Unexpected Surprise

The Promise

Georgiana stepped into her hotel room, and slipped off her heels, tossing them over to the side. She trudged over to the tiny kitchen which consisted of a mini fridge, a microwave, and a coffee maker. She set her purse down onto the small counter, dragged the coffee mixer closer to her, and began to pour coffee grains into the filter. In a matter of minutes, the blanket of exhaustion that had washed over her would disappear and she would be able to think straight. She stared blankly at the coffee pot that was filling up quickly. Georgiana jumped at the sound of 'One of a Kind' blaring loudly. She turned her head and reached for her purse, yanking out her phone. She glanced at the name on the screen and slid to answer.

"Hi Mom," she said.

"Georgie! I can't believe I actually reached you!" her mother shouted into her ear.

"Ah, I've been so busy that I hardly have my phone near me."

"I see, i see. Now where are you now? Is it beautiful there? Is it like what you expected? How is training?"

Georgiana blinked a couple times and tried to take in all her mother's questions, but her brain couldnt come up with an answer for anything.

"Uh, good?"

"What's good? Training?"

"Oh! Yes, yes, it is going well, just very long," Georgiana answered wearily. She knelt down and opened a compacted cabinet and pulled out a styrofoam cup.

"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" her mother asked, her voice tinged with worry.

"Of course," she replied. Becoming a teacher in South Korea wasn't as easy as she thought it was. Besides learning the language almost fluently, there was more to it than she thought.

"Well, you are still young," her mother said. "You aren't even twenty one yet. There is time to change your mind."

"I will be twenty one in a few days," Geogiana pointed out, smiling.

"Yes, well, there will be a big celebration when you get home. And speaking of home, did you buy your plane tickets yet?"

"Yes. Five more days and i will be on a plane to Los Angeles."

"Oh!! I cannot wait!!" he rmother exclaimed.

Georgiana shook her head, holding in a laugh. "Mom, you are too much."

"I know. Now, there is one more question i have to ask before i let you go."

Georgiana's eyes began to droop shut and she shook herself to stay awake. "Yes?"

"Have you met your love yet?"

"Oh mom," she said, suddenly embarrassed.

"What? You were the one who was always constantly talking about him. You even claimed he would be your husband. I will quote what you said, 'Mom, G-Dragon-"


"Okay, Okay, I will stop. But still, you have five more days to find him and make him fall in love with you. Just saying."

"Thanks, mom."

"Good bye, Georgie."

"Good bye, mom," she said, hanging up and setting her phone down. Georgiana sighed. It was true. G-Dragon was the love of her life. From the moment she first saw him on her computer screen, she just knew: he was the ONE. Even as she packed her bags to come to South Korea, she had a slight hope that she would be able to see him, and that he would somehow fall in love with her. But that is only a dream. There is not even a possibilty of that ever happening. And yet, everytime she steps outside, she always looks around and keeps her eyes wide open in case he was randomly strollig down the street, or in a nearby shop. But after being her for two weeks, she has had no such luck....

G-Dragon crashed down his glass on the table and reached out for another bottle. A hand gripped his wrist. "I think that is enough," Daesung said. He eyed Jiyong worriedly and pushed the bottles away from his reach. "You shouldn't drink so much. You have to wake up early tomorrow."

Daesung and G-Dragon were sitting in the bar area in the hotel lobby. Earlier, the members had an event in one of the conference rooms in the hotel. An hour ago everyone went up to their rooms, but just as Daesung was walking to the elevator, he saw G-Dragon sitting alone, and now he was glad he made the decision to come over. "Let me help you to your room," he offered.

Jiyong shook his head. "I can do it myself." He slid off his stool and staggered forward. Daesung shot out his arms and saved him from falling flat on his face. "Let me at least walk you to the elevator."

The hour was somewhat late, so there weren't too many people in the main lobby, which made it easier to make it over to the elevator without too much commotion. G-Dragon tried to focus on balancing. The last thing he wanted was to call attention to himself in this condition. The two stepped into the elevator and the doors closed. "Do you remember your room number?" Daesung asked.

Jiyong shrugged and pressed his back against one of the walls of the elevator. He reached into the pocket of his leather pants and pulled out a key. "321."

Daesung pressed for the third floor, unaware that G-Dragon had read the number wrong.

"You can talk to me, Jiyong," Daesung said.

G-Dragon nodded. "I am okay. Don't worry. And please don't tell the others about this." The doors flung open and Jiyong stepped out. "Be careful," Daesung said, watching him. "Call me if you need anything."

The doors closed and G-Dragon made his way slowly down the long hall. He passed 317, then 319, and stopped dead in front of 321. He had to blink a couple times to see through the blurriness. He stepped forward, his key out, and crashed against the door.

Geogiana gasped and set the coffee pot down. She stood motionless when she heard another loud bang at her door. She slowly walked over to the door and stopped a couple feet from it. She heard a key trying to open the door and her eyes went wide. It couldn't be cleaning service at this time of night, she thought to herself. She saw the door handle jiggle and she threw her hands over and held in a scream. All the worst scenarios started to play through her head and she began to shake.

Jiyong slid the key and tried the handle for the tenth time, but still couldn't get in. "Aish!" Everything began to go dark and he tried to stay conscious.

"Who-Who is there?" she asked in a trembling voice. There was no answer but she heard the door handle jiggle again.

Her heart rate began to accelerate to an unhealthy pattern as she neared the door. She decided to look through the peep hole to see who it was. If it was some sort of robber or maybe worse, she could at least try to get a look at his face. Georgiana stood on her toes and peered through the tiny hole but to her surprise, she saw no one.

She stepped back, her eyes wider than before. "Could it be a ghost?" she asked herself.

G-Dragon picked himself off from the ground, his knees still wobbling.

If it was a ghost, there was only one way to find out, she told herself. In the peep hole, she didnt see anybody, so she felt a little better. Maybe it was only pranksters who ran away when they heard her footsteps nearing the door. She put her hand on the handle and took a deep breath.

On the count of three, she swung open the door, only to have a body fall down at her feet. She screeched and jumped back. "Ahh!"

The body on the ground lay limp, face down. She took a step forward, and put her toes on the shoulder and nudged the person.

She stood rooted to the ground not sure of what to do. Georgiana kenlt down and smelt alcohol. She let out a shaky breath. So that's what happened. This man got drunk and accidently went to the wrong room. Now, to see who it is. She put her hands on the man's shoulders and turned him over so he could breath properly. She fell backwards. No!! NO! It couldn't be!! she thought. She rubbed her eyes, thinking exhaustion was getting to her, beacsue laying right at her feet was none other than G-Dragon.





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