
Renko, Sleep Demon

Hi! Hehe.. Sorry for the bad spelling, I use an Ipad to make the stories and I try to make them more long but my mind isn't working well so I don't have to much time to write cool chapters as I used to.. Really sorry

And keep reading, Thanks!!


[Baekhyun's POV]
-No,no,no... We are late.. Really late!- I say running with all my streng
-Wait.. Waht I am supposed to do?!- Renko say in panic mode
-Well.. You and me will have to enter from the back, without my mom to see us..-
We were running like if there were no tomorrow.. I totally forgot that my mom will be in home, and talking with Kan take all my time..
The backyard was closed and the electrified fence was on..
-Well.. We will just have to enter from the front door..-
I have no keys so I had to ring the bell.. The stupid bell.. God damn it!
(T ^ T)
The door opened slowly and there was...
There was...
My sister...
Holding her bear and a glass of milk -Bacon! You are here-
(♯`∧´)-Don't you dare calling me like that!-
We enter..
-Hahaha... Bacon..- Renko say trying not to laught
[Baekhyun's Mother POV]
Coming to home.. I recived a call that was from the hospital..
My turn was over and this was an emergency..
-Sorry.. Honey, I will come late to home..- I say
-Ok.. Mom, bye- 
I closed the call..
-To much work, isn't it?- The taxi driver asked me
-Yes, and my two children will stay until night without eating since I thought I will be there at night-
-Oh, I imagine that..- *puts a disturbing smile viewed from the rear view mirror*
I get to the hospital again.. And there was many nurses and doctors serving only one patient..
I approached to one of my friends there..
-Hey, What happend?- I asked
-Well.. I really don't know eather.. Anyways, you should go to.. They need you-
I walked to the emergency's room... And put the gloves, the mask, the glasses and a robe..
-Oh.. You are here..- The doctor say -Come here, we need you to do something..
I looked to the patient..
Huge and black like spines were crossing throught his skin.. And even thought, he was still alive.. One specially on his arm was tearing it apart, and the little ones were causing a reaction because little purple veins were seen around these..
They were trying to take those things out, but there were so many.. And the man just start laughing like if he was possessed..
I really start thinking if he would survive after the surgery, because his body was with too many injuries it was almost impossible to be alive .. but, What exactly happend to him?


[Sister's POV]
They enter the house...
-And my mom?- My brother ask
-Well.. She have to go to the hospital again..-
-Oh.. And did she saw my bag outside?-
-No, I took to your room..-
-Oh..- He hug me (^ν^)-Thank you, Thank you, thank you..!-
-And who is she?- I ask looking at the girl behind us
-Oh.. She is Renko-
-Hi~-She replied
-Hi.. Nice to meet you, please take care of my brother!-
-Wait! We are not that!?-(♯`∧´)
After a few minutes, they went to Baekhyun's room.. And because I am so curious I try to hear what they were talking...
-Why Chanyeol is one of thise things..?- Baek said
-You know.. People aren't exactly what they look..- She replied
-But.. He was one of my best friends with Sooyung and Yuri..- He was going to cry
-Don't worry.. Seohyun will help us..-
-And what about them..?I don't want to everyone to die... And it is because of me- 
-No, this isn't all your fault...-
-Then.. Whos fault is it?-
Sometimes when I hear someone talking I usually don't understand.. But this was interesting, who exactly was her and what are they talking about?
-Now, you should look over your sister.. As Kan say, the door of hell is open as I thought.. And many fallen angels will come here, not only for you... So you should look after you friends and family..-
-I will go with Seohyun.. Tomorrow morning we start working..-
He keep silence. Working? My brother working?.. Whaaat..


[Retrospective History Kan's POV]

-The thing is that.. You both are right now on the limbo. That means, Baekhyun.. You have something like a string that holds you between these worlds-

-What's that supposed to mean? - Baekhyun asked
-Let's say that, if this imaginarie string breaks, you will dissapear from this world, but this string makes you change since you are on the edge of death..- I looked at the ground -Only a ghoul of one eye will know..-
-Wait.. There are more like him..?- Renko replied
-Yes, but there are just a few.. So I don't know were to find them- I looked at her - And you.. There is something that makes you came back to life, lets say that. But I don't what exactly.. Even thought, your transformation will not be so painfull physically, but psycologic is another story..
We need you.. I need you both. You know if ghouls don't do something.. The earth will turn into a living hell, because the door of hell is open, and the angels can't help us in this situation because this is a prophecy that will kill everyone.. As God wanted..
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Kimjinchan #1
Chapter 2: I want next chapie><update soon i will wait author nim gud job