Daddy's little one

His Baby Girl

Grabbing the television remote in glee, she squealed and ran to the couch, where her phoenix plushie and her father sat with a huge smile decorating his face. He scooped the 3-years-old up and gave her a tight squeeze before placing her on his lap. Jaehwa wrapped her arms around the Chanyeol’s chest, although her chubby arms were too short to wrap around fully, giving him a smile that could be compared to the older man’s. 

“Appa,” She bounced on his lap. “Play it!!” Chanyeol chuckled and pecked her button nose. Switching the television on, Chanyeol played the recorded show as the girl got off his lap, settling beside him while she grabbed her phoenix plushie, hugging it. The familiar song starting the show was played and Chanyeol eyed his daughter while she stood up, jumping on the couch as she sang along.

“Eureurong!!” She swing her arm up and down and waddled along to the beats. At the moment, Chanyeol was trying his best not to squeal and tackled the 3-years-old down as he peppered her with little kisses but nope. He would not do it because he is a man and as a man, he wasn’t going to cry. Yes, he doesn’t do ‘squealing’. Settling for hugging the girl tightly and a kiss to her cheek, Chanyeol laughed and pulled her back on to his lap because he could never get enough of his baby girl.

Christmas lights filled the television screen as the episode 4 of EXO ‘Showtime’ played. Jaehwa giggled and eyed her father, pointing at the screen when the 12 members of EXO were sitting on couches, clapping and cheering for the opening. 

"Uncle Yixing!!" She said when the camera zoomed in on Yixing. 

"What about appa?" Chanyeol asked.

"No have." She said, after studying the television screen. 

"I'm just right there, baby!!" Chanyeol pointed at himself in the video. Jaehwa giggled. 


"Can't believe you missed me, little kiddo." Chanyeol said. "Do you like Uncle Yixing more than me?"

"Uncle Yixing." Jaehwa said. Chanyeol stared at her, shocked, as she gave him a mischievous smile. 

"Really, baby girl? You like Uncle Yixing more?" Receiving laughter as a reply, Chanyeol set her down on the couch and lifted her shirt up, blowing raspberries on her tummy. The girl burst out laughing and waved her limbs all around, trying to get her father to stop. 

"I'll ask you one more time. Uncle Yixing or appa?" He joked. Jaehwa brought a finger to and watched her father. 

"Appa." Finally getting the answer he wanted, Chanyeol lifted the girl back on to his lap and pressed a kiss on her forehead. 

"Of course you love appa more." Chanyeol placed the fallen phoenix back into her arms and studied her features while she continued to watch the show. Her sparkling doe eyes was definitely something inherited from him and Chanyeol was glad that she got his eyes instead of his ears. His baby girl inherited small and cute ears from her mother and Chanyeol wasn't afraid to say that he has an ear obsession, well his daughter's ears. He could remember clearly three years ago, he was at fan sign event when he received a call from his mother-in-law, saying that his wife was in the hospital, in labour. He remembered rushing to the hospital, reaching just in time before his wife was sent into the labour room and Chanyeol was relieved that he was there because if he had missed the birth of his baby girl, he might just hate himself for the rest of his life. From the moment she was born, Chanyeol just knew that she was a Daddy's girl and he was right. Even though, sometimes she may waver a little and like something else more than him (Like the cursed purple dinosaur that speaks in a creepy voice. Barley? Barney? Chanyeol doesn't know and he doesn't care.), he would still give his all to his baby girl. Even as she grows up and prefer other men, Chanyeol will always be behind her with his arms opened, always loving her. He would support her in whatever decisions she make, even if it takes his life. He would love her with all his might and if any guy dared to break her heart, Chanyeol will make sure that the guy wouldn't live to see the next day. 

"Appa!!" Her sweet voice broke his chain of thoughts and Chanyeol quickly blinked back the tears that had welled up in his eyes. 

"Yes, baby?" Jaehwa pointed at the television screen and Chanyeol followed her finger. Joonmyun and Jongin were arm-wrestling and fond memories of EXO filming this part came rushing back to him. A smile played on his lips. 

"Appa!!" She called. "Can we play that?" Chanyeol's eyebrow rose and he eyed her in amusement. At the age of 3, she was curious of everything and wanted to do everything. 

"You want to be like Uncle Joonmyun and Uncle Jongin?" He asked. The girl quickly nodded and Chanyeol smiled. 

"Alright!!" Jaehwa let out a squeal and Chanyeol couldn't help but to laugh. He helped Jaehwa off the couch and he sat down beside the coffee table. Watching her father position his arm on the table, Jaehwa did the same. She peeked at the television, trying to get an idea of arm-wrestling before moving her attention back to her father, slipping her hand into her father's, like how Uncle Joonmyun did to Uncle Jongin. 

Chanyeol watched his daughter's eyes darted from the television screen and back to him. The sight of her being confused was so cute. He was amazed when his daughter slipped her hand into his. He was amazed at how small her hand was. He never knew it was this small but yet again, it was bigger than it was 3 years ago. His daughter grew so much and soon, she was going to be a young lady, busy with life. This was why he was going treasure every moment he had with her. 

"Are you ready, baby?" He asked, peering at her. Giving him a bright smile, she nodded. 

"Start on 3, alright? Push my hand and appa will push yours. Whoever's hand touching the table first loses, okay?" Chanyeol instructed. "Alright, let's start. 1, 2, 3!!" On 3, Jaehwa started pushing with her might but of course, Chanyeol's arm wouldn't budge. Her tongue was caught in between her lips as she made grunting sounds which Chanyeol found it cute. At that moment, Chanyeol suddenly felt like any other fathers in the world. He thought of his baby being sad if she couldn't move his arm. He thought of the smile she would have for the rest of the day if she won and like any other fathers, Chanyeol felt the need to lose to his baby girl. He didn't mind losing to a 3 years old. Nope, he doesn't. Besides, it wasn't any other 3 years old. It was his baby girl. 

Whining in forged pain, Chanyeol moved his arm and allow it to go limb as his baby girl pushed it to the table. Her small face lit up in delight as she jumped up and down, happy that she won her father. Chanyeol couldn't help but to smile too. It may be something small to others, losing to a 3 years old but to Park Chanyeol, it was everything.

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20/4/14: Decided to add more chapters xD Daddy!Chanyeol FTW ;)


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Chapter 3: aww..the cute little interactions between daddy chanyeol and his baby girl is too much for my heart... :) awww...
Chapter 2: Ahhh cute
Chapter 2: Awwwh this is so cuuute, i can imagine chanyeol being wrapped in his baby girl's little finger haha
Chapter 2: Its so cute,make me melting with their cuteness..daebak author-nim
kevingalaxy #5
Chapter 3: AHH, this is so cuteee! *squeling* hahahaha. ahh, channiee sooo cuttteeee and sweeet.
Chapter 3: Eh typo I want to say nomu
Chapter 3: Uuuu nominated kyeoptaa ngee
lovestory123 #8
Chapter 2: Aw~ I want to marry Park Chanyeol NOW!
kpop2000 #9
Chapter 2: This is soo cute!
_jeonchi #10
Chapter 2: Omg Chanyeol really is a perfect daddy material