Somebody and Nobody [2]

Somebody and Nobody

The first chapter was a bit short. So this one is longer. Enjoy it!


Lunch break. Something Taemin hated the most about school.

“Hey, Lee Taemin! Yeah, you.”

Taemin felt his heart skip a beat at the voice and slowly turned around to the five man in front of him. He looked up at the leader of the gang, Kangin, and swallowed loudly. Kangin gave him a angry glare and spat some saliva on the ground.

“It's time for our routine.”

The sentence made Taemin close his eyes in fear. He knew what's going to happen next. But even though it happens to him all the time, he's still scared they will kill him someday. The young man had enough negative thoughts in his mind, but suicide wasn't really something for him. He actually never thought about suicide or killing himself. If he would, he would leave his family, and he doesn't want that. He loved them to much. He can't do that to them. So he let it be this way.

He felt a tight grib at his collar and was raised up from the ground. The grib became more tighter and tighter, giving Taemin a lack of oxygen and let him gasp for air. The voice from Kangin snickered evilly. The other four behind him grinned as well.

“You know, you look so pathetic right now, it's hilarious.”

Kangin laughed and dragged Taemin with him behind the school and smacked Taemin's body to the brick wall. Taemin yelped in pain. This is the end. This is it. He's going to die. He know it for sure. These guys will hit his life out off him. There's no doubt about it anymore. The blonde haired man bit his lip and listened to his surroundings. There was no sound. No snickering, no grinning. Nothing. It seemed to be gone.

But then, he felt a smack against his cheek from a fist and hitted his head against the brick wall. The grip around his collar disappeared and he collasped down on the floor. A shoe hitted his stomach, and a fist hitted the other cheek what made Taemin bounce in every way, scratching his back head against the wall. Taemin wanted to cough or gasp for air, but another shoes reached his stomach and made him spill out something out of his mouth. It was red. Blood.

Taemin's vision was blurry and unclear. He looked up at the five man who took revenge at him for.. anything. He still don't know why they hurt him like that nowadays. “Please, stop.” He whimpered, but the kicks and smacks never seemed to stop. His body seemed to loose the ballance and before he knew it, he hitted the grey and cold ground. His vision became black and his eyes closed. The weak young man was unconscious.


* Ring Ding Dong *

Class had ended, and so had the schoolday. The children screamed in joy and happily walked outside, directly to their homes or somewhere else where they wanted to go to.

Behind the school, a blonde haired man woke up from his unconsciousness and opened his eyes. His whole body was hurting, and his eyes still felt heavy and weak. He tried to stand up but failed the first time. The second time, he stood straight up and leaned against the brick wall, trying to search his ballance. When he had, he walked with all his strength to the front door were children came out of it and walked inside. He felt his stomach burn and yelped like a hurt puppy. He ignored everybody as much as possible and limped immediately to his locker. He opened it, and a note felt out of it.

Meet me at Grand Street. I'll be waiting on the playground by the swings.

I need to tell you something. Something important.


Taemin gazed emotionless at the note. He couldn't think straight anymore. The new guy in class want to talk to him about something. Just, out of sudden. That's a bit... strange, right? Taemin read the note again and then realization hit his brains. The new guy had seen him! The new guy is interested in him! Maybe he want to be nice to him, or even better, he want to be his friend. Taemin's eyes sparkled at the thought.

But, what if this is some kind of a joke? A prank, a plan? What if the guy wants to beat me up to stay cool or something? I can't take more beating ups anymore, my body's broken.

Taemin nodded his head at that and placed the note back in his locker. He closed his locker and turned his gaze around him. As usual, no one was paying attention to him. Good. For now, he only needed some rest. And that's exactly what he's going to get.

Taemin limped out of school, ignoring everybody around him, and moved straight to his favorite place he used to hang out to calm down after a stressful day. It was the Twilight Tower. The tower was tall, around the 200 meters, and had a huge clock that showed the whole city the time. Taemin reached the wooden door and slowly and carefully opened it. He moaned in pain and walked up stairs. His minds wandered off, as he reached the big clock and mechanical things in the room. He limped to the 'exit' door and gave it a soft push.

He let his backpack fall of his shoulder and walked around the tower. He sat down in pain and placed his backpack behind him. He looked up at the big clock above him, that showed the time 5.30 to him. Taemin turned around and sighed.

This was the place. His place. The place he always goes to for the past 3 years he lived here to calm down or relax. It maybe wasn't a secret, but for him, it was. The peaceful sight of the little people underneath him, the birds that sang cheerfully and the cars that honked in a traffic jam made it even more beautiful for him. Why, he didn't know. Oh wait, but there's one thing he knew: he wasn't having any negative thoughts anymore now he was here. Yes, he never did so, 'cause he had no reason to think that. When he tried to speak to someone who ignored him, his mind was floated with the words. But now, he doesn't want to talk to people, even though he's getting ignored. It was strange, but it was comfortable. He loved it this way.

“You've ignored my note.”

The deep and smooth voice made Taemin jump up from the beautiful sight he was staring at. He looked at his left and coughed in surprise, recieving a moan in pain he nervously bit away. The dark brown orbs pierced into his soul. The tall man didn't blink, and had an emotionless face expression. Taemin found himself tricked into the sudden attraction from the tall man and gazed back.

“Hey!” The voice made Taemin snapped up and blink a few times. “W-what?”

“I said, you've ignored my note.”

“O-oh. I..I..” Taemin shut his mouth. He just.. stuttered.

“I have seen you reading it.” Minho said. “Are you trying to avoid me? Why didn't you come? Did you think.. Were you afraid I would beat you up or something?”

Taemin was shocked to hear those words and turned his gaze back to the city view. His heart beated even faster. So Minho had seen them, had seen him being beaten up by those guys. He had seen how weak and worthless he is. It hurt him even more that Minho was right. He did avoid him. He did it, to save himself for another beaten up. But that's never going to happen. How Taemin knew? At the sound from Minho's voice. Minho won't harm him. He wouldn't. And if he would, he has to check his ears soon.

Taemin snapped back to reality when he heard a thud at his right. He gazed at his right and received a gaze from chocolate colored orbs, who gave him a friendly and interesting look. Taemin swallowed and felt the sweat break out. Well, not out of fear, but out of something else.

Whatever it is, it's bugging me like hell. It's almost like.. I'm attracted to him. But that's not possible! I like girls. I like girls.

“Taemin,” Minho spoke. “I won't hurt you, okay? It's okay.”

“No... It's not,” Taemin whispered back. “You saw me. You saw how weak I am. How dirty...”

“Taemin,” Minho said seriously. “I don't think you're weak or dirty, because you're not those things. You're just a human, like all of us.”

“I.. I know.. I-”

“No, you don't. You think you're something or someone else than anybody else.”

“Minho, I-”

“Just tell me, Taemin. Am I true?”

Taemin gave a quick nod and moved his hands on his lap. He was amazed by the strong words Minho had told him, and yet there were all true. Minho had a serious face and sighed in response. Taemin thinks Minho seemes to be strong. He didn't looked weak or.. dirty. He looked mature. He looked confident and knew what he was talking about. He looked like he could rule the whole world if he wants that.

Why am I not that confident, strong or mature? I want to be that too, instead of being fragile and weak. Maybe he has a secret for it, and maybe.. he can tell me it. I hope he will tell me. Maybe I have to use my pouting skills for that, but still..

But when Taemin wanted to ask something, Minho spoke before him with a smile and let Taemin shut his mouth immediately.

“Say, do you like ice-cream?”

Taemin blinked a few times to get the information. Ice-cream? Oh, yummie! Taemin smiled at that and nodded, while sitting a bit straighter. A pain shock goes through his body and he yelped in pain. He closed his eyes and waited. The pain slowly goes away when he heard a noise from a backpack that opened or closed. Before he knew it, he smelled a sweet and delicious smell. He opened his eyes and stared at the cold thing on a stick in front of his eyes.

“Here you go.” Minho handed the ice-cream over and smiled. Taemin sniffed and carefully.

“Wow! That's salty!”

Minho grinned. “Yes, but sweet.”

“Omo, what is this called? I've never seen this blue ice-cream before.”

“This is called sea-salt-ice-cream. My mum always makes them for fun for me, but I can't get enough of them.”

“That's awesome. Your mum seems great.”

Minho laughed and nodded. Taemin smiled and the sweet ice-cream again. The two eat further in silence, while staring at the view in front off them.

“Taemin?” Minho called. “I still need to tell you something important.”

Taemin stopped with biting at his ice-cream and titled his head a bit. He then nodded, remembering the note Minho had wrote him.



“You have less than 6 days to live and then you'll.. die.”

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Wouah it's been a while since I read this fanfic for the first time! I don't know why but I wanted to read it again when I saw it in my subscriptions list!
FFiolet #2
Thank you all ^^ Sorry if it's a bit confused, but KH is a bit confuseing too. <br />
I actually wanted to make another fic with Onew in it (as Sora), but I don't know if I can do that.<br />
Anyway, thanks again! :D
this was very good and unique. It's nice to see a fanfic from another kingdom hearts fan or something C:
This was a very unique fic. So interesting to read!<br />
I really liked this fanfc! Even if that was strange uhuh! But I liked BECAUSE that was strange, that changes from other fanfics I already read, and like the candyman, I'm amazed by your writing style! ^^
starpaints #6
imma read it soon :)
RanniBoBanni #7
;A; Why have these two chapters made me feel like crying...? <br />
Update sooooon...
Is 2MIN going to heaven together?