Chapter 3

Perhaps and Maybe

"You need to stop with the theatrics." Yixing looked sternly at the older member, who was fretfully arranging his hair so that it covered the small bump on his forehead. 

"I'm not being dramatic!" Luhan turned to stare doefully at the other male. "It's not my fault I got whacked in the head by a heavy stick!"

Yixing rolled his eyes. "No. I meant this whole hullabaloo about me and ZhongDai." 
He watched as the elder's eyes developed a fanatical gleam and hurriedly continued. "We're seriously not together okay?."

"NOT TOGETHER?!" Luhan yelled, jumping to his feet- all thoughts of torturous staffs and painful bumps vanished. "In the past few weeks, you two have done everything from looking at each other to kissing."

Yixing was about to retaliate when a warm hand slipped into his. He glanced up to find Jongdae smiling at him, his eyes crinkled with warmth. Immediately he felt a smile stretching across his own face and mentally cursed Luhan as he found himself being tugged out the front door.
Luham shouted something that sounded suspiciously like "ChenLay is real!" but Yixing wasn't too sure- he was perhaps a little distracted by how warm Jongdae's hand was and how their hands fit perfectly. 
Jongdae suddenly stopped, causing an unfocused Yixing to promptly crash into the other boy, who simply laughed and plopped onto the ground. Taking in their surroundings, Yixing discovered they were on the rooftop and gave his fellow member a look of confusion.

"Luhan was about to launch into another hysterical preaching session?" Jongdae offered as a way of explanation. Yixing grinned as he sat down- that was good enough for him. He vaguely noted that they were still holding hands as a relaxing silence washed over them. It wasn't until the sun slipped lower in the sky that one of them spoke.

"I've always liked watching the sunset from the rooftop," Jongdae exhaled softly. "It gives me a time to think."

"Contemplate life in all it's glory?" Yixing glanced over at the younger member. 

The corner of Jongdae's mouth lifted. "Something like that."

Another long silence filled the air before Yixing spoke up. "So what do we do?"

"About what?"


"Ah. Just let him be, he'll find something else to preach in a few weeks like... TaoRis."

Yixing chanced another glance at Jongdae, who had closed his eyes. The final rays of light illuminated his sharp cheekbones and smiling lips. It was a most fascinating sight and Yixing found himself staring, staring... at a pair of dark eyes. He gulped and quickly leaned back, a soft pink staining his cheeks. Jongdae inched closer to the okder boy, making sure their fingers were still tightly locked. "Ge, I just had a thought."

"Some results from your contemplation on life?" Yixing laughed shakily, aware that Jongdae's face was close, too close.

"You could say that," Jongdae leaned closer, the corner of his mouth lifting again. 

"I was thinking, alternatively..." He moved his lips right next to Yixing's ear. The latter suppressed a shiver as Jongdae's breath ghosted over his earlobe. "...we should fulfil Luhan's preachings."

Yixing had turned into a statue, hus mind furiously trying to work out the implications of Jongdae's proposal. "So you mean, like, agree with everything he says?" He asked carefully.

Jongdae tilted his head, as a contemplative expression crossed his features. "I was more thinking something like-" He moved onto Yixing's lap in one swift motion. "-this."

Jongdae gently pressed his lips against Yixing's before leaning back to gauge the other's reaction. He watched calmly as Yixing's face flushed pink before crossing to purple, finally settling on a dark red not unlike the final of a sunset. Jongdae had expected spluttering, perhaps some flustered words. What Jongdae didn't expect was for Yixing to flip their bodies in one strong move so that his back was now pressed against the weathered surface of the roof. He must've looked utterly shocked because Yixing had to suppress several snorts of laughter before smirking down at the other boy. "How did I know you would do that?" The elder murmured as he leaned down for another kiss. 
Perhaps, and maybe, Yixing wasn't as oblivious as he had everyone believe.. Jongdae's brain thought vaguely before shutting down from the pressures of Yixing's kisses.

Perhaps and maybe Luhan did have a point after all.


Anyone interested in an epilogue? :D

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Chapter 4: lols i was just looking for a cute lil chenlay to read and this definitely satisfied that with the addition of a freakin hilarious Luhan! XD
parvitasari #2
Chapter 3: Yay chenlay finally together.. Thanks to obsessive and annoyingcutely lu-ge.. And yes I want epilogue..
nightingalesatnight #3
Chapter 4: I just loved crazy/obsessed Luhan in this. Why can't this be exactly how their love story starts in real life????
Oh my dear God... I can't stop laughing while reading through all the chapters! xD
Luhan is really dumb! Period! :p It's so amusing how his constant (annoying) persistence finally resulted in Chenlay being together.
Thank you for writing this fluffy yet so funny story! ^^
Chapter 4: That was so cute! Luhan should start preaching some other pairing. (+ DuiZhang's angry storm - I hope it stays)
Shirahime #6
Chapter 4: bwahahahaha~
Oh, Luhan keep shipping the ChenLay, please~ :DDD
ah, poor Duizhang... XDDDD
strawberry-rinny #7
Chapter 4: Aaaah this was really cute!!!
That is so cuteeeee
I love how luhan is so confident that he is correct
Lu ge ~.~