
First Love

Hello, my name is Do Kyungsoo and I am student who is 13 years old. I have good family, my mom and dad and even younger sister that is 6. My mom always told me that every person is special but I am so special that it shine from me. I completely agree with that. When I was in school I saw many girl’s talking about make up and other stuff and on other side were boys who talked all day about the prettiest girls.I wasn’t interested in such immature things. All I care about is studying and writing to my diary.

Of course I often help mom with cooking and house chores but washing dishes is something I completely hate! Maybe you think now that I am weird that I don’t care about girls and their but yes this is me. I completely hate people who sleep with one person and when they broke up they found another love and again sleep with another person. For me  it is something completely disgusting and I know that I will never do it. My parent’s are not really religious, going to church only once in a year.

So they didn’t told me some rules that I can’t sleep with people. It is my decision that I will sleep only with my true love. I am the person who will give my ity away on my honeymoon, after marriage. Yes now you think ‘wow!He is one of a kind person!In this century every lose it in their 15 years!’ I completely hate these people. They don’t understand me. They are drown in this modern life!

I am completely aware that finding my someone perfect will be very hard as someone who accept my rules- that are very hard is hard to find. Should I tell you my rules? Okay than, grab your pen and start to write it down so you won’t forget it later! So I want someone who is pure, yes I mean too….than I want someone kind and caring. Someone who will never leave me, who will help me in every situation, who will accept my decision on staying pure till marriage. Now tell me…where can I find person like that?

I know that somewhere deep in this world he or she exist. But it will be so hard to find that person! But I was so wrong! Very wrong! It was 4th of December when someone knocked on our doors. Mom said they were her high school friends that married and had son. So I took it easly as just some friends visit.

But…When I open the doors i…I thought that my heart jumped out of my chest. In front of me was standing a boy with a pretty styled hair. He was taller than me and his smile was very beautiful.

‘’Hello I am Kim Jongin and…my parent’s went to shop and they told me I should come here as I am bored. Our parents are friends.’’ The boy in front of me said and I just stood there with widen eyes and mouth hanged open.

‘’So…can I come in?’’He asked still with that smile, but his face also showed nervousness. But even if I wanted to answer I couldn’t…Like something was in my neck that didn’t allowed me to. So I just nod and I opened the doors wider so he can come in. He smiled more and walked in taking his shoes off. I start to walk to kitchen where my mom and father were making some snack for our guests who will came a bit later.

‘’Oh Kyungsoo, why didn’t you tell me they are already here?’’ My mom scold me but than she came to the boy, Jongin and hugged him lightly.

‘’You must me Jongin right?’’Mom said and Jongin nod.

‘’Yes, mrs Do..My parent’s will come in a minute as they went to shop.’’He said and my mom nod and grabed a cookie and gave it to him.

‘’Try it, I just did it.’’My mom said and I blushed as I remembered that I done almost all of it. I was watching Jongin closely as he ate the cookie slowly tasting the bits of chocolate on top of it.

‘’Hmmmm it’s very good!’’He said and eat more of them.

‘’Our Kyungsoo did almost all of it so you can ask him to bake more for you, if you want.’’My mom said and I blushed more and I looked down at floor at the ornaments on it.

‘’They are delicious Kyungsoo.’’ Jongin said and I looked at him with corner of my eye and I saw him looking at him with his warm smile…So beautiful! My mind was full of rainbows and unicorns when I look at him. I never felt this feeling…Is this the love they describe in books?

‘’I-I-I thank you.’’I stutter hard and he chuckle. We stood there watching my parent’s when the bell rang and I saw mom ran to doors and opened them and we heard laughing from hallway. That must be his parent’s.

‘’Kyungsoo!Come here and meet Jongin’s parents!’’My mom yelled at me and I slowly went to hallway and saw a beautiful women with long black hair and a tall man that was holding his wife around his waist.

‘’Hello I am Do Kyungsoo.’’I said and I bowed.

‘’Such amazing manners…Our Jongin is a bit trouble maker.’’Mrs. Kim said and I smiled a bit.

‘’Moooom that’s a lie!’’Jongin came to us and whined.His father ruffle his hair and Jongin glared at him and start to comb his hair back to his previous style.

‘’Let’s go sit in living room! We have many things to talk about!’’My mom said and they laughed and walked to the living room.

‘’Kyungsoo..go play with Jongin to your room.’’My mom said and I was shocked.I pointed at me and she frown and nod.

I slowly walked upstairs Jongin following after me quickly.I was nervous as hell but I manage to open the doors without complication. I walked in my blue room that was very very clean. I am perfectionist so everything have its place.

‘’T-This is my room.’’I said and I sat on the bed looking down at my hands. I heard Jongin’s foot steps as he was walking around my room.

‘’You have nice and big room.’’He said and I felt he sat beside me and my eyes widen and my heart went crazy. It was beating so fast that for a second I thought I will get heart attack.

‘’Why you don’t talk?You…don’t like me?’’He asked me and I heard sadness in his voice.I look at him and quickly shook my head with a smile.

‘’I…I like you I just…never had a friend.’’I whispered to him and his eyes widen and than he chuckle still shocked.

‘’Really?!!!Than I will be your friend!’’He said and I shook my head and looked away.

‘’Why?I am good friend.’’He said and I look at him again, he was pouting cutely.

‘’I…I need to have good friends who like same things as me.’’I said and he sighed and looked around.

‘’From what I see you like books.I like them too!’’He said and I looked at him shocked and I smiled.

‘’Really???’’I asked him shocked and he nod and pat my head.

‘’So….are we friends?’’He asked me and I nod and he showed me his pinky finger.I laughed and I grabed it with mine.

‘’I swear I will be your best friend forever.’’He said and I smiled.

‘’Me too.I will never leave you.’’I said and that was the day when our friendship started.On 4th of December at the start of winter.We were 13 back than, still kids but still we were mature than others.From that day we start to really be best friends, we often visit each other as Jongin’s parents moved to house beside our.

We became unseparatable. We went to same school together and after that we hang out in mine or his house. We watched sci-fi movies we loved so much. We were never tired of each other. We never had even a small fight! And always when I was with him my heart beat so crazily for him. I always wonder what does that mean, but I said to myself that I will know it later, when I get older.

And that was true.It was 3 years later that I discover it..What was that weird feeling.We both were 16 and again attending same high school. Jongin was popular but he didn’t like it very much. He always hug me at the cafeteria table and cuddle to me. We hang out after school in library where we together read books.

He always layed on the floor resting his head on my lap while I was reading book and caressing his hair. My heart was jumping and flipping in happiness…I Knew what this was…it was…love..The love I wanted so much. The person who had everything I wanted..I knew that he never had anyone so I was 100% sure that he was pure as me. But…will he want me? I didn’t know if he was like me, a gay.

It was again 4th of December and as always Kim family was in our house.Me and Jongin were in my room and we were watching Twilight.Jongin was sitting and I was laying almost on top of him.

For us it was a normal position. The weight on my heart was big that when I saw Bella and Edward going to kiss I closed my eyes as I knew I couldn’t do it with Jongin. I never desired to kiss someone I was not like other boys at my age.But was different..I think that I will die!I looked up at Jongin sadly.

‘’Jong….We are friends right.’’I said and he looked at me and smiled.

‘’Of course yes!’’He said and I smiled sadly.

‘’But…What if i…have some…secret.’’I whispered to him with shaky voice.He frown and caressed my hair.

‘’Than tell me if you want…I see it’s killing you.’’He said and I sat up and look down at my hands.

‘’I…Jongin i….i think i…love you.’’I whispered slowly and I heard the silence.I closed my eyes as I was so afraid that my friendship with him will end…But something different happened.I felt that Jongin’s fingers gently grabed my chin and turned my head to him.He was smiling and his eyes sparkle.

‘’Kyung…this moment…I waited for it so long.’’He whispered and I was shocked.

‘’What….you…love me too?’’I asked him quietly my mind proceeding what he said.He chuckle and caressed my cheeks.

‘’Yes I do…for such a long time already.’’He said and he leaned closer to me and slowly kissed first kiss..our first kiss.I closed my eyes and pressed my lips to his gently kissing him back.I felt the pleasure, the warm feeling, the electricity.Even thousand words couldn’t express my feelings right now.As we need to breath we parted and look into each other’s eyes with a smile.

‘’So…are we…boyfriends?’’He asked me and I nod and hugged him tightly feeling the big stone fell of from my heart.Finally I was free to express my feelings towards him anytime.

‘’I love you Jongin-ah.’’I whispered to him and he chuckle and hugged me tightly.

‘’Me too my Kyung.’’He whispered and we stayed like that, hugging each other.Our happiness start that day.We were boyfriend’s and I couldn’t be more happy.But there was one thing we were both scared off…Our parent’s.We were too afraid to tell them that we are in love and that we are gay.

We hid our relationship very good, we were friends for 3 years so there was no change on outside…But inside of our room we were hugging and kissing often.They were days when we had enough of this secrets and we often fought about it but our love is strong…We never broke up.

Year later on again 4th December we made the choice.We were holding our hands tightly while we walked in the living room where are parent’s were chatting about some neighbor.

‘’M-Mom…dad…we want to tell you something.’’I said and everyones attention was ours.My heart was beating fast and my hands start to get sweaty.

‘’We kept secret from you…and we feel bad for it.’’Jongin said and I knew he was afraid as me..What if they kick us out?

‘’We…are gay and…dating each other.’’I said in a whisper and I closed my eyes and I hugged Jongin tightly my breaths quick as I was nervous.

‘’It’s true…We love each other.’’Jongin said and hugged me tightly.

‘’Boys…seriously…was this the secret???Like we expect it much earlier!’’Mrs Kim said and my eyes widen and I look at our families.

‘’What?I don’t get it!’’I whispered and I looked at my mom who was softly laughing.

‘’Kyungsoo I know you so well!5 years ago when you came to kitchen with Jongin…you had love written all over your face!’’My mom said and I was more shock…was it that obvious?!

‘’That’s true jagya.’’Jongin whispered to my ear and I glared at him.

‘’You too Jongin…You always hate new people but with Kyungsoo…you became friends!’’His mother said and I saw Jongin blush and cough to cover his emmbarasment.

‘’So….you’re okay with it?’’I asked them and they nod.

‘’We worried for nothing.’’Jongin said and I nod.

‘’Now boys…can you excuse us?We plan revenge on our neighbours!’’My mom said and we slowly nod and walked outside to my room as always.

‘’Wow this was…a big surprise!’’Jongin said and I nod and slowly sat on the bed.

‘’Finally we are completely free!’’I said and Jongin layed beside me and hugged me.

‘’I love you.’’He whispered and I smiled.

‘’Me too.’’

From that day of big surprise that our parent’s gave us we were more happy and strong.We could freely held hands or kiss in front of them.They would ignore it or comment it as cute.Jongin was very patient with me.He never pushed me into something if I didn’t want it.But as years went by I mean 2 years I start to feel something..I wanted more.Yes we were hugging and kissing but…

I couldn’t get out of my mind the image of me and Jongin on one bed.I knew these thoughts are bad and the truth is I was also very scared!First I was scared of the act and second I was scared what will change in our relationship after it.I couldn’t make myself to talk about it with someone,I was too shy and I really didn’t want to talk about ‘that’problems with my family members.

4th December, we were 19 and already on university both studying to become lawyers.We still lived both in parent’s home but of course we were more free as we were adults.Our parent’s were out on this day having some cheesy weird double date.It was perfect timing but…will I be confident enough to really do it?

‘’Hey Jongin…i..wanna talk to you about something.’’I said to him with a nervous smile as we were down on living room watching some of the old sci-fi movies.I was hugging Jongin’s waist while he was holding bowl of popcorn.

‘’You know..i wanna change my list…List of my rules.’’I whispered to him and he looked at me with a smile.

‘’And what do you wanna change?’’He asked me with his lovely sweet smile I love so much.

‘’I…Jongin..I love you…’’I said nervously biting my lips.

‘’Me too jagya so what do you wanna change?’’He asked me and ruffle my hair.

‘’I want you Jongin…And I want…to be yours.’’I whispered to him praying that he will get my words and wont ask for explanation.

‘’Kyung….But your rules..’’He said shocked and thanks god he got what I said!

‘’I believe that we won’t break up…I will work hard so we will stay forever together.’’I whispered to him and look at his eyes.

‘’Thank you.’’He whispered and pulled me closer to him.

‘’Don’t be…it’s me who should thank you..for waiting and accepting my rules.’’I whispered to him and closed the distance between us.

It was slow kiss, showing our love for each other.I wraped my hands around his neck and he stood up with me in his arms and he start to walk upstairs to my room,not breaking the kiss. He layed me softly on the matress and hovered over me.

‘’You want this?’’He asked me on my lips and I nod.

At that nigh we became one and I must say it was very very painful!I will never forget it.But still I don’t regret it, after some while it felt amazing and finally I felt complied in my life.We were one body and one sould.Nothing could stop us at that night,just love was in the air filling our lungs with it.That moment was perfect…I want it to last forever.

Beautiful life.That’s how simply I can describe my life.After our first night we became more close, more intimate and more…ert I can say!Well Jongin is!Every morning he send me ert texts like “it’s up again,help me!’ by that text he means…that he got morning like every normal man…

But I am not ert and I can take care of it by non-ert way!He was more overprotective and sometimes it was too much…Or he was jealous…because of my panda plushy I was sleeping with!But still I love him unconditionally.It’s kind of cute when he acts like that.

We both finish our law school that was very hard and we were universities favourite couple…yeah thanks to Jongin who one day stood up on the table in cafeteria and yelled at people that ‘Who dare to touch my Kyung is practically a dead human’.So yeah as I said too overprotective.Our parent’s loved us and every moment we were together.

We were now both 24 and it was 4th of December.We were all sitting in the living room on the sofa and talking about random things and laughing at my father’s jokes.I was holding Jongin’s hand tightly and he smiled at me and suddenly he stood up grabing me with him up.

‘’What is it?Want to go to room?’’I asked him with a smile but he shook his head and pecked my lips.I blushed as I still even after years couldn’t get used to public kissing and mostly in front of our parent’s.

‘’My lovely Kyungsoo…You know…we are together since we were 13…that’s 10 years.When I first saw you…I must admit I fell in love with you.’’He said and I smiled and nod.

‘’Me too jagya.’’I said confused.

‘’On almost every 4th  December we did something special..First it was our friendship,than our first kiss and than our first love making.’’He said and I blushed deep and I hit his chest lightly.

‘’Y-Yahhh our parent’s are here!’’I whispered to him and I saw our parent’s chuckling even my sister!

‘’I want this 4th Decemeber to be again special by something.’’He said and I looked at him with frown.What does he mean by it?And than I got the answer.He slowly kneeled in front of me.I held my mouth and tears escaped my eyes…This was a dream right…no…it can’t be!

‘’Do you Do Kyungsoo be my husband and share the whole life with me?’’He asked me and pulled out a blue box and in it was a beautiful silver-black ring.I cried more and I nod.Our family was clapping and Jongin was smiling.He stood up and took my hand and put the finger on,it fit perfectly.

‘’I love you!’’I cried out and I jumped on him and hugged him tightly.

‘’Me too my baby, forever.’’He whispered and kissed me while our family was cheering.

Well..this is my life…My dream came true and I found my true love who was amazing Jongin.Even when he said that our 4th Decemver’s were special, for me everyday with him was special.Even if in future we will fight I know that we won’t break up..Because our relationship is very special.

4th December 25 years-Jongin and Kyungsoo married

4th December 26 years-Jongin and Kyungsoo moved to their own house.

4th December 27 years-Jongin and Kyungsoo adopted little baby boy

                                       THE END


I hope you like it!I had mood to write something and this popped in my mind again!Part of Kyungsoo’s mind is also from my mind so…yep you see I am complicated person…-.-

PS-If you like it please comment or upvote or anything:D



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Chapter 1: oh, so cute ~
Chapter 1: this is so beautiful~ i'm crying;;
sarangga #3
Chapter 1: Sooooooooooooo cute and beautiful :3❤️
Chapter 1: Oh gosh I am crying! This is SO BEAUTIFUL! :')♡
Chapter 1: soooooo cuteeeeee! /dies/ ♥♥
Doinnababe #6
Chapter 1: Arghh!!! So cute !! -///- *blush
Chapter 1: Your fic is really great ^^ I think it sweet and KyungSoo so cuteee!!
Can I translate it into Vietnamese please? I'll give you link to the translated fic with full credit, I swear :))