New Decision

That Special Piano Piece


Chapter 8- The new decision


“About what?” I suddenly felt myself become stiff. I can’t talk to him now, it’s so weird


“The news, we have to announce it isn’t real” he stated. His voice sounded so serious.


“When do you plan on?” I was partly sad, I didn’t plan on this but still it made me a bit happy knowing people wouldn’t get mad if we were dating.


“Not sure yet, Soo Man still needs to talk to us about this”


“Did he say when?”


“Today. Lunch time. Noon. His office.” Wait this noon? But me and Taecyeon had something in plan.


“But, I have something to do”


“I know, that’s why he said, chose”




“Yeah, would you go on that date, or solve this stupid scandal of ours?” IT IS NOT STUPID


“Stupid? Do you really dislike me that much?” I was mad, I can’t hold it in anymore.


“You and I both know that this could never turn out great, none of us is getting to get benefited”


“I know that, but, I can’t just tell off Taecyeon” I mumbled. I saw a sudden flash of anger running through his eyes, but then hid it, like nothing.


“Then go to your date, I’ll tell everything that would happen on the meeting”


“Really?” I held your hand near my heart, as a sign of thankfulness but you hastily removed it, avoiding my gaze.


“Yeah, but keep your phone on if Mr. Soo Man would ask me questions about you, you could answer immediately”


“No problem” I gave him smile, and he simply, looked away.

My phone rang and as I opened it the number had no caller I.D




“Yoona?” a familiar manly voice answered me


“Yes, Taecyeon?” I asked him


“I wanted to tell you that I can’t join you for lunch today” wait what?




“Our manager suddenly arranged our schedule so I’ll be taping Win Win later” he replied


“Oh, that’s okay” I smiled slightly, was I happy that he cancelled the date?


“I’ll make it to you, I promise” he assured me


“No that’s ok oppa, it’s not your fault anyways”


“Thank you Yoona, oh, I need to go now, bye and sorry”


“It’s ok bye” I hanged the phone and smiled contented


“Change of plans” I smirked

Taemin P.O.V

“What do you plan on doing with these reports?” Mr. Soo Man as he slammed the papers on his desk


“I was actually trusting you, I didn’t think that you boys would try and make relationships at a very young age” he continued


“But sir, were not dating” I defended myself


“How am I suppose to believe you? Pictures don’t lie” he pointed at the news papers with us holding hands.


“Let me explain” I asked him


“Please do”


I told him everything from the dinner, to the park to the screaming lady.


“What are we going to do with these reporters they assume big things in very little subjects” he sighed and rubbed his temples


“We should just announce it’s fake. Tell the public the truth” I suggested. He opened his mouth to say something but then the door opened and someone stepped in.


“I’m sorry I’m late” Yoona bowed


“Taemin said you weren’t coming”


“Change of plans sir” she politely answered. He went silent for a while and looked at both of us. He smiled, a smile he does when he thinks of something.


“I know” we both looked at him, waiting for his answer


“You should fake it”


“Fake what sir?” Yoona asked


“You two look good together, you have chemistry. I want to see how the public would react if we would announce that this is true” WHAT!


“WHAT!?” we screamed in unison


“But sir” Yoona started


“No buts, I made my mind. I hope this would gather enough attention for both of your groups. SHINee still needs the publicity and wouldn’t their Sunbae’s help them out?” ah he’s good


“Yes” she answered in a low tone


“We’ll call a conference and see how it goes. Now you can both go, I still need to think of your newest concepts” he waved his hands on the air signaling for us to leave.


We both bowed and left the office.

Yoona P.O.V


“Are you fine with this?”he asked as we sat on the cafeteria.


“No” I lied. Of course I’m fine with it, even if its only fake, I can still pretend he’s mine.


“I’m sorry, I should’ve been more careful” he looked down


“No it’s not your fault, it was mine. I held you hand and we got caught because of it”


“No noona, it’s mine”


“Look forget it, we can’t go back in the past, so let’s just work this out” he nodded.


“Hey Yoong” he called out to me




“Let’s make it work” he smiled at me and it made me blush. I nodded my head and signaled ‘fighting’. All I could hope was for the press conference to go smoothly, but when will it be held?




HELLOOO its been a while since i updated. Well after days of staring at my story thinking on what to write next i came up with this. Pls comment to inspire me heheeh

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100Yena100 #1
Chapter 18: Taemyoon forever luv this story =^3^=
TaemYoon<3<3 update fast pleasee^^
love your fanfic:)
gnsforever #3
Chapter 18: TaemnYoon!~ Updateee sooon please~
Chapter 18: OMG please update.. <3
TaemYoon have to be together ^^
great fanfic!!
Chapter 18: I loveee Taemin & Yoona~ great job! (:
SNSD1203 #6
Chapter 17: Lalalalalal~~~~~~ sequel!!
Update again PLEAAAAAASE!!!! >w<
Awww~ please please please update soon~ >3<
omo!!!!!!!!!!!!! taemin is soooooooooooo swetttttttttttt promise!!!!!!!!!! update soon pls...
waaaah!!! so nice ... taemin is so cute ... jajaja <3