Chapter 15

If the Heart Fails

Onew's POV

As _ slept peacefully on her bed, I sat down on the chair beside her window, trying to ease my boredom by watching people pass by. Sadly, her house is in a place where people hardly passed by. It got too boring that I decided to sweep around and put _'s things in place. I chuckled at how messy her room is. She's a girl and yet my room is much more orderly than hers. There's a bag of chips at the side of her study table and her books from the last school year are still scattered on it. The only thing thats in order here are the furniture.

I went down and asked _'s umma for cleaning materials. At first, she said that I shouldn't clean her room up because I'm a guest but I convinced her, anyway. But cleaning her room isn't suppose to be the highlight of what I'm talking about right now. It's supposed to be what I felt when she suddenly mumbled something in her sleep. It's how I felt when she mumbled my name. It's how I felt when she said that she loves me.

I gripped the broom in my hand and stared hard on the patterns on the floor. She...she likes me. _ said in her sleep that she loves me. But...but it could just be a friend's love, right? I shouldn't jump to conclusions right away of else I might end up getting hurt again. Well, no, I won't get hurt. I mean, I love Max, right? So what if _ only loves me as her friend? I'm not supposed to care, right? Because I feel the same love forbher, right? I love her as a friend, right? It wouldn't be such a big deal. She's my dongsaeng after all.

But it would also be good if she loves me more than that. Well, it's becase, you know, that way, maybe her love would make me forget about Max because even if you turn the world upside down, _ is better than Max in terms of attitude. But I'm still not sure of how I'm feeling towards her. I don't want to use her. I don want to lead her on just because I'm heartbroken by Max. That would be really off, right?

"AISH!" I shouted in frustration.

_ shoot up from her bed and looked at me with wide surprised eyes. I blushed and covered my mouth.

"Sorry if I was being loud. I'm just being bothered by a bug that keeps on landing on my head and my face," I said.

Way to go with the excuses Onew.

"Oh...d-did you clean my room?" asked _, looking around.

"Y-yeah. I hope you don't mind," I said, glad that she didn't question me further about my outburst.

"Thank, oppa~ I'm sorry if I made you a nanny today. But don't worry, I'm feeling much better and you don't have to take care of me anymore," she said.

I flashed her a nervous smile and felt my cheeks getting hotter. When I looked back at her, she was grinning and there's something inside me that clicked and made me even more confused.

_, what are you doing to me?!

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Chapter 32: Ohmygosh this was so good!
I was like 'She did not just do what I think she did..'
I cried. Ahah. But I'm super glad there was a happy ending. :)
nfbdkjgnbiur <3 My feels. Soo amazing.
naznew #3
happy ending..
if max donate her heart, what her disease coz the nurse said she sick..
where _____ go before and after onew's operation? there must be explanation right?
i'm still confuse..
SHINees_Back #4
Omg this story made me cry!! T___T <3
OKAY! I understand now after reading that chapter again XD I was reading it a little bit late at night, so I guess it didn't click right away.
@oosummersnowoo it's actually Max's heart. The Max that he saw in the bookstore was a ghost...I'm sorry if that's a bit off or not clear~^^
Easter #7
Eeedeeeeedeweeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love your story!!!!!!! How do u write such cute storys? I always fail at cute storys....
Only one question... Who's heart does Onew physically have? O.o
Hwaiting, author-nim!
YUUUUUUUUUUUUS MARRIED WITH ONEW!! I'M SO HAPPY! >< i really wish this fic could have gone on for longer! but we all get lazy, haha XD