Melting A Frozen Heart
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1: 52 am. It was already late. Eunhee kept on pacing back and fort in her office. She couldn’t concentrate on her work. She obviously was thinking about what happened earlier that day.


“Please welcome my oldest son, Kris Wu.” Mr. Wu, the current CEO of Wu holdings said. The tall guy opened the door and entered the conference room.

‘.’ Too late, Eunhee has already thrown her right shoe at the oldest son of Mr. Wu. Bullseye, right at the back of the head of Kris. Everybody stopped and looked at Eunhee.

‘Why did I have to hit my boss’ oldest son? Right on the back of his head! .’

Eunhee embarrassedly got in the conference room. She was about to pick up her right shoe when Kris beat her to it. Kris took the shoe and smiled at her. He leaned forward to her face, lips were just a few centimeters apart.

“Next time, you better know who your gonna hit first.” He whispered cunningly at her and smirked while giving her right shoe to her. “Thank you dad for all of this. Calling out department head and major shareholders, I feel really honored.”

Eunhee gritted her teeth and slowly made her way next to the head of the department of human resources. She took a deep breath and released it. ‘Eunhee, chill. Just cool things down. You haven’t done anything wrong. You just merely hit him… Kris Wu… the oldest son of your boss… at the back of his head… Oh . It felt good hitting someone.’ She thought and smiled to herself. For the first time that day, she smiled just at the thought of hitting someone. Sadistic perhaps? No. She needed to get her head straight and that little act of hers did the magic in her. She coyly brought her face up only to find Kris looking at her at the other side of the room. Kris looked at her and mouthed, ‘I owe an apology miss.’ She only rolled her eyes on him.

“OMG! Eunhee! How could you hit him?!” Im Catie spat at her. Catie was the head of the human resource department. You could say they were friends but not to close.  Eunhee looked at her and shrugged.  She didn’t want to start a conversation now. She was too preoccupied. She continued to look at Kris, out of curiosity. She never thought that Mr. Wu had a son, let alone children. She was deep in thought and she didn’t realize Kris was headed her way.

“Hey you.” Kris said breaking her chained thoughts. Eunhee blinked and looked at him.

“What do you want?” she said while squinting her eyes at him.

“Hi. Mr. Kris. I am Im Catie, the head of the human resources department. Please take care of us.” Catie said to Kris while extending her hand for a handshake. Kris merely nodded and didn’t even look at Catie who was introducing her self. Eunhee rolled her eyes at her. She was irritated at Catie.

“I see you have met Suzuki Eunhee, Kris. She is our head of the financing and auditing department. How’s the monthly report Ms. Suzuki?” Mr. Wu said patting Kris’ shoulder. Eunhee smiled at Mr. Wu.

“Aigoo Mr. Wu. I didn’t know you had a son, who shoves people around and calls a woman a .” She smiled innocently and took a glimpse at Kris from time to time. “Well the monthly report is going well. I’ll be sending the report to your office on Friday.”

“Well done, Ms. Suzuki, as expected from a successful CPA and CIA.” Mr. Wu said to Eunhee then looked at Kris. “Son, I didn’t know you called Ms. Suzuki a , more to it you shoved a lady to clear your way. Is that why she hit you with her right shoe a few minutes ago?”

Kris wrapped his arms around Eunhee, looked at her and said, “Of course not appa! Why would I call this lovely lady a , she must have misheard me and I didn’t shove her away, I simply asked her to move out of my way because I was going to be late for this meeting.” Eunhee looked at him.

‘Unbelievable!’  she thought while looking at him with wide eyes.

“I see. I guess I’ll take my leave now. Eunhee please guide my son while he will be working at the financing and auditing department. He will be starting tomorrow.” Mr. Wu said and walked out of the door, probably headed to his office. He was a busy man after all. Eunhee spank Kris’ arms as to detach his arm on her. Kris eyes widened.

“Ouch! Why’d you hit me?! That’s the second time this today!” Kris cried while touching the area that has been hit. Eunhee raised his hand as an attempt to hit him again but Kris backed away quickly. “Okay. Okay. I won’t touch you again.”

Eunhee smiled innocently at him. “Ciao” she said leaving Catie and Kris alone. She headed back to her department.

End of flashback

‘.’ she thought for the millionth time that ni

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Nice story you got here :D
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