
Little Sister.
That night I hardly slept. I thought I had gotten over him. I forced myself to get over him, my head seemingly winning over my heart. Apparently those unrequited feelings had not disappeared, but just squished themselves down in the spare room of my heart almost to nonexistence, only to pop out again. But I was not about to give him the satisfaction of knowing I might still be harboring some feelings for him, that cocky, playboy son of a .  I got up about 6:30 to make breakfast for the boys. As I padded into the kitchen, Siwon oppa was just returning from his daily workout. His broad shoulders still glistened with sweat, and he popped his head in the kitchen to say good morning.  "Oh, oppa?" I asked just before he was about to leave. "Are you going to church this morning?" It had been a long time since I had some quality Jesus time, and to be honest, I missed it. But I'm sure you all don't really care about my religious habits. He nodded, smiling that one charming smile. You know, that one that makes every girl in his vicinity go weak at the knees? My stomach did a tiny little flip despite only thinking o him as an older brother. I mean, honestly? What girl can resist the Almighty Shisus? "Would you mind if I went with you?" I smiled hopefully.  "Nope!" he grinned. "Service starts at 9:30, and I told Key I'd pick him up too, so be ready by 9:10, okay?" I nodded, and  Siwon continued down the hallway. As I pulled out supplies for pancakes, I heard the familiar sound of the shower running through the walls. I turned back around to the counter and was met with a nasty surprise. Slouching over the counter with a sly grin was none other than Lee Donghae.  "So Ari. You're back," he spoke lazily.  "Yup." I wasn't going to grace him with a full sentence. He didn't deserve it.  "You look good. A far cry from the nerdy schoolgirl I knew." Excuse me?! I was not a nerd! Okay, maybe a little, but that was before I had discovered my love for fashion.  "It's called growing up, Donghae-sshi. You should try it sometime," I retorted, continuing on with measuring it the baking mix.  "Why so defensive, Ari-ah? You couldn't possibly still like me, could you?" My head snapped around so fast that it probably would have whizzed out the door if it wasn't attached to my head.  "What?! Ha!" I gave a sarcastic little laugh. "How could you be so self-centered to think that after all this time, not to mention what you did to me, that I would still like you? You've got some nerve, Lee Donghae. Now I suggest you leave before I physically hurt you." My eyes burned with a fire-like intensity, boring into his skull, waiting for him to vacate the room. He slowly pushed back from the counter and I waited with bated breath to see if he would call my bluff. Don't get me wrong, I still wanted to permanently remove that smirk from his face, but I admit that I might have still liked him a tiny bit, though what exactly I found attractive in him besides the fact that he's utterly hot, I don't know. Donghae sauntered out into the hallway, leaving me in peace to deal with my conflicted feelings. I gripped the cool edge of the countertop and closed my eyes, trying in vain to relax and figure something out. I stood there for a few minutes, concentrating on steadying my breathing.  "Uhh, are you okay, Ari-ah?" The sudden voice nearly made me jump out of my skin. My eyes flipped open and noticed Ryeowook now occupying the doorway.    "Geez, Wookie! Don't scare me like that!" My hand was now over my heart, feeling it race despite trying to calm it down just moments before.  "Mianhe, dongsaeng. But you kinda looked like you wanted to kill somebody..." he said warily.  "Yeah, myself and him," I muttered under my breath.  "Huh?" "Nothing!" I sang, turning back to my half-made batter.  "Ooooh, whatcha making?" Ryeowook asked with interest, and I suddenly found him at my side, peering into the bowl.  "Pancakes. You wanna help?" He nodded excitedly. "Okay. I'll show you." While I got the griddle out, Wookie oppa ran to the pantry with almost femininity and pulled on the frilliest, most pink apron I have ever seen in my 23-almost-24 years of living. I took one look at him and I couldn't help myself. I burst into a fit of uncontrollable giggles, and oppa just pouted.  "Yah! Don't you laugh at me! Sungmin hyung gave it to me for Christmas!" he explained, but joined me in laughing despite his protests. After we somewhat calmed down, I explained to him how to form the pancakes on the griddle, and soon he was flipping them like a pro.  "I'm almost out of batter, Ari-ah, why don't you start waking the others up?" Ryeowook said as he poured more liquid onto the cooktop. I looked at him quizzically. That's gonna take forever! "There's an intercom system wired through the dorm. The main input is over there on the wall." I shuffled across the wood floor and inspected the little box. It had many buttons that could connect you to any room in the house. Eah boy had a button labelled with their name, and there was a little green button on the top left that said "ALL." Bingo. My finger hovered over it? But then I rushed to my room, snatched my iPod from the iHome, and returned, now pressing the button.  "Good morning darling oppas! We made breakfast, so it's time to get your lazy butts up! I dedicate the following song to my favorite person, Heechul oppa, since you said you enjoy this guy so much. Just remember: the quicker you're up, the sooner it stops!" I said cheerfully into the intercom. I held my iPod up to the speaker on full volume, and soon the entirety of Super Junior's dorm was filled with the sound of Justin Bieber's "Baby." Many groans, moans, and "turn it off's" echoed through the hallways. I just grinned evilly to myself. Who's the evil maknae now, Kyu? I looked over at Wookie oppa. At least he was enjoying the music. He was bobbing his head and dancing along to the beat, an in my opinion, it was adorable.  The first of the waking dead to appear was out ever-smiling leader, Teukie. How he can be so sunshiny just after waking up, I'll never know. He started helping Wookie oppa bring plates and cups into the eating area. Yesung oppa and Shindong oppa shuffled in not long after, followed by Kyu oppa and Sungmin oppa. Soon everyone was up and ready to eat...except for Heechul. Apparently he was going to take his own sweet time. The song eventually came to an end after its third time on repeat.  "Yah! Kim Heechul! Get up you lazy bum!" I shouted into the intercom. Two minutes later, an annoyed-looking Heechul strode into the dining room and slumped into his spot beside Zhou Mi.  "Never again," he said in what I assumed to be a menacing voice, though it really wasn't all that convincing. I just shot him a Mehrong.  "I hope you all like the pancakes!" I said brightly. "Wookie oppa and I worked hard on them!" We were met with a chorus of "I'll eat well's" and the pancakes disappeared in literally seconds.  The rest of breakfast was fairly uneventful. After we finished, I went to go take a shower and get ready for church. Half an hour later, I was dressed and ready, so Siwon oppa and I drove over to pick up Key. Yes, SHINee's almighty Key. We're pretty good friends actually, and he likes to take me shopping and pick out about a bajillion things for me to try on. But whatever you do, never put him and Zhou Mi together. Trust me. You'll never escape.  Anyway, Key was waiting for us in the front of his building, so he just hopped in and we went to church. We had a grand time in the car, and I could tell just by their interactions that Key really looks up to Siwon oppa, and oppa is a good hyung to him. We slipped in the back just as the first hymn began to play. We were all ready for some quality time with God. In that moment, I felt as of I didn't have to worry about any of my problems. It was just God and me. All the stressing I was doing over my new job and a certain jerk seemed to just melt away. Maybe returning to Korea won't be so bad after all... A/N: thanks for being patient with me you guys. School suddenly got a bit overwhelming, and then I lost the whole chapter that I was going to post so I had to rewrite it. But it's okay! I like this version better (: hopefully from here on out I can update sooner, but no promises. I have part of the next chapter written so it'll be up soon! Leave me comments! 1. It makes me super duper happy, and 2. Karma points for you! It's a win win! Now I shall go, and thanks to all my subscribers for being patient and waiting! :D
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yah!!! there is no ?
Natsumi_JoLee #2
I'll wait for another update, author nim. ^-^
youarefugly #3
updates!! please give me chapter updates~ XD
Natsumi_JoLee #4
Aww. No updates? :(<br />
I'll look forward to your next update~<br />
Hwaiting, author-nim!~ :DD
Natsumi_JoLee #5
Update soon~ :D
ColaSmackles #6
Nyenye~ It's fun~ 8D Would there be drama scenes for Ari and Hae? :D<br />
<br />
Update soon~
loserinlove #8
Hahaha. I'd be pissed too if that song woke me up