

"Where's my ing food??! Huh?!?" Mr. Park bellowed as he drunkenly entered the house. On his arm was a beautiful, modelesque woman who he seemed to have picked up at a bar. Mrs. Park rushed out of the kitchen and was heartbroken when she saw her husband bringing a into their house. Instead of crying, she bottled her tears and fought him with words.

"Who is this ?! Why are you bringing her in here?!?!" she screamed. Mr. Park was drunk and angry, shoved her away with his free hand. His mistress looked on with a dirty smirk on her face, as if saying that his wife deserved it. Mrs. Park fell on the floor and as if the strike wasn't enough, Mr. Park kicked her side and kept her on the floor. He plopped on the sofa with his mistress where they began making love. Mrs. Park watched in horror and cried. She couldn't take it anymore. 

Oh you see that skin

It's the same she's been standing in

10 year old Park Bom was at the staircase watching this abusive scene unfold before her young eyes, too much for her young mind to comprehend. Fearful, she dashed back up to her room and locked herself in, crying. 

Later that night, Bom wasn't able to sleep. She just stared emptily at the wall. Mrs. Park had sent her husband and his mistress away, the two left for a motel. 

Mrs. Park noticed that the door her daughter normally kept open was closed and locked tight. She knocked on the door, hoping that her daughter would open it.  Luckily, she did.

"What's wrong, honey? Are you okay?" she asked, seeing her daughter's eyes red and watery from crying. Mrs. Park knew what this was. She must've seen what had transpired in the living room earlier that evening. 

"Mommy, why does daddy have another girl? Aren't you my mommy and his wife?" Bom asked. Mrs. Park's eyes welled up in tears for she knew not how to explain the situation to her innocent daughter. 

"I cannot explain it to you now, sweetie. It's adult stuff. It's best you go to sleep now and don't think about it first, okay?" Mrs. Park knelt down and kissed her daughter on the forehead. Bom was dissatisfied without an answer and just defeteadly went back to bed. 

Since the day she saw him walking away

Now she's left, cleaning up the mess he made

Mrs. Park never explained to Bom what happened between her and her father, neither did her father ever return to their home. Bom grew into a woman moulded solely by her mother. Sheltered and overprotected, Bom was an academically brillant but emotionally stunted lady. Mrs. Park frequently wanred Bom about the evils of men and preached to her daughter to turn down every suitor that came her way. Eventually Bom grew into a man-hating, man-fearing girl who believed that all men were like her father. 

Until she met TOP, later in her twenties. 


So fathers be good to your daughters

Dauhgters will love like you do

Girls become lovers

Who turn into mothers

So mothers be good to your daughters too.


TOP stared at his girlfriend who was crying. Sh ewasn't sobbing nor weeping but had tears calmly rolling down her face. Now he understood why she behaved the way she did. Her father, the first man in her life, never loved nor respected her. He had the gall to bring another woman and her in their home, in front of her mother and her. TOP had a lot of respect for women, grorwing up in a house full of love and respect. He knew better than to play around with women and their emotions, so he was sure that he would never cheat on Bom.. But he understood why she thought and saw things that way. 

"I'm very sorry to hear that, babe." TOP said. He looked at Bom, seemingly whole but broken and beaten deep down inside. He inched closer to her and embraced her tightly, never wanting to let her go.

Boys you can break

You find out how much they can take

Boys will be strong

Boys soldier on

But boys will be gone without warmth from a woman's 

Good, good heart.

"Baby, I know this sounds clingy but please prove me wrong. Prove my mother wrong. Prove my father wrong. Don't leave me the way he did. I don't want to hurt anymore, TOP." Bom cried on his shoulder. TOP held her even tighter, his warmmth enshrouding her, melting away all the vulnerability that was around her earlier.

"I will never leave you, baby. You know that. Put your doubts at ease, babe. I will never be like your father. After what you told me, I love you even more. I am not like other guys, Bom. I won't leave you. You'll never hear that word again." 

TOP meant goodbye.

On behalf of every man 

Looking out for every girl

You are the god and the weight of her world


This brought the two even closer. TOP tried his best to understand her and be sensitive to her needs every step of the way. Her honesty and innocence made TOP love and care for her even more, he assured her everyday that he would never leave her would never treat her the way her father did.

A promise that TOP never broke.

So fathers be good to your daughters

Daughters will love like you do

Girls become lovers

Who turn into mothers

So mothers be good to your daughters, too. 




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