
Little Sister.



April 2, 2011. That was when I got the call. I first thought it was just Hyukie playing a mean, not to mention late April Fools joke.


“So you're saying that your giant company just so happens to want lil old ME to be your group's new wardrobe designer.” I was unconvinced.


“Well, I might have pulled some strings...” he admitted. “But you'd get to come live with me! We have an extra room for you! You don't want to see your favorite brother?” I could practically see him pouting through the line.


“Fine, Hyukie.” I sighed dramatically, but in reality, I was actually pretty excited. I don't get to see my brother that often since he's so busy, but now I'd get to see him all the time! Secondly, it's a fashion thing, and that's my are of expertise. Hell, I went all the way to the United States to study fashion! Plus, who would give up the opportunity to live and work with a super hot Kpop band?!


I was set to move in that next Saturday. The next few days after the phone call were extremely cramped with packing the contents of my room at home. Yes, I still lived at home, but only since I had come back from college in the States recently and was looking for a job. I arrived at the famous Super Junior dorm with my 12-yes 12. I have a lot of stuff- bags of various shapes and sizes, all stuffed to the brim, and pulled out my phone. How was I gonna carry all this stuff by myself?


To: Hyukie :P

I'm here! :D Can you come help with my stuff? (:


A minute later my phone went off: “Oh my super girl”


To: Ari-ah (:

Yay! We'll be down in a few :D


'We'll?' Hmm. I wondered who else he was dragging to come help. It had been at least a few years since I had seen them all (with the exception of oppa); I'd been totally booked with traveling and college overseas. Of course I'd kept myself updated on them, but it's not the same. My reflection in my car caught my eye, and I surveyed my outfit choice. ( Not bad for a Saturday. I was broken out of my train of thought when a small commotion arose by the front door of the building. Four good-looking men in TERRIBLE disguises burst out of the building and spotted me. The front-most one broke out in a wide grin. I would know that gummy smile anywhere.


“Hyukie!” I yelled across the parking lot, waving. My brother and the three other members quickly made their way over to my car. My brother immediately engulfed me in his strong, toned dancers arms and twirled me around. “Oppaaaaa! Put me down!” I laughed, and he set me down on the nice solid pavement.


“You look great, Ari. I missed you.” Aww. Hyukjae can be such a sweetheart.


“You too, Mr. I'm-releasing-a-fifth-album!” I exclaimed. “I missed you bunches.” After our little “moment,” I gave the three others hugs as well.


Leeteuk was first. “Ah Ri-ah! You're so grown up?” I could see his adorable dimple behind the Groucho Marx glasses he wore.


“Oh please, ahjusshi.” I swatted away his comment, and he faked hurt.


“I'm not that old!” Teukie replied with a pout, and I moved on to the next guy.


“Ariiiiiiiiii!” squealed a voice I only knew as Sungmin. I should have known by his sunglasses- pink. “It's been so looooong!”


“Minnieeeeee!” I mimicked, wrapping my arms around his thin waist. “I knowwwww. Too long.” I then stepped over to the younger man who was obviously Kyuhyun, even behind the fake nerd glasses perched on his nose.


“Best friend!” He cried as I practically took him down right there in the parking lot.


“Kyu!” I missed him a lot. This guy is my bestest friend ever. He was probably the only one out of the guys besides my brother that I kept regular contact with.


“Finally someone who will play Starcraft with me willingly!” Did I mention that I'm a closet major video game nerd? That's originally how Kyu and I became friends. Even though he always wins, I've greatly improved in the time I've been gone, plus I'm uber-competitive. This is the year I'm gonna win.


“Yeah, so I can kick your .” I smirked. He won't know what hit him. All he did was look at me like, yeah-right-that's-gonna-happen. “Cho Kyuhyun, don't you look at me like that! I've gotten so much better!”


“Whatever! No one can beat GameKyu!” He announced, looking smug.


“We shall see, my friend, we shall see.” Eunhyuk started unloading my bags from the car, handing them to the others but absolutely would NOT let me carry anything. Ever the gentleman. But never when it's just the two of us. Aish. We walked into the lobby of the building, me earning a dirty look from the receptionist. I also noticed her making googly eyes at my brother. Oh unnie. If only you knew.


Fifteen floors up the elevator, and we finally made it into Super Junior's enormous apartment. When I say enormous, I'm not exaggerating. A huge living area, kitchen, dining room, and three hallways I assumed led to the bedrooms took up the entire 15th floor. Their living space has certainly gotten an upgrade since they debuted.


“So, do the rest of the group know I'm here?” I questioned as Hyukie led me through one of the hallways.


“Nope!” He grinned. “These three only know since they didn't have schedules today. This is all a huge surprise for the rest of them.” We reached a door that had a little sign with my name on it like the others. Aww, how cute! It was even in purple, my favorite color! Oppa motioned for me to open the door, so I grasped the knob and twisted. My breath was taken away.

It was perfect. Every last detail was in place, and I absolutely loved it. I immediately tackled Hyukie in a hug.


“Oppa it's amazing! Thank you so much!” He just laughed, and they brought in all of my suitcases, dumping them in a pile in the middle of the room. Their faces were priceless.


“How do your clothes weigh so much?!” Sungmin asked, catching his breath. Leeteuk and Kyu muttered something to that effect also, and I just laughed.


“I tried to carry a couple bags, but noooo. You guys are too manly to let a girl carry her own things.” And with that, I shooed them out so I could unpack. I still had three or four hours until the rest of Super Junior came back. I kicked off my heels, changed into Soffe shorts, cranked up my iHome, and set to work.


The time flew by quickly due to efficiency on my part and awesome tunes courtesy of my iPod. Not only did I have the usual Kpop stuff, but also some American artists I came to like during my time overseas. Justin Bieber's “Love Me” was playing when I heard maybe seven or eight people jabbering out in the living room. Looks like they're here.


“Yah! Who decided that Justin Whats-his-face was allowed in this house?!” A voice that sounded suspiciously like Heechul complained. Rolling my eyes, I flipped the music off, opened the door, and strode casually into the living where all of them were congregated. All eyes snapped to me.


“Surprise!” I grinned.

A/N: Hey there readers! I'm Lauren, your lovely author. Hope you enjoy my story! I hope to update fairly often, but school sometimes gets in the way :/ Thanks to those who have subscribed already, and please don't hesitate to comment! It makes my day and encourages me to write more often ^^ So Subscribe and comment! Adios! :D


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yah!!! there is no ?
Natsumi_JoLee #2
I'll wait for another update, author nim. ^-^
youarefugly #3
updates!! please give me chapter updates~ XD
Natsumi_JoLee #4
Aww. No updates? :(<br />
I'll look forward to your next update~<br />
Hwaiting, author-nim!~ :DD
Natsumi_JoLee #5
Update soon~ :D
ColaSmackles #6
Nyenye~ It's fun~ 8D Would there be drama scenes for Ari and Hae? :D<br />
<br />
Update soon~
loserinlove #8
Hahaha. I'd be pissed too if that song woke me up