after the accident , Minah become quiet in class and always lost focus . Minah go straight to the basketball court after the class is over to calm down herself . Minah doesn't notice that there're some guys try flirting her . When those guys come near , Minah try to escape but they just too many of them . Suddenly Yooyoung and Eunji come and start using their hapkido and taekwando talent . Those guys looked pretty bad when get kicked and wrestle by Eunji and Yooyoung . Minah thanks to them bc save her from those idiots guys . Just a few moment later , J-hope come to the basketball and seem tired . Maybe bc of running .


J-Hope : What is happening ?

Minah : Nothing /smirk/

Eunji , Yooyoung : That is not nothing okay ? Hopefully we just walk by here or u'll be dead w those men /cleans their clothes/

J-hope : i told u that u should be careful when u are alone /hugs her/

Minah : why should i listen to you ? u not boyfriend at all /push him/

J-hope : Yes i'm ur boyfriend !

Minah : just bc we have a deal . remember ? /smiles/

J-hope : but u don't even accept me as ur true boyfriend ?

Minah : i don't accept anyone bc i'll never love them till the end !


* Mark come to the basketball court and walks towards them *


Mark : can i borrow her for a moment ? /drags Minah to sch park/

Minah : can i know why u doing like this to me ? /ask Mark/

Mark : bc i'm in love w you ! /holds her face/

Minah : i hate guys ! forever and ever . can u understands that ! i just hate u guys ! /push Mark/

Mark : /holds her hands and start kiss her lips/ can u just starts understands guys and don't hate all of them !

Minah : /runs while say/ I'm sorry but i already has someone that i love and that guy is J-hope . pls understand !


/ 3 weeks later /

Minah is start to separated herself from J-hope by come to her hometown at Jeju Island . J-hope , Eunji , Yooyoung , Nana worried bout her and start searching her around Nanyang but they got nothing . After they tired searching for Minah , Nana , Eunji and Yooyoung went to their house to rest for a while . While Eunji and Yooyoung resting at downstairs , Nana walks to Minah's room and try to remember their moments together bc they were so close . Nana walks towards Minah's desk and starts to arranged Minah's things neatly . Until she saw a notes on the mirror that written

' Guys , i'm sorry for left without telling u . I just need some time to make up my mind and clear my love for J-hope . The reason why i don't trust love is bc i'm scared if i'll hurted their feelings after we dating or my love for him become less . I don't want that happen to J-hope . Let me clear my mind about J-hope first and i'll be going back when i'm ready . And pls don't tell J-hope that i love him so much . Just keep it secret okay ? i trust u especially u Nana . I know u reading this . I don't want anybody to get hurt bc of me . I LOVE ALL OF YOU ! '

. When Nana reads the note , she feel someone behind her and start to folds the note quickly but the guy already grabbed the notes from her .


J-Hope : Would u keep it secret if i'm not here just now ? /mad/

Nana : But she already ask me to keep the note from u /try to take the note/

J-hope : Don't u want Minah to be happy ? /stares/

Nana : Of course i want but i worried if u break her heart and she's a kind of woman who's easily touched .

J-hope : Is my face look like i'm kidding ? I'm serious w her since the first time she moved to our sch and the moment i bumped into her . I just want her and i'll take care of her until the day i die .

Nana : i hope so u can do that . But if u don't want to be late , u better get ready bc i think i know where she is /smiles/

J-hope : I'm always ready


Minah was walking along the beach and start to think about J-hope over and over again . She scrathes her hair and start to ruffles her hair . She still love him and  try to forget him . After tired walking , she lying on the sand and stares at the clouds . She starts to counting the clouds and fall asleep . A few moments later , she feels cold and starts to get up but there's a guy who stop her by kissing her . Minah was shocked and pushed the guy . Suddenly she speechless .


J-Hope : why ? feel suprised ? /winks/

Minah : how do u get here ? /gets up/

J-hope : by those pretty girls who helped me /points to nana , eunji , yooyoung at the car/

Minah : they just . how dare they tell u that i come here .

J-Hope : and i read ur note too /pokes Minah's cheek/

Minah : what ? /blush/ forget it . that note just a joke anyway

J-hope : who say ? /kiss Minah with tense/ don't ever thinking about getting away from me again arasso ?

Minah : but .. but .. i don't think ..

J-hope : /put his finger on Minah's lips/ shh , i know what ur gonna say and just keep it bc i'll never let u go again this time . never and ever .

Minah : i don't think we can make it /smirk/

J-hope : stop saying like that or i'll kiss u till ur lips are worn /kiss minah/

Minah : if my lips are worn , will u kiss it again ? /winks/

J-hope : as long as the lips is yours , i rather kiss ur lips than wasting my time or do u wanna more ?
 /tease Minah/

Minah : yahh ! just kiss is allowed for this time okay ? /laughs/

J-hope : i'll wait until the kiss level is over /hugs her waist/ and say that u love me first .

Minah : i love ... I love nana , eunji and yooyoung /runs away/

J-hope : yahh ! dare u tell that again . say that u love me or u'll regret if i bring u to my bed /cathes Minah and Minah fall above his body/

Minah : okay then . I love you ! /pecks his lips and hugs him/

J-hope : since i already make u fall in love w me within 1 month , here ur diary /give the diary/

Minah : i think better if u keep it first bc i don't want our agreement be ended /smiles/

J-hope : for the next years in ur life , i'll make u keep falling in love w me every month /hugs Minah and kiss her softly/


~ THE END ~  is this the end ? if u wanna me to update more , pls comment





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