credit left. Taemin-ah, would you mind if I used yours? It's just that he might have forgotten where the café is and I don't want him getting lost.”


          “Um, sure.” Taemin said, taking out his own phone. For a moment he was shocked to see it switched off, but then he realised he'd turned it off in the cinema. As soon as it was again his eyes opened wide to see that he had five texts and sixteen missed calls. All from Minho.


          “Anything the matter?” Joon asked.


          “N-no, it's, nothing.” he stuttered, quickly erasing the calls and handing the phone over. Joon thanked him and proceeded to dial his friend's number again.


          He hung up a couple of minutes later, looking happy again. “He'll be here soon,” he said excitedly. This guy must be pretty amazing, Taemin thought, for Joon to be so eager to see him. Then again, Joon seemed to be eager to see everyone.


          Sure enough, a few minutes later the door of the café opened and in walked a tall, brown haired figure. As he came closer, Taemin looked up and gasped. He felt as if his heartbeat had stopped altogether. The boy that had just entered was more familiar to Taemin than anyone else, from his eyes to his pale skin to his slim frame. Features he'd committed to memory long ago. Taemin couldn't move; he was frozen to the spot as he stared at the newcomer.


          Joon stood up to greet his friend, grinning from ear to ear. They exchanged a few words but Taemin couldn't concentrate on the specifics; his mind had suddenly gone blank and he was breathing heavily, unable to believe that the person he'd just seen was just real. Could it be that he was dreaming again, that this could just be another memory from his past? Because that's all this person was to him now. A memory.


          He was forced to snap out of it when he heard himself being introduced. “This is my new friend, I met him yesterday,” Joon said brightly.


          Trying his best to stay calm, Taemin got to his feet and bowed politely.


          “T-Taemin-ah...” the newcomer said in a low voice.


          “What?” Joon looked from one to the other curiously. “Do you two...know each other?”


          “Um, well...”


          “No.” Taemin said firmly, making a quick decision. “I've never seen him before, hyung.”


           The tall boy looked at Taemin briefly before clearing his throat. “You mentioned his name during our phone call earlier, that's all,” he told Joon, before turning back to Taemin. “I'm Lee Taesun, it's nice to meet you.”


          “N-nice to meet you too.”


          “Well, sit down, everyone!” Joon said, still smiling. Taemin wondered not for the first time that day how someone could possibly smile so much without their jaw hurting. “So how was Japan?” he asked Taesun.


          “You went to Japan?” Taemin blurted out, before biting his lip hard in frustration. He really shouldn't have said anything.


             Taesun looked about as uncomfortable as Taemin felt, and Joon seemed to sense that, so he answered instead. “Taesun-ah had some family problems, so he had to get away.”


          Family problems? Taemin had the sudden urge to laugh, and not in a good way.


         “Japan was Japan,” Taesun replied quietly. “Nothing special. But I don't want to talk about that...let's talk about you, Joon-ah.”


          Fortunately, this was a subject which Joon had a lot to talk about. Conversation flowed pretty smoothly for the next couple of hours without either of the other two boys having to say much, and despite the awkwardness Taemin barely noticed the time going by until it was beginning to get dark outside. His phone rang for the third time since they'd been talking, Minho again. He should go home, Taemin thought guiltily. He knew how worried Minho would be, and he really didn't deserve to be treated like this.


          “It's getting late, hyung,” he said to Joon when there was a break in the conversation. “I should be going soon.”


          “Oh, of course, how stupid of me!” Joon exclaimed. “It's nearly dark outside! I'll walk you home now.”


          “No, it's fine, I can go by myself,” Taemin said, not wanting to ruin Joon's evening. He had been enough of a burden on the older boy that day.


          “Nonsense, not with all of the dodgy things that have been going on at night recently,” Joon insisted. “Did you hear about that explosion at that party the other week? It wasn't far from here, and they said some idiot did it on purpose. The idea that a maniac like that is roaming the streets is kinda scary, right?”


          “Hyung,” Taemin said, trying to remain composed. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Taesun's sharp intake of breath, but didn't pay much attention to it. “I doubt that you walking home with me is gonna save me from an explosion.”


          “Even so,” Joon said. “I dragged you out here today, the least I can do is walk you home. Taesun doesn't mind, do you Tae?”


          “N-no,” said Taesun, looking slightly paler than usual. “I should be going anyway.”


          “Right then. I'll just go to the bathroom, and then we'll leave. I won't be long!”


          Taemin cursed inwardly as he realised that meant leaving him alone with Taesun. There was a moment's silence. He tried to avoid eye contact but the older boy had other ideas, looking him straight in the eye. “Taemin-ah. Look at me.”


          “What is it?” Taemin asked coldly.


          “We need to talk.” There was a look of urgency in Taesun's deep brown eyes, mixed with regret and slight longing. Taemin usually wasn't good at reading faces but he knew this one so well. He tried to remain as cold as possible; he couldn't let his anger get the better of him. It just wasn't worth it.


          “No, we don't.” he said. “It's like I told Joon-hyung. I don't know you.”


          “Fine, if you want to be like that then be like that. I understand.” Taesun replied softly. “But if you change your mind...” The older boy reached his hand across the table and placed a small piece of paper in Taemin's. “My address and phone number.”


           Taemin just glared at him, his response prevented by Joon's return. Still, Joon was completely oblivious as the three of them left the café and said their goodbyes, Taesun walking away in the opposite direction. “Lead the way to your place, Taemin-ah!” Joon said, ever cheerful.


           Once they arrived at the apartment, Joon insisted on walking Taemin all the way up the stairs. “Do you live here alone?” he asked curiously.


          “No, it's my...friend's apartment,” Taemin answered.


          “Oh, I see.”


          “Thanks for everything today, hyung,” Taemin said, truly grateful. “Um...I'll see you soon?”


          “Of course. Bye!” Joon nodded, waving as he made his way down the steps. Taemin waited until he had completely disappeared before using his spare key to open the door, glad that Joon had taken the hint and left before Minho could see him.


          When he entered the apartment he found that the hallway light was switched off. It seemed deserted; could it be that Minho was already asleep?


          No such luck. Minho stepped out of the living room just as Taemin was about to open the door. He didn't look happy.


          “Where have you been?” he asked softly. Taemin could tell at one glance how angry he was; Minho's fierce gaze seemed intense enough to burn a hole through Taemin's skull. He shied away slightly, not wanting to make eye contact.


          “S-sorry,” he mumbled, thinking he might as well get straight to the apology.


          “Sorry doesn't quite cut it, Taemin,” Minho said, again with that strangely soft, calm voice. Taemin wished he'd just shout and get it over with; this stony Minho was kind of scary. “Do you have any idea how worried I was? Or did you just not care?”




          “Just leaving like that without so much as a goodbye. Not answering your phone. Anything could've happened!” Minho sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.


          “I-I can take care of myself.” Taemin muttered.


          “No you ing can't!” Minho yelled. “For the last time, you're a fifteen-year-old kid! If you're so grown up then why do you keep running away every five minutes?”


          “I'm sorry, hyung. I won't do it again,” Taemin said tiredly. He tried to get past Minho but the older boy put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.


          “I don't believe you,” he said. “You said you were sorry before and then you left again. I know I'm not your family, or even your friend, but I thought after everything we'd been through together, you might...God, you know what? Forget it. You obviously don't care about me like I care about you.”


          “I do!” Taemin nearly shouted. “Of course I care about you! You want to know why I left today? I left because I couldn't stand it, I couldn't stand you being so nice to me. You're too much of a good person, Minho, and I couldn't understand how someone like you could possibly care about some kid like me. I don't even know why I came back today. You'd be better off without me.”


          “Don't be like that. You're all I have, Taemin, you know that?” Minho said. “I thought that was what connected us. That as long as we just had each other, we'd be okay. But obviously I was seem to have found someone else.




          “I was looking out of the window when you came back. I saw him drop you off. Who is he?”


          Taemin was suddenly angry, but he didn't know why. “Why do you want to know?” he snapped.


          “He's...good-looking.” Minho said. There was no hint of amusement in his voice.


          “Seriously?” Taemin raised his eyebrows, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.


          “You ran away from me to meet up with him. It makes sense, really.” There was a bitterness in Minho's tone and Taemin hated it. He didn't know why he felt so guilty – what exactly had he done wrong? Even if he had felt that way about Joon, it's not like he and Minho were an item or anything. Or...were they? Those kisses...Taemin hadn't really thought about what they meant. Did he want them to mean something? “I mean, I shouldn't have expected anything from you,” Minho continued. “Loyalty or anything. I mean, we just met and all.”


          “Stop it!” Taemin was really angry now.“Who are you to accuse me of not being loyal? To take the moral high ground or whatever? It's not up to you who I see or where I go! Don't pretend to know me, okay?”


          “Then let me get to know you!”


          “Why should I? Because you saved my life? Because you took pity on me and let me stay with you?”


          “Yah, Taemin-ah...” Minho closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before continuing. “Look, I get that you have some self esteem issue. And obviously the...incident...can't have been easy on you. But you need to stop being so ing paranoid and accept that someone might actually care about you for who you are!”


          “What if I don't want people to care?” Taemin growled. “What if I'm fine as I am, without someone trying to control my life?”


          “ off then!”


          “Fine!” Taemin retorted without hesitation. He turned around and headed for the door, his mind screaming at him to stop but his feet having other ideas.


          “Taemin-ah, wait, I didn't mean-” Minho grabbed onto his arm, pulling him back. Taemin pretended to change his mind but as soon as Minho relaxed his grip he wrenched free, darting for the door as quickly as he could and slamming it behind him. He raced down the steps two at a time until he was out in the cold night air, and carried on running down the street, aware that Minho was following him but unable to stop for even a second to gather his thoughts. “Yah! Lee Taemin!”


          He kept running, with no idea where he was going. All he could thinking about was getting away, losing Minho. He was lucky not to get run over as he ran across several busy roads, dodging cars and buses along the way. He passed too many side streets and shops to count, losing track of where he was or even what direction he'd come from. Finally he stopped, pausing to catch his breath in the middle of a busy intersection, oblivious to the sound of the surrounding traffic as he looked around him for any sign of his pursuer. He sighed in relief; Minho was nowhere to be seen.


          Taemin couldn't think straight. He didn't want to think. What had he just done?


          He'd just run away from the one person that cared about him, the one person that could help him, that's what he'd done. How could he have been so stupid? What exactly was he planning to do now?


          A tear slipped down his cheek. He didn't even bother wiping it away as more followed, his thoughts becoming more and more desperate. It was freezing; Taemin hadn't thought to take a jacket with him when he'd left, and he hugged his arms to his chest for the little warmth it could give him. He had nowhere to go; even if he'd wanted to go back to Minho's, he didn't think he could find it again. And he couldn't go to Joon either; asking his new friend for help would mean revealing how pathetic his current situation was, and he had too much pride for that. He contemplated finding his way to the shopping mall again, and seeing if he could find a café or shop that was open all night. Taemin let out a sob; was this really what his life had turned out to be? For the first time ever, he began to think about what his life would be like if he had a proper family, with parents that cared for him and a home he could call his own.


          It was then that he remembered the piece of paper in his pocket.



A/N: I know it's been ages, sorry! School is taking up my life :'( Well, that and dramas XD Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter and I hope its length made up for my rubbish updating - comments are always appreciated! <33

P.S. Also, thank you to everyone who has subscribed/commented so far - you guys inspire me!

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Chapter 2: I wasn't expecting this at all...
Chapter 9: at first I didnt know it gonna get into something like this.......
I mean this fic is one of the best I've read........
thank U so much..........well done.
Chapter 9: So so great I loved everything about the plot, and Key's death and it's aftermath was too much for my tear ducts to handle.
Taemax #4
Awesome fic! And a happy ending on top of that, my favorite!
Chapter 9: wow i loved it really much! <3
aww so cute but so sad ..really wow!
great job <3
sofie93 #6
Chapter 8: I love this story! :) well done!
BabyKey #7
Chapter 9: this is just ;_; <3
honhonbaguette #8
DDDX IT..... WAS...