First End

Renko, Sleep Demon

[Dan's POV]


Day 1 - 
My mom is in the hospital because she will have a baby. 
I would want to make something to eat for her content. 
My friend told me that cooking was for girls. 

Day 2 - 
Today I made a soup of meat and vegtables for my mom. 
It was hard work but I did fondly. 
I went to the hospital and gave it to my mom. 
Mom was very happy and told me that tasteded delicious.
I asked if the baby could eat too. 
She said yes, when she grew up. 
Now I want my sister to eat my soup. 

Day 3 - 
My mom left the hospital with my sister. 
Her name is Kaori and is very pretty. 
I wanted to play with Kaori and my mom wouldn't let me. 
Shee told me to go to my room. 
I felt very sad. 

Day 4 - 
Today my Dad came home early. 
I wanted to play with him but he was with Kaori. 
He told me to go to my room to play. 
I felt very sad. 

Day 5 - 
Today my grandparents came. 
I was very happy because my grandparents always play with me. 
I went with my grandmother to read me a story, but she told me to go to my room. 
My grandmother and my grandfather and my parents were all the time with Kaori. 
All the time the were hugging Kaori. 
My mom said "Kaori is so beautiful it makes me want to eat her" 
And my daddy said "you're right, it's so beautiful it makes you want to eat her with kisses." 

Day 6 - 
Today I made the soup of meat and vegetables for my parents. 
I cut the vegetables very well, but the meat cost me a lot of work to do it bits. 
It left a lot of blood and the meat was so soft. 
My parents came but they were crying and screaming a lot. 
Kaori! Kaori! 
My parents are looking for Kaori. 

Did you see Kaori? She is so nice that all you want to eat her.


-That is an example of insanity..- I say

-But this is a online storie... It probably will be invented by someone- Baelhyun replied

-Even if you don't belive me, all the stories that are invented or real have feelings of the person who wrote or told it-

-Emotions make stories real.. Ghost, demons and fallen angels use people's feelings to make them strong and imagination + emotions created something that is known as "monsters" - Renko said

-Wait?!.. Do you mean that everyone's fears are real...?!- Baekhyun said in shock

-Yes, that's a simple way to put it..- Renko respond him

-Your friend.. Is releasing many feelings and that is why there are many jujeongs* following her... feelings draws them.- I explained

-Wow... So complicated..- Baekhyun said

-Just for you... Anyways, Thanks Dan..- Renko said

-How can a cat speak?-

-...... Really?..... Just go and save your friend from the jujeongs, ok.-



[Baekhyun's POV]


We went running, my mom didn't noticed because she still was talking on the phone and I told my sister that I forgot something so I can go with only Renko, Dan is just a scary cat so he stay in my room.

If we don't hurry up she will end committing suicide and I won't let that happend... Never



We enter in the house, there were several people outside the house... Her mom was crying. 


-Come on, lets enter..!- I say to Renko

-Sure.- She nodded


We enter even if some of the people tried to don't let us enter but we made it... An in a few minutes we were infront of Sooyoung's room, for some reason I felt cold in all my body..


-Can you enter?- I asked Renko

-Maybe.. But only through the door-

-Ok. Then lets enter..-


I open the door by force because it was locked from inside. When we entered we saw that the room was totaly dark,  but you can still see those white eyes looking right at you.. We approached Sooyoung. There were three ghost, only childs. 


-Sooyoung.. We are here.. We came for you, everything is going to be alright. You don't have to worry.- I say

-Get out.... Get out...- a whisper came from

-No. I won't anything happend to you.. Understand?-


She looked at me.....


-B-Baekhyun... You came for me....- She say

-Yes, I am here. You only have to take my hand, ok?-

-Ok.- she smiled like always


[Renko's POV]


I was only there watching.... What happend before? It is like I turn into human again but that's impossible, or this isn't a ghost is a fallen angel....


When I say that... A starnge feeling came to me. If it is a fallen angel... 


-No... Baekhyun.. Wait!- I scream but it was to late. the kids were angry..... They took Sooyoung one in one hand and the others pulling her....


-What are they going to do?- I asked myself


Before I realize it Sooyoung was in her backyard were there is an old tree....


-What happend?- Baekhyun asked me

-They are angry.....- I respond him -You won't like to see what is going to happen right now..-


He looked at me and run to the window were they get out Sooyoung...


I heard the screams. No, everyone heard the screams of the girl....


jujeong: 주정/ spirits

Means the people who died and are trapped in the earth to resolve outstanding things in their lives

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Kimjinchan #1
Chapter 2: I want next chapie><update soon i will wait author nim gud job