
Why Do Hearts Break?
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A few days had passed.

I didn't speak nor talked to Baekhyun. Not that he wanted too, anyways. He actually really didn't call, nor texted, nor even made a jump to explain anything to me. Nothing.

And I was left hanging by a thread.

I was even more gloomy at work. And none of my crew could console me. With no existing real friends, I totally had nobody. Baekhyun was my only one. The only one I talk to and go to.

But he left me just like that.

Absurd as it may sound, but I still go to Baekhyun's house to check on him. I wanted to see how he was coping with out break up, and to see if I'm the only one grieving.

And to my utter disappointment, I truly was the only one.

One day, Sehun invited me to a walk in the park one Sunday afternoon.

He was already there when I arrived.  "Yah, Oh Sehun."

He looked at me and the kid smiled widely. "Noona."

We walked together around the park. "Why did you call me? Is something the matter?"

"Yes, noona. You?"

"Me?" I asked lifelessly, although I already knew what Sehun wanted to talk about.

"Yeah, you. What happened? You've become more like a zombie over the past few days."

I blinked and shook my head. "It's nothing really."

"Noona, I know it's not nothing. Where is that glow that used to cover you whenever you speak? Where's that cheeriness? They're gone, noona. And I don't think it's really nothing."

This persistent kid sometimes could get me wondering how he is so childish and serious at times.



"What did I do wrong?"


I paused. I don't even know how to say it. "Did I do something wrong in my life? Baekhyun left me. Told me he didn't love me anymore. Was it all too easy? I can't understand."

He looked at me. "Oh. So that's it."

"Would you ever do something like that to your gi

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Chapter 4: Why baek whyyyy why there's no sequel whyy
9a9a_lve_daragon #2
Chapter 4: can you make a sequel for Baek's side of the story? this is so sad and a little depressing >_< i cried while reading the last two chapters WU~~ TT.TT
ichrak #3
Chapter 4: i reeaaly enjooyed it why do hearts break? really it s a good question why are we always alone is there anyone who cares aboute us ? they re so maany questions to ask but i donnt think that we can find answers for it
bbuut i reaallyyyyy lovve iit bbaeekkhyyun s fan forevver <3 <3 thnk u auther niim foor this ff
CandyLove996 #4
Chapter 4: author nim update please
Chapter 4: Hope you make a sequel on this story in the near future^^ I really want to see a Baekhyun Pov and all this thoughts >.<
Really love and enjoyed the story ^^ (x
bestie_luv_u #6
Chapter 4: The emotions are so intense I could feel it..
I, too want to know about Baekhyun's pov..
Chapter 4: T.T even by reading this my heart breaks.
Heart breaks because we hoped too much,
Heart breaks because we realized that we had treasured people more than ourselves. T.T
sukinee23 #8
Chapter 4: I hope you'd make a sequel or something coz I want to know baek's pov. It feels incomplete :(