
Why Do Hearts Break?
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It was one of those ordinary days again.

The coffee shop was either half-full or half-empty, depends on how you look at it. Just like water in a glass. It's up to you how you perceive it.

"Sehun, order at table 4," I called out. Sehun, the youngest crew member of the coffee shop, walked towards the cashier and got the tray from me. "Be sure to always tell the madame thank you."

Sehun smiled. "Yes, noona."

"Unnie?" Luna asked. She's also one of the crew members. She had this worried and anxious look on her face. "The guy at table 5..."

"What's with him?" I asked, at the same time peeking at the table she mentioned. And as soon as I saw him, I sighed. It was our 'regular' complainant. The guy would always come to the coffee shop and complain. Who knows why he even comes back.

I looked at Luna and smiled calmly. "Cover for me. I'll take care of him." She went around the cashier and replaced me while I walked away to face the notorious guy.

Being a manager, you always need to have understanding. Understand the customers that come to you because they came from different places and they are all different people, so the responses would alwasy be different. And patience, because if your response to their response isn't accepted as you think it will, you need to lengthen the fuse you have in your mind to be able to still talk calmly.

And that's what I do to this man.

He looks like he's only in his mid-30's. He doesn't look professional, nor does he look like a beggar. He just looks like any other customer you would always see in a coffee shop.

I went beside him table. "Good morning, sir. Is there any problem–"

"You people still have the nerve to ask me that?" he asked me incredulously. "You think it's funny how you always keep on making mistakes?"

"Sir, if you could just tell me what's wrong," I replied, still voiced calmly.

"What's wrong? What's wrong? Your coffee today ! It's so bitter! Do you want to kill me?"

"Sir, we will just have to replace your coffee then," I said with a smile. It wasn't a mocking smile, but it was an understanding smile. Probably, he was just grumpy from home, or from work. I don't know. But he's angry of something.

He exhaled sharply and shooed me away with his coffee. "I don't want your coffee anymore. Just bring me some latter."

I bowed. "Yes, sir." I took the cup with me and went back to the cashier.

"Are you alright, unnie?" Luna asked me as soon as I got back to my post.

I chuckled. "When was I never?"

She sighed. "I'm really so scared of that guy, unnie. Why does he always come here?"

I shrugged. "Who knows?"

"Believe me, unnie. He does."

"Maybe he like you, noona," Sehun suddenly chimed in, pertaining to Luna. "He seems to always look at you."

The three of us turned to the man, and sure enough, he was definitely looking straight at Luna, to which Luna suddenly shivered and turned away. 

"I hope he's not a maniac," she hissed.

"Oh, nonsense," I said. "You two get back to work while I get him a latte." The two scrambled away once more and I was alone at my post again. I made the man his latte, and after that, returned to him to give him his new menu. Fortunately for me, he didn't have any qualms about it anymore.

A few hours had passed. The number of people inside the coffee shop never faltered. It was always the same, either half-empty or half-full. 

But then again, it only looks the same.


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Chapter 4: Why baek whyyyy why there's no sequel whyy
9a9a_lve_daragon #2
Chapter 4: can you make a sequel for Baek's side of the story? this is so sad and a little depressing >_< i cried while reading the last two chapters WU~~ TT.TT
ichrak #3
Chapter 4: i reeaaly enjooyed it why do hearts break? really it s a good question why are we always alone is there anyone who cares aboute us ? they re so maany questions to ask but i donnt think that we can find answers for it
bbuut i reaallyyyyy lovve iit bbaeekkhyyun s fan forevver <3 <3 thnk u auther niim foor this ff
CandyLove996 #4
Chapter 4: author nim update please
Chapter 4: Hope you make a sequel on this story in the near future^^ I really want to see a Baekhyun Pov and all this thoughts >.<
Really love and enjoyed the story ^^ (x
bestie_luv_u #6
Chapter 4: The emotions are so intense I could feel it..
I, too want to know about Baekhyun's pov..
Chapter 4: T.T even by reading this my heart breaks.
Heart breaks because we hoped too much,
Heart breaks because we realized that we had treasured people more than ourselves. T.T
sukinee23 #8
Chapter 4: I hope you'd make a sequel or something coz I want to know baek's pov. It feels incomplete :(