Chapter 3

Destiny's choice
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C H A P T E R   3 :   THE skate


D.o's pov

KAIII!” I yelled, since this would be a date the best person to ask for advice would definitely be kai… he is a ladies man…

"ya Hyung? what can i do for you today?" he asked mocking me as i entered his untidy bed room. Yes Kai is a ladies man but his definitely not the best cleaner in the world, his actually probably the worst if you asked me honestly. "i need advice, you see i met a really pretty girl at the cafe the other day and i don't know we just click and then i got her number so i'm taking her out today but i really nervous and i don't know where to take her or how to impress her and i'm running late so can you make it snappy" i said all in one breath

"well for 1) i don't think you should be late or else she will probably think you stood up on her or something and for 2) girls don't all like classic things like movies and stuff, you should take her to a carnival or something and then maybe to the beach for a picnic so that its unique and not too unrealistic you see what i mean and for 3) stop fronting, show that you want to be with her but not in a creepy way and don't go all bad boy style girls hate that. so there you have KAI's 3 step to a perfect first date. now off you go" well firstly he said alot of things from a whole variety of stuff whic gave me many ideas but i don't know if i can pull it off as smoothly as Kai normally

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EunByung27 #1
Chapter 2: I think isn't it a little bit too fast? meeting each other then exchanging phone numbers and so on... but then I think that's okay, right? :) I can't wait for the next part of Chapter 2. I'm really going to wait for this.
EunByung27 #2
Chapter 1: Wow! this chapter is great. I like how you write it's a little laid back and it's comfortable to read since I understand every word perfectly. anyways, it's a fresh start for meeting each other and they give a good impression.