Fight who?

Fight for Love

~Your POV~
I love sports. It is my life. I am part of a freelance sports team, we compete all over the world in different sports. My sports include basketball, badminton, swimming, and many more. My speciality? Wushu and Volleyball!
What if I told you that I am in a uni team, and can compete with boys? What if I also told you that I have to fight against the love of my life? Yes. Let me tell you my story. It all started back when I first encountered sports.

I was 6 years old when my parents forced me to take parts in activities I really didn't like.
"Honey, you already turned down book club and knitting! What more can you possibly want?", my mom said as she dragged me along the community council where everyone signed up for different activites. 
"Since your brother joined taekwondo, why don't you join ballet?", my dad suggested. Definitely not! I was very different from all the other girls. As some people say, as a girl, there is a certain period of time in your life that you wanted to be either a ballerina, a mermaid or a princess. Me? None of the above. I pointed at the sports stall as I dragged my dad along.
"Freelance Sports? ___,do you know what you are getting into?", my dad asks. I nodded.
"Very well, whatever makes you happy!", he said. He signed my name up and then the people on the stall gave me the equipments, training hoodie and uniform.
"Training starts tomorrow! See you there!", the lady said. She looked fit and happy.

I remembered not being able to sleep because of excitement. It obviously came very fast.
"Ok so class we better start with some stretching and breathing exercises, and then we will all jog around!", the unnie from yesterday said.
"Unnie, there is a boy sitting over there!", I said pointing at the boy who was on the benches alone. The unnie shook her head and replied.
"Oh that's just Tao, don't mind him!", she said. But ever since then I had my eye on him.
Lunch break came and I decided to talk to the boy Tao. He was taller than me, he was a skinny kid with panda like eyes.
"Hello...", I said softly as I apprpached him. He didn't smile or frown. 
"Hello, what are you doing here?", he asked. I just shrugged and sat next to him.
"How old are you?", I asked him. He could have been my age you know.
"I'm eight! You?", he said. He was skinny and small for an eight year old, he could pass for my age. 
"I am six and a half!", I said emphasising on the half. I was a boastful kid you see!
"Good!", he responded as he swung his legs since he was too short for the high bench, and to think he was taller than me, the bench must have been a giant!
"Let's be friends!", I said. He smiled and shook my hand.

Ever since then, we were friends, and we have gotten extra close when I started my wushu lessons. He was great at wushu even at a young age. He would train really hard. When I was 12 and he was 14, I would because he was still a shortie. 
"Yah! Tao! Look at how tall I am now! Beat that! You should at least rest from wushu sometimes and start growing. You know what Ahjumma said right? People who over work themselves never grow!", I warned him. I was a scary twelve year old!
"Hey, hey, hey! Look who's talking! Well, that means you're not working hard enough!", he said. Was that an insult or a compliment? He ruffled my hair and took the stick to practise.
"Help me with this routine! It's the pair work!", he said. I got into position and he charged with his stick, I fell into his strong arms. Well, that was the routine, he had to catch the partner in his arms without losing the stick.
"Good job, Tao! You did it, you didn't lose the stick!", I said not realising the hug I gave him. I quickly unwrapped my arms and felt the blush creeping in.
"___, I have to tell you something. Please don't be mad because, I am doing this for my benefit. I have been training hard and they told me that they would send me to compete in Beijing. Maybe for 5 years maximum! I promise I'll be back!", he said. I should be proud but why am I worried.
"Arasseo! But be back before I turn 20 ok! Remember we had a promise to each other that when I'm 20 we will celebrate my birthday!", I said to him reminding him of a certain childish pact we had. I don't know why I picked that age, but maybe because it is a multiple of 10? 
"Aigoo, of course! I'll be back sooner than you think!", he said as he ruffled my hair.
"Don't do that! You're ruining my ponytail!", I said.
"Since when did you care about a ponytail?!", he asked. I just shrugged my shoulders at him.

Tao left that weekend. He said he'll be back sooner than I think. He was wrong, I waited for as long as possible. He said five years max, but then six years came and now I am counting the seventh year. Seven years without Tao. Seven birthdays without Tao. Seven Christmases without Tao. Seven New Years day without Tao. When was he coming back?

"___! Come here!", the Unnie said to me. She was so excited.
"You are in the short list for the Freelance World Competition in Beijing! Congratulations!", she said hugging me. Beijing? Why does that place sound so familiar? Well, maybe because that is the capital of China, and maybe because....that was where HE was.
"So, our training has finally paid off! Yes! We fly to Beijing tomorrow!", Unnie said still screaming. 
"Does that mean I am celebrating my 19th birthday in Beijing? Aigoo...", I sighed. Maybe I'll be celebrating my birthday as close as possible to him.
"Yeah I guess...sorry you can't celebrate it with your own family!", Unnie said. I waved my hands as if to say it was ok! 
"___, will take care of the volleyball, she will lead you! And...perhaps the one on one uni wushu? Am I asking for too much?", Unnie said looking so guilty.
"It's fine, I prepared well for this!", I said shaking myself. I just wonder what Tao is doing in Beijing right now...

~Tao's POV~
Seven years...aish Tao, why did it delay? I tried to train harder to make the years shorter, but I got delayed. I wonder what ___ will think when I come back!

"Tao! Boss needs to see you!", one of the boys said. I nodded and went to the boss' office.
"I was called?", I said as I bowed. He did the same. He was serious, what could possibly be wrong? Suddenly, he started laughing, was he crazy?
"Boss, what's the matter?!", I asked. He was still laughing, he was even shaking his head.
"Congratulations Tao! After years of your hardwork, you have finally reached shortlist! You will compete in our wushu department. Unfortunately, I don't think you prepared for a one on one uni wushu am I right?", he asked. Uni? I never trained against a girl yet. Maybe back in Seoul, but no, I haven't.
"Sir, I will try my very best!", I promised him. I will probably regret it but anyways...

This is something I've been waiting for so why turn it down right? I stared at the boss' list.
"Boss, by chance, do you know who I am against?", I asked. 
"Let me check, I should know!", he said as he runs his fingers down the long list.
"Aha! Huang Zi Tao? Well, you are against ___, for Wushu one on one! Wow, she seems to be competing in the volleyball tournament too! Excellent!", he said as he drank his coffee. ___? Against her? Against the girl I have secretly loved for the past 13 years?

~Your POV~
"Unnie! Wait!", I said as I ran after her. She had the list in her hands. The list of who is competing who for first rounds.
"Do you, by chance, know who I am competing with?", I asked her. She smiled mischieviously. Why?
"Actually, you won't believe it! For Wushu you are competing against....Tao!", she said whispering the last bit into my ear. I think I just froze. Tao? The guy who left when we were young. The guy who promised to be back after five years. Tao...the guy who I have secretly loved for the past 13 years? I think I'm gonna faint!

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SharonLau #1
Chapter 2: LOVE IT~~~~~