The Thief 1/2

The King and the Thief


Baekhyun groaned in pain as he pushed himself into a sitting position, ignoring the rattling sound of the metal bracelets around his ankles. The King had him dragged down the streets by his heavy armed guards, not even handling him gently at all. The moment the King had given his orders, he found himself roughly taken by the arms and tied with thick ropes on one end whilst the other end was kept in place by the commander. He had no ways of escaping and was forced to follow the guards and the King riding on their horses, by foot.

By the time they reached the palace, Baekhyun had almost fainted from fatigue and was unable to take another step, he ended up being dragged instead. No mercy nor sympathies were given. He was a criminal, he deserved none of that.



Looking around, Baekhyun's eyes roamed around the cold, dark and dirty dungeon. He was locked up and he couldn't help but try and find an escape route. He has, after all, taught himself how to escape and survive in situations like these, by observing and searching every crook and cranny for a way out.

However, this time, it was different. The possibility of escape equaled zero. With its tight security and also because it's a damn palace, there was no way a mere thief like him would be able to make his escape without even getting caught by a guard. He wouldn't be able to pass the first stage, much less pass the guards at the gates.

He wasn't sure how long he'd been sitting there, but he was slowly getting tired and sleepy. Closing his eyes, he willed himself to try and get some sleep before worrying about his fate. There wasn't much he could do at the moment anyway.



Baekhyun wasn't sure how long he'd slept, but the clinking sounds and heavy footsteps nearing his cell woke him up and he guessed maybe he'd been out an hour or two. Suddenly, he found himself looking at the King and three guards dressed in black with the symbol of the King of West EXO. The door to his cell was opened by one of the three guards and the King entered with his hands clasped behind his back.


Cold and hard eyes stared down at the prisoner. His stare was replied with confused and scared ones. Yes, the prisoner should be scared, scared of their King, cause he was to be feared by villagers, commoners, basically the land he was given to rule.

A harsh slap, rattling noise and a whimper broke the intense staring as the King just realized what had happened. One of his guards had just slapped the prisoner for being rude and the smaller one was whimpering in pain from the impact.


"How dare you look at the King with your dirty eyes! Your head ought to be cut off,"


The guard was ready to give the prisoner another beating, but the King quickly held up his hand, signalling for the guard to halt his actions. A bow and an apology was muttered before the guard took his place behind his King again, next to his comrade.


"What are you going to do to me?," 


The sudden question thrown to the King in a small voice, startled the King for just a slight second, before he composed himself. He was the King! He shouldn't get thrown off guard by something so simple as a question.


"You know thievery is not allowed," he started.

"Well, there are actually people out there trying to survive!," angry, brown eyes once again glared at him, as the smaller one tried to pull himself into a more comfortable position, his left hand clutching his abused cheek.


But, before he could even regain his composure from the earlier slap, the smaller one was once again beaten by one of the guards for talking back. If it wasn't for the King's orders, he would've already been beaten to a pulp.


"Watch your tongue! I can have it cut this instant!," the King said coldly. "And you should know your place,"


Baekhyun spit out blood mixed with saliva when he felt something warm inside his mouth. This was the King standing in front of him, but somehow he couldn't find it in him to actually act like an obedient creature. All his life, living in the streets had made him realize that even though there was a King and everyone should fear him in exchange for protection and enough food to live, he had never felt protected nor was there food for him. When he asked kindly, he was sneered at, scolded, chased away and when he asked for a small, warm place, he was left with the door slammed in front of his nose and threatened.


So, there was no such thing as the King protecting his citizens and feeding them. In Baekhyun's eyes, the King hadn't done any sorts of that.


He dared to glare up at the King again, but made sure his eyes never lingered too long, for he feared another beating from one of the guard or worse, the King himself. His head was pounding, especially his cheeks and he was sure they were going to bruise the next morning.


"Now, tell  me... why did you have to steal?,"

"I was hungry obviously,"

"Why the need to steal?,"

"I have no money. Why else would someone who has money steal?,"


Why was he even having this conversation with the King? The King had sentenced him to have his head chopped off and here he was having this ridiculous conversation with the King! And of course he didn't expect the King to understand his reason behind his theft. 

The King had everything his heart desired, he owned everything in the land and was bathed in luxury. How would the King understand his situation? The King was THE owner of whole EXO West. He needn't worry about anything like a warm bed or even food. Everything was provided for him!


Before he could make another snide remark, Baekhyun suddenly found himself looking straight into the King's eyes, his neck bending backwards painfully and his chin gripped tightly by the King. His own brown eyes stared into furious chocolate ones.


"Don't you dare try to be cocky with me!," the King bellowed.


For a moment, fear crept inside his body and he was suddenly afraid the other might snap his neck in two. It was easy for the King had his neck already in the proper position. He quickly bit back a whimper and let his eyes focus somewhere else. He wasn't allowed to look directly to the King, which he just learned a few minutes ago. He only hoped now for the King to let go of him and let him be.


"I- I'm... s-sorry...," Baekhyun managed to whisper out.


He really hoped he would be let off this time and be left alone in the dark. The sudden thought of himself totally in isolation in the cell seemed to be much more alluring now. That would be better than having to deal with an angry King.

For a moment, there was silence and Baekhyun started to wonder when the King was going to let go of him and leave his cell. His neck was hurting already and he really couldn't help but buckle up to try and ease the sore pain in his neck.


"Guards, have him taken to my private quarters. No one is to disturb, understood?,"

"Yes, your majesty!,"


The sudden order from the King took Baekhyun by surprise and in just a span of maybe five minutes, he found himself hauled out of the cold cell and dragged away to the King's quarters. The moment he was left alone, after being shackled again, he breathed a sigh in relief.

Baekhyun wasn't sure what was going to happen to him, but he was glad he wasn't in that cold, damp cell anymore. Then a question hit him: What did the King want with him now? Wasn't he going to be beheaded soon? Why was he ordered to be in the King's quarters?



King Park Chanyeol didn't know what had gotten into him. At first, when he stepped foot in that dark dungeon, his eyes couldn't help but grow big in surprise at what he saw on the dirty floor. The thief was merely sitting there in the dimly lit cell, waiting for him to say anything. Whatever he wanted to say got lost in the back of his throat when he saw how the small, petite frame glowed in the dark. With the small rays of light illuminating the petite boy, Chanyeol had simply found the creature... beautiful. And fascinating.

Even if the latter was covered in mud, dirt and was wearing tattered clothes and bruised, he still found the boy captivating. And it was then that he felt something tug inside him. He wanted to know about the boy. He wanted to get to know the boy. He wanted to have this boy. He needed this boy. He didn't know what for, but he simply just wanted the boy to be alive. For now.

And the next thing he knew, he'd already ordered his men to tuck the boy in his chambers. He gave specific orders to maids to have the boy all cleaned up and be ready in his room by the time he decided to take his good night's rest.


After he'd given his orders, he headed back to his study. Loads of work was piled in a heap for him to take care of and he had better get it started on with. Earlier, he felt like he needed a breather and actually decided to take some of his men with him to have a walk around the streets.

As King, he had to make sure everything is going the way it should be and that every commoner was obeying his every rule. His plan to check up on that went down the drain when he met or rather one of his men caught the small boy. 

He knew he should've punished the boy right then and there, but something inside him told him not to. For one, that every commoner would view him as a cold hearted King and maybe a murderer. They should fear him, but they should also respect him. And that was what he, Park Chanyeol, wanted. He wanted to earn respect from his people and not disgust and distrust. 

Heaving a sigh, he grabbed the first scroll and rolled it open to focus on his task at hand. He had to finish everything the same day as possible. Work, for him, was never to be pushed aside and piled up. Work should be done immediately, if possible.



Baekhyun waited and waited. He wasn't sure how long he'd been waiting, but he was slowly getting tired of all the waiting. He was still shackled and there was no way for him to escape as the heavy manacles weighted down his whole frame. The only thing he could do was look around and admire the interiors of a ruler's chambers.


Big, beautiful, clean, richly decorated and spacious.


Everything he could've wished for back when he was on the streets. But now he wasn't so sure anymore. It looked foreign and empty and cold. If there was anything Baekhyun wanted to avoid, it was the previous mentioned. He'd rather have something warm, small and cozy and of course love...


The knock on the door startled him and he was politely greeted by two maids. They introduced themselves as Amber and Sooyoung before rattling on that he had to take a bath, King's orders, and after that wait for further instructions.


"You are so cute!," Amber squealed after the thick layer of dirt came off Baekhyun's small and petite form. "Right unnie? Even though his pretty cheeks are purple...,"

"Yes! Aww... I wish I could keep you forever with me!," Sooyoung gushed as she held onto Amber.


Baekhyun couldn't help but feel himself growing all red by the words. They were nice and all, but them squealing at him like that was making him feel a little bit too uncomfortable for his liking. Sure, he liked the compliments, but they were exaggerating, in his opinion. He was a nobody, a prisoner, once a thief. He couldn't be that cute, right? Of course he had never thought of himself as ugly or anything, but at the least, he knew he was decent looking when he was clean. He'd seen himself clean at times when he found himself taking a bath at a nearby river and he was proud of himself back then. But, recently he hadn't had the time to actually freshen up, not even clean up his face.

Luckily, both Sooyoung and Amber had to stop their actions for they were needed by the head chef and he was once again left alone in the room. But, this time he was dressed up in a clean white attire and for once after a very long time, he smelled fresh and nice. And Baekhyun liked it.


A small smile adorned his face as he settled himself on the floor, still waiting for the King to make his appearance. Minutes ticked by and he was starting to wonder if the King would actualy come back any time soon. But the King had to be, this was the King's chambers and the King was bound to go to sleep some time.

His numerous questions playing in his head evaporated the moment he heard the door open and close. He couldn't help but swallow back a lump forming in his throat


It was the King. Looking all rich and handsome and tall.


Dressed in rich, heavy attire colored in golden and red sophisticated patterns, the King made his way through the room. He had yet to look at the prisoner in his room, but his mind seemed to be far away as he heaved a sigh. Taking off his heavy cloak and the necklace with the King's symbol, he placed them carefully on a nearby table before sagging down on a cushioned chair.

And it was then that he remembered the thief in his room. In all his hurry to finish off his work, he had totally forgotten about the small boy in his room. Why was the boy in his chambers again? Oh, right... his orders.


Chanyeol wasn't sure why he had actually given those orders again, but since the boy was already there, he might as well start and investigate the boy. Getting up from the chair, he made his way over to the shackled boy, all the while looking at those scared and bewildered eyes. Hmph! Just like he wanted it. He couldn't help but let a smirk play on his lips. When the boy was cocky and selfconscious at first, Chanyeol had actually been surprised and intrigued at the same time, because nobody dared to talk back to the King. But, now the boy was anything but cocky, in fact, Chanyeol had him all cornered and scared now.


"I see you are all cleaned up," Chanyeol commented as he came to a stop just a few feet away from the shackled boy.


No answer.


"What is your name?," Chanyeol asked this time.


Again, no answer.


Chanyeol frowned. Where was the rebellious boy from earlier? He waited and when he sensed the boy wasn't going to as much as utter a word, Chanyeol felt annoyance creep inside his body and the next thing he knew he had hauled the boy up his feet by the collar.


"You speak when spoken to and I would rather not have myself repeat those words again. Or would you like to have a reminder of what happened earlier?," Chanyeol threatened.


The boy whimpered and leaned back instinctively. Chanyeol only tightened his hold and glared down at the boy.


"B-Baek...Baekhyun," came the soft whisper.




Chanyeol let the words play on his tongue. Not a common name and it definitely suited the smaller boy. The prisoner sure looked like a Baekhyun. A cute Baekhyun. The boy was just... perfect... aside from the purple bruises. He frowned. Where did that come from? 

For a moment he didn't say anything and simply let go of the other, but his eyes never strayed away from the shorter one. Come to think of it, Baekhyun was almost a head shorter than him and he was sure the latter's head would fit perfectly in the crook of his-


Stop it!


He berated himself from even thinking about the other. What was going on with him? It must be because of fatigue he was thinking improper things!


"Uhm... sire... wh-why am I actually here?," Baekhyun suddenly asked after gathering enough courage to open his mouth.


Why was Baekhyun here? Because Chanyeol simply wanted him. Questioning eyes watched him carefully, waiting for an answer and Chanyeol found himself lost under a spell. Those eyes were so alluring and with what the boy was wearing, it was making the boy look all innocent and enchanting. And he so wanted to posses the boy. He wanted the boy to belong to him!


"You are to be my comfort slave,"


Blink. Blink. Blink.


Where did that come from? Chanyeol smacked himsef mentally after uttering those words. Had he just lost his mind? Comfort slave? Did that even exist? But, of course, he could make it exist, he was King after all.


"E-excuse me?," Baekhyun's voice was small and was that a whimper? The little one sure sounded like a whimpering puppy.


"Comfort slave. You are to comfort me wherever and whenever I need you, no matter what time of the day, no matter how tired you are and without any objection,"

"B-but... b-but...,"

"Without. Any. Objection," Chanyeol gritted out.

"And you are to address me properly like any other slave," he added after a second thought.



His head was starting to hurt. He felt as if his head was going to explode. Couldn't the boy just obey like any other slave? Why was the boy making it hard for him already? And he wasn't supposed to talk back! No slaves were supposed to talk back! Slaves could have their tongue cut off even if they uttered a simply 'a' in the presence of the King, a form of disrespect and disobedience. And why was he annoyed all of a sudden?

He watched the boy clamp his mouth shut, not daring to even make a meek sound. Good. The boy was actually listening this time. Although he could still see confusion and the questioning look in those eyes. Chanyeol sighed. The boy should be taught his place and manners so he secretly made a mental note to have someone come over and tutor the thief.


"It's quite late now and I am desperate for some beauty sleep. You can help me out here. Prepare my bath, not too cold and not too hot and add a little scented milk in the bath,"


He saw the boy hesitate before getting up and leaving the room, the metal clanking noise following its owner. Heaving a sigh, he hoped the boy was not going to cause him any trouble. 



His hopes, however, got smashed when he found the boy screaming and crying for help, trying to turn off the tap, all soaked in water and failing miserably. He blinked at the scene in front of him and had to suppress a forming laugh in his throat. If it were under different circumstances, he would've laughed out loud. The boy was drenched, cute and panicking and flailing and-


Didn't the boy know how to turn on and off a water tap? 


Shaking the question away, he merely took a few strides over to the panicking boy and turned off the water. The wild spray of water stopped immediately and the King could hear the slave sigh in relief.


"Thank you, sire...,"

"Look at the mess. Don't you know how to turn off the water tap?,"

"No, because I have never used one," came the honest answer.


Chanyeol blinked at the reply. The boy had never used one? Then how did the boy rinse himself?


"I'm sorry... I really don't know how to use... this," 


A pause. 


Then Chanyeol did the most unthinkable. Reaching for the boy to get up from his sprawled position on the floor, he turned the latter to face the tap and proceeded to teach the boy how to turn it on and off without getting a wild spray of water. 


"Wow... that is amazing! How did you do that? Where does the water come from? From what I know, water can only stream outside a cove, but this... this... comes out from?,"


He ignored the curious questions and merely gave the latter a pointed look. A sign to the other to know he wasn't allowed to ask any questions to the King. But deep down inside, Chanyeol actually liked how the boy was all excited over something as simple as water.


"Ah, right! My excuses, I'll prepare your highness' bath now," Baekhyun quickly said and turned away to only take a slippery step.



Baekhyun flailed his arms wildly, feeling himself lose balance. He was going to fall and instinctively, his hands reached out to grab onto something. He grabbed onto something solid and tried to regain his balance, but failed to do so when his body lurched forward and he ended up crashing into the King's body, sending both of them falling down, with the King underneath him.

Groans of pains filled the eery room and Baekhyun knew the King was going to really have his head now. He'd just touched the King and worse, make the King fall!


"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! Please don't hit me!," Baekhyun pleaded as he held out his hands to shield his head. He really couldn't bear more pain on his already bruised cheeks.


"G-get off," Chanyeol groaned out in pain.


"Oh, right!,"



Baekhyun scrambled off, taking careful notes not to hurt the King any further. It was just not his day. He carefully peered at the King's body, displayed in front of him. The latter had a distorted look on his face as he got up in a sitting position. Baekhyun was still waiting, with a heavy heart. The King was so-


"Are you doing it on purpose?!," Chanyeol barked at him.

"No, no sir... I... I slipped... I didn't mean to. I am sorry,"

"Look at what you did. How useless can you be? Ugh and I am all wet, thanks to you!,"




He bit his lower lip. Useless. Yes, he must be pretty useless when his parents decided to abandon him in the cold streets when he was just a kid. 


"Are you just going to sit there? Clean this up immediately!,"

"I... I... don't know,"



The King was close to tearing off his hairs on his scalp when he said that and he flinched visibly. He really couldn't, since he'd never done anything like cleaning and with everything new to him, he was afraid he would cause something similar to their current situation.


"Get a maid and let her teach you!,"

"Y-yes, sir...,"



Baekhyun hurried up and called for a maid who stood patiently outside the King's quarters. A good two hours of cleaning and teaching him how to prepare a decent bath passed by and Baekhyun found himself sitting in front of the King's bed. The King had taken it upon himself to take his bath elsewhere and just returned to his room.

He could feel the poisonous glare coming from the King as he tried to make himself even more smaller. The King had yet to say something to him, but hadn't and the tension was killing him. He daren't open his mouth, because he was afraid and besides he wasn't even supposed to. He couldn't help but wonder what the King had in store for him after the earlier incident.


"Today has been a bad day. Worst day ever!," Chanyeol started as he stood hovering above the kneeling boy.


He could see the poor boy whimpering and shrinking back in fear from his outburst. But he decided to ignore the guilt building up in his chest.


"I wish to have no repeat of this evening. If something like this happens again, I am sure not going to let you go and have you properly punished, understood?,"

"Y-yes, si...sire," Baekhyun stammered out.


Did that mean he was let off this tme? Baekhyun really hoped so, because he wasn't one to bear pain that well. He had already had enough for the day.


"Fine. Now, you're dismissed. It's late and my precious time had already been wasted by you,"

"Uhm... go-good night... sire,"


Baekhyun remembered to give a low bow before scurrying away with the heavy metal chain still chained around his ankle. Then he realized there was no place for him to sleep. What was he going to do then? Looking around for a place, he decided to sleep in one of the corners. Sleep gradually took over his body as he fell into a dreamless sleep the moment he lay down his head.


The following morning, Baekhyun was rudely awakened by someone shaking him profusely. He tried to ignore it, but a hard slog on his cheek made him jump up from his sleeping position.


"Hey, you got to wake up this instant!," the stranger said.


"Name is Yixing and you got to get up if you don't want the King angry at you,"


Realization hit Baekhyun square in the face as he scrambled up from his position, ignoring the numbing pain on his left arm, the one he'd used as a pillow. He was a slave now, a comfort slave and if he disobeyed, he'd be punished. Baekhyun knew he had to adapt to his new situation, he was not a thief anymore, he couldn't get up and steal food from people anymore, he was confined of his previous habits. He had to start anew, a life as a slave in the palace.


He and Yixing hit it off quite good to his surprise. Yixing was one of the slaves in the palace too and he was requested by the King to guide Baekhyun. Yixing was a quiet person, strict and straight to the point, but he was also kind and helpful. Baekhyun learned that Yixing was sold off as a slave when he was just six years old and since then served the King. 


"And remember that you have to bring food to the King every four hour, so he wouldn't get hungry. Well... that is, if he let's you out of the room," Yixing nodded to the manacles and continued "You address him right, obey his every command and you'll be fine. And try not to make too many mistakes," 


Baekhyun's head was spinning with so much information, he himself was surprised to be still standing there and not fainting already with so much to process in his little head. How did the slaves in the palace survive anyway?


"But, since you are a special slave, you don't have to worry too much. Just tend to the King, keep his room clean and do as he says,"

"Special? How am I special? Aren't you all... just like me?," Baekhyun couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculous idea of him being special.

"No, we're not. We are assigned somewhere else and it is the King's choice. Nobody is sure why the King made you his... special slave..., but I am sure he saw something in you that made him take this decision," Yixing simply answered.


That night, Baekhyun couldn't help but let Yixing's words play in his head. He couldn't help but feel a little troubled at having heard that. Was he some kind of sacrifice for something later on? His eyes widened in horror. He had heard tales about how villagers would offer someone or the King would give out orders to have someone captured as a sacrifice to the gods, to please the gods and have a prosperous year to harvest and what not. He shuddered at the horrible thought. Baekhyun wasn't sure what the rituals are and he wasn't keen on knowing either.


His troubled thoughts, however, soon came to a halt when he heard the door open and close. The King must've returned. Baekhyun realized he hadn't seen even a strand of hair of the King and was actually relieved he was granted a day without misery. He quickly got up and gave a low bow, greeting the King.


"I see you finally know your place,"


"Your bath is already set, sire...," Baekhyun chose to ignore the King's words as he proceeded to lead the King to the bathing quarters.


This time, he made sure to be really careful and let the King have some privacy. He really didn't want to have a repeat of yesterday's happening and with what Yixing had told him earlier, he sure as hell didn't want to get on the King's bad side.

It didn't take long before the King finished taking a bath and cleaning up everything, that he was once again waiting for any more orders from the King. Baekhyun never noticed the look the King had on his face as he was quietly seized up and observed.


"So, tell me... where are your parents?," 


The question startled him a bit, but he quickly regained his composure.


"I am not sure where they are. Frankly, I don't care either," a pause, "sire" he added when he remembered the King's words.

"Hmm... that is a bit harsh,"

"Well... to me, it's not. I don't know them,"


The last part came out a bit harsh, but Baekhyun didn't really care. He had never known his parents anyway, so he would never feel anything for them.


"How long have you been living like this?,"

"Practically my whole life? Twenty something years. I don't even know how hold I actually am to be honest, so...,"

"It must have been hard for you,"


Baekhyun looked up startled at the King's words. Did the King just sympathize with him? The almighty King who was known to be ruthless and heartless? His eyes accidentally locked onto the King's and he knew he should look away, but he couldn't. He just couldn't pull away his eyes from the other. He felt himself drowning in those eyes.

Through his eyes, he could only see a young man, well sculptured, handsome and tall instead of the man he'd met that day he was caught. This man looked gentle and sincere and Baekhyun only wished he could actually meet such a person in life and maybe fall in love with the person and live happily ever after, but he knew that would just be a fantasy. He could never have a happily ever after for he was a slave, a comfort slave, and was bound to stay and serve the King forever.


"Yeah..., but I survived! I am still alive... although I am... a slave," Baekhyun piped up, grinning impishly.


He never noticed how he dropped the honorifics and just talked with the King and it was then that he actually felt relieved to actually have someone to talk to. It felt different, a good kind of different.





Baekhyun just then realized how rude he must've sounded and was about to start apologizing when he found the King kneeling in front of him and grabbing onto his ankle. He heard a click, then felt the metal leave his ankles. The King just released him from his confines and he was so happy he could feel his feet again! The heavy weight was finally off and he could walk around freely.


"Thank you so much!,"

"Letting you go unshackled doesn't mean you are actually free. You are still my comfort slave and you stay here in my room. If I catch you outside the palace then I can have you throw back in the dungeons and have you locked up again," 

"Don't worry, sire. I don't have any intentions of leaving. I really don't like to be tied down again. I will do as you say and not leave the room... but can I at least go to the balcony?," Baekhyun was not even trying that hard to hide his sheepish smile as he pointed at the opened door to the balcony.


"Anywhere connected to this room is free for you to roam around. One step outside-,"

"-and you'll have me locked up in the dungeon,  I know... I get it," Baekhyun interrupted casually, nodding furiously.


And it was then that Baekhyun was aware that he wasn't afraid of the King anymore. The latter may be imposing, but he could understand that, he was the King after all, but somehow the King's mask seemed to be dropped when he was around. Baekhyun wasn't sure yet, but he liked this side of the King.


"Good... so, have you learned anything?," the King proceeded to ask, still kneeling infront of Baekhyun.

"Yes, fortunately I did. Yixing is a great mentor. He taught me almost everything I should know. I am not sure if I know how to operate them correctly, but I am sure I will try very hard to please you,"


"Can I ask something?,"


"How old are you, sire?,"

"Twenty-five. Why?,"

"Nothing, sire looks so young to be a ruler... at least you know how old you are. I don't even know my age. I only know my name,"


A pause.


"It's late. You should go to sleep, sire," Baekhyun said then giving a small curtsy, waiting for the King to leave.

"Let''s talk instead,"

Baekhyun cocked his head to the side. Was the King serious? The King wanted to talk to him? He felt his face almost splitting in half with his big smile. The King actually wanted to befriend him, if he could call talking to him, making friends with the King.




Chanyeol was pleased. He felt contented, contented that there was someone like Baekhyun. In just the short time he learned about the boy, Chanyeol came to one conclusion: the boy talked a lot! And it wasn't that he disliked it. On the contrary, he felt at ease, he felt himself, not as King, but felt as a normal human being. 

Not that he never talked to someone, it was just different with Baekhyun. Talking to his ministers and advisors was totally different than talking to Baekhyun. They talked to him because they had to, they talked to him because they were obligated to. And now, all of a sudden there was Baekhyun who was talking to him, simply because he wanted to talk to a different person.


"-and there are a lot of things to see in the market. Oh! I saw this performance one, it's an annual thing. A puppet show. I like those the best! They are funny, the story, but of course there are sad stories in between, but I like the funny ones the best!,"


Chanyeol listened in awe at whatever Baekhyun told him of his previous life on the streets. The boy sure had experienced a lot and even though the boy was homeless, he found out Baekhyun had always a way of finding a good place to shelter himself from the cold. He was even surprised the boy hadn't even caught a cold during the winter.


"Have you ever watched a puppet show?," Baekhyun asked suddenly, his eyes shining with curiosity directed to him.


"I have... a different kind of puppet show," Chanyeol replied with a smile.


He was still fascinated at how innocent the boy looked, as if the boy had no worries at all. While he was always worried about this and that, because of his status, he couldn't help but envy the freedom Baekhyun once had. He had sometimes wished for pure freedom in the palace. Or he had wished for being born in a normal family, so he could be free and do things he wanted to do, without having watchful eyes on him.

But, then again, it was just wishful thinking and he had to accept whoever he was and in what kind of place he was born and raised in. He had learn to envelop whatever he had in his arms and live with it. And with Baekhyun suddenly in his life, Chanyeol was sure his life was going to be less boring and he would have a companion forever tied to him.




Hello my dearies. How have all of you been? Have you missed me?

I am sorry to have taken so long before getting on with a new story. I just lost some of my inspirations and decided to take a break.

So I hope you guys will like this new story of mine. Please leave me comments, follow me on twitter, upvote and subscribe. Thank you very much!










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