Pride or Love?

Fight for Love

~Your POV~
Tao? The guy I have secretly loved for the past 13 years. Now I am competing against him in the uni wushu one on one. Well, goodluck to me! He is good at wushu and would probably beat me up anyway! I just wish he doesn't know it's me he's up against!

~Tao's POV~
She musn't know that I am against her, she might back out. Actually, she should back out. I know my capabilities and she would get hurt when I get competitive. I don't want to hurt her, it pains me to know she is against me.

~Your POV~
"Unnie! Why is it Tao? Can't it be someone else?", I pleaded my case. She just smiled at me full of sympathy.
"Sorry, ___, you know the rules. The opponent is decided and you've been training for this your whole life and this is the opportunity. Remember college reps are gonna be there so you better impress them if you wanna get that scholarship!", Unnie said as she prepares all paperwork. 
"Ok, train some more and think about it, I better go down to the main office", she said and left the studio. I was still worried. Maybe a bit nervous but definitely not relaxed.
I decided that I should train more, if I wanted to show Tao that I have matured throughout the years. And maybe, just maybe, he'll come back to me...

~Tao's POV~
"Hyung, what advice would you give me in fighting a girl? You've done this before right?", I asked the senior hyung. He just shook his head at my question.
"Well, nothing really, it just sort of came out!", he said. I was being serious, and I don't think he was!
"Hyung, seriously! You're the only guy from Korea here, and you understand me since I grew up there!", I said to him.
"That was my advice. My advice meant that it came from the heart so it came naturally! You see I was also in love with the girl I was against!", he explained.
"Also?", I asked in complete befuddlement.
"Yeah! Don't you love the girl you were put against? I saw the look in your face!", he said chuckling slightly. I can't help but blush at the thought of that.
"Yeah, honestly, so what did you do?", I asked him full of interest.
"Nothing. And I regret that. I let my pride defeat love. I let her go because I thought this was more important. Don't make the same mistake I did!", he said patting my back and then leaving the room. I thought about what he said. He was right. I shouldn't let this "ambition" of mine take over everything. I should balance it. Although, if I give up my ambition, I would regret it forever. Ugh, Tao! How can I choose? Do I have to choose?

~Your POV~
"You can give up you know!", the other guy said to me. He was such a big bully ever since. First he told Tao he wasn't able for the challenge, now he is telling me that I can just give up like that?
"Why give up? I mean, it's here right? I'm gonna grab the opportunity!", I said as he smirked at me.
"Whatever!", he said walking out. I heard him mumble something in Filipino, which I didn't really understand. He was half filipino, half korean.

~Beijing, China~
It's freezing actually! How were we supposed to have good training outside if we were freezing to death!
"Unnie! So cold!", I said my teeth chattering. 
"Guys, let's go in!", she said as we went in to the big stadium where the competition was going to take place. It was big and if I was to be kidnapped here it would be a very easy job! Knock on wood!
I glanced at the other teams coming in. I thought I just saw Tao! Impossible! Tao is a skinny dude, he ain't got muscles! Probably some other dude!

~Tao's POV~
We were already outside the stadium and we were freezing to death. We already spent so many winters here in China, yet it is still so cold! 
"Hyung, can't we not go in yet?", I asked as my legs started to shake.
"Yeah, we should!", he said and he guided us inside. I saw the other teams gathering around the stadium. I wonder if ___ is here and I just cannot see her.
I glanced one last look and saw a beautiful girl, her long dark hair flowing in the wind. She gathered her hair into a simple ponytail to get it out of her face. The ponytail reminded me of ___ as memories flood my mind.
I remember the last day I saw her. 
<<"Aigoo, of course! I'll be back sooner than you think!", I said as I ruffled her hair.
"Don't do that! You're ruining my ponytail!", she said
"Since when did you care about a ponytail?!", I asked>>
The flash back ended, and I was back in the cold reality. I stared at the girl. It cannot be ___, as ___ is short and scrawny! But she was as beautiful. Could it be?

~Your POV~
"___! Do you think Tao is already here?", Unnie asked me. I just shrugged my shoulders and continued scrolling through my phone.
"Yah! Don't go scrolling through your phone as if you were busy! The fight will start soon! In like less than an hour!", she warned. I turned off my phone and started to jog on the spot. I did some sit ups and lunges. I felt quite tired so I just took some water.
"Unnie! I should go walk around, I feel dizzy!", I said to her. I was feeling a bit nauseous so I wanted to walk around to get fresh air or something.
"Ok, but be in the big stadium on time!", she said as I walked out of the team room.
I walked around the place and saw many people training for their matches and some are just lounging. There were even fangirls squirming at half dressed athletes.
I just ignored them and continued strolling. I do feel like someone is following me though, but whenever I look I don't see anyone. It's like one of those scenes in thriller films. I just walked faster and tried to look for big crowds, but as if I was destined to be in danger, the people lessened and I was found alone in a hall. I looked, but I was knocked off unconscious. That was all I can remember....

~Tao's POV~
"Tao is that really you now!", the noona from Korea said. I recognised her. She trained me as well as the hyungs in Korea. I smiled and approached her.
"You've been training hard I guess", she said as she feels my arms. Awkward!
"Yes, haha, where is ___?", I asked looking around her. She didn't looked too pleased.
"Actually, she went walking, I don't get why she isn't here yet", she tried to search for ___ as well.
"And where is Daehyun?", she asked looking for that guy that used to bully me. I really didn't think he was here. 
"Daehyun? Do you think he is with her?", I asked noona. She didn't seem happy.
"I don't think they'd be together, the hate each other!", Noona said chuckling. Hate?
A guy approached us with a list.
"I was just confirming that ___ wouldn't be able to fight against Tao anymore? We were informed that she is unable to compete? And that a guy called, Daehyun is competing instead?", he asked befuddled. Even I was shocked.
"Dd you know about this?", I asked noona. Obviously not, since she was also looking for ___!
"I better go find her!", I said as I ran faster than imagined. I went to ask a lot of people where she was. I don't know what she looked like anymore. I just imagined the girl from earlier hoping that they were the same girl. Focus Tao focus!
I spot Daehyun, he was now grown up but his smirk hasn't changed. He walked into a secured room protected by his "minions". I went to follow him making sure I wasn't noticed by his friends. I sneaked inside the room, or should I say hall. It was big and dark and all you can see was the spotlight on Daehyun and his gang. ___ was there and yes I was right, the girl from earlier was her. She became more beautiful and the scrawny self was gone, she trained hard I guess!
She was sitting on the floor all tied up and her head was wounded. She wasn't crying or getting mad she was just neutral with expression making Daehyun more angry.
"Scream! Go ahead! No one will hear you!", Daehyun said. 
"Not even your Oppa Tao!", he said putting inverted commas on the word "Oppa".
"He is not my Oppa! I don't even know him anymore!", she replied. That tore my heart. She didn't love me, or expect something from me. I cannot bear to see this...

~Your POV~
I woke up in a room all tied up. Daehyun was pacing around the room as his gang followed him around.
"Scream! Go ahead! No one will hear you! Not even your Oppa Tao!", he said. Was he mocking me? I have to protect Tao. I may have been disappointed in him for not coming back but of course I still love him!
"He is not my Oppa! I don't even know him anymore!", I try to cover up. Daehyun came closer to my face. 
"Well, well, well! I don't think so...Tao!", he shouted his name. What is going on?
"Daehyun!", a voice from the back said. Tao?
"Now that we had our reunion, let's go back to the beating!", Daehyun said preparing his fists. Tao shook his head. I must admit, he grew taller, he was no longer skinny as I can see his arms in that Wushu shirt. Panda eyes were still there though. 
"Tao...", I sighed. He stared into my eyes. He mouthed the word 'sorry', I just nodded at him. I didn't care. Right now, what I care about is his safety! 
"Tao, don't give in to whatever he wants!", I screamed. Daehyun just snickered.
"Oh no.. I want something simple, and only Tao can give it to me", Daehyun teased.
"What do you want?", Tao asked him.
"Your position on the Beijing Wushu Team", Daehyun said straightforwardly...
"Boys! Positions!", Tao screamed. Boys, strong looking boys came out of nowhere. All looking beautiful! Hot looking boys who were gonna help Tao. As they approached the shocked Daehyun, Tao kicked him. Wow! We've been practicing that move and he finally got it!
"Chen, get that! And Xiumin take this!", he said as he threw the stick at Xiumin.
"Kai, backup!", he called upon the other guy. Tao ran to my side as he saw Daehyun approaching me. Daehyun grabbed me by my shoulders and neck.
"Come closer, she'll get hurt!", Daehyun said. No Tao, don't give in!

~Tao's POV~
This was that moment the hyung told me about. What will I choose? Pride or love?
I don't have to choose. If I choose her then my pride won't get hurt. If I choose my pride, I will hurt her and I cannot afford that!
"Guys, weapons and yourselves...down!", I commanded them. Daehyun snickered to himself.
"Tao, you pushover!", Daehyun chuckled even more. Doesn't he know that there is only four of us here? Chen, Kai, Xiumin and myself? Doesn't he know I always prepare plan b? The other guys slowly approach around Daehyun and his gang invisibly. I can see Luhan creeping giving ___ a 'be quiet' sign. Sehun and Kyungsoo took on the first guy without Daehyun seeing them. Lay and Suho took on the next. Chanyeol and Kris however, the tall ones, took the escaping Daehyun! I had to rush over to ___ to see if she was ok. But she was unconscious. I can't help but feel worried...

~Your POV~
I couldn't remember anything. All I can imagine was two tall guys dragging Daehyun out as everyone gathered around me. Tao's worried face was evident. 
"Where am I?", I woke up in a bright room, I'm guessing it was the hospital, I wouldn't dare try to guess heaven, I'm not that dumb!
"___? Nurse!", Tao called the nurse as I woke up. She checked my status and left Tao and I alone. 
"I told you that I will always be there for you", he said with a sympathetic face.
"But it took you ages...", I said but I saw his glum face. I knew he didn't mean it.
"'s ok, at least you're here now!", I said reaching for a hug. He gave something more. He planted a kiss, no not on the lips! Too soon! Just on the cheek!
"I can see that you still have a dimple there!", he said smiling. I nudged him playfully
"You know one of my friends has a dimple too!", he said recalling his friends. 
"Tell them I said thanks!", I said weakly. He just smiled at me.
"I will...", he said.
"But for now, let's rest!", he said crawling into the hospital sheets.
"What are you doing?", I asked weirdly.
"Cuddling! You hate it? I'll get off!", he said. He was already going to stand up.
"No come back!", I said pulling him back.
"I like this...", I told him. He just smiled and cuddled back.

I didn't have to fight against the love of my life after all! Sorry for misleading you! I actually fought side by side with him. That is what it should be right? If you love someone, you should be fighting side by side WITH him/her not AGAINST him/her!
My story isn't much, or special, but it was worth sharing. Until next time guys!

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SharonLau #1
Chapter 2: LOVE IT~~~~~